Reported User(s): Brikaas

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:50467381

Date & Time (GMT): 2/1/21 @ 2:44 GMT

Summary of the incident
I joined the SWAT Team during a time of MassRDM on the server. People randomly shot me, I shot back. One guy was about to be arrested, then another guy came and tried to escape with him by taking his body. Once I got that guy, I arrested him with the reason "Was trying to free an arrested guy". What happens afterwards? I get demoted for the reason "False arresting...". This was my first arrest and was completely valid. Seems like the reasoning to demote me was completely made up.

[Image: LeJ8J6R.png][Image: hJIRiTT.png]
Just one question...
Is there any proof that I demoted you?

Last time I checked, Police isnt even able to demote SWAT's
You might wanna check your facts and look into the President and or Vice President at that time.
nemt (STEAM_0:1:42859135) @nemt told me that you demoted me. The admins can check the logs if they want to, I had a reason to think its you, even though its just a random guy telling me, how should I know otherwise? It doesnt tell me who demoted me in the console or anything.
User has been warned for this post. Reason: Other 3 Points
This is now under review. This shouldn’t take longer than 10 minutes.
[Image: WbmV7IO.mp4]
As I can see, it was @nemt who demoted you.

2021-01-02 02:43:29 nemt Command /demote 1064 False arresting, been reported loads of time by goverment workers

[Image: WbmV7IO.mp4]

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