Reported User(s): Clash

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:79245098

Date & Time (GMT): 6/9/20 @ unknw GMT

Summary of the incident
player targeting, Abuse of job, abuse of handcuffs,
abusing animation so its harder to shoot him
Obviouse not here to RP only troll

tried to tell him about the animation, and as result he tries to arrest me. he had handcuffs out so i desided to shoot him. he swiched almost at same time to tazer

after that he's unhandcuffing the person im dealing with and continue's to do so

I believe I saw that person breaking the law about 20 seconds before and was going to question them but they ran away so I arrested them. Then, I go to ticket you for jaywalking and interfering with my investigation after I have dealt with that guy. You then refuse my demands under taser point and bring out a gun under taser point and start shooting me, I shoot back and kill you. I was unhandcuffing the other guy as you were false arresting him for something that is more of a staff member issue and didn't want you to get banned for backseat administration. Also, you or someone else opened fire on me for no reason even though there is no excuse for teamkilling but I will let it slide.

I am sorry if you didn't have the best experience with my roleplay, I will consider next time to not roleplay close to you if you feel that it breaks the immersion of the roleplay.
Hey Omega, thanks for posting a player report.

I reviewed the video but I don't see any rule-breaking that warrants harsh punishment.
Since it is hard to differentiate what weapon Bobby is holding and when due to the animation I will disregard
what looks like a minor case of fearRP from the accuser.

That being said, the manner that you, Bobby is running around looping the laugh
animation is clear FailRP and something I would not expect to see from someone with 1650 hours.

Consider this your warning.

Best regards,

We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.

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