Reported User(s): Qannter

Reported User's SteamID: irrelevant

Date & Time (GMT): 6/8/20 @ 18:00 GMT

Summary of the incident
Qannter used the word "Nibba" which is slang for the N-Word. The forums should not accept offensive words like this that are racist. This word, no matter the loophole, evokes strong feelings. Its highly offensive to a black person and should not be used as a joke and/or casually by white people like Qannter.
"Nibba is primarily used by white people online to avoid getting in trouble for using ***. It is nevertheless still considered offensive."

[Image: Screenshot.jpg]

[Image: pn22mQG.jpg]
from "You Smile"

Why do you have my pic on this tread? You weirdo.
[Image: giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e478qvet041bx7vkursmf...y.gif&ct=g]
One such a thing has been relevant as to that thee're contained within not. This said entity of the extremely offensive and, to boot, hurtful.
Discussed and agreed punishment given stated below.
Approved, user warned.

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