Ban Request- Basta
My Username: Nevinator8

User requesting to get banned: Basta

Users Steamid: Not sure, only thing that came up was this

Have to be a friend to see it though.


User shot/killed me in car for speeding. Claiming i broke fearrp, when i clearly had a car inbetween me and him.

User also broke NLR, when i was walking in the city and he claimed i stole a car and he just got out, tazed me, and arrested me.

I also went to hide in nexus fountain, he comes and sees me, i run outside, he chases me out, i pull my ak47 out, take him out, and proceed to attempt a raid on the Nexus, whilst he spawns and kills me, and i lose my AK47.

Also he was swearing alot to me, included in demos and maybe screens

So he has broke NLR a few times, and i disliked loosing my weapon for "speeding" apparently.

He also threatened to arrest me for an OOC conversation. I think thats not allowed



I offered you an M4A1, and yeah, the laws was following by the president: All people entering nexus has to be cuffed for security reasons, if they resist then taze.
I was following the law, and yes, you stole a car right infront of my eyes, so i was looking for you, then i found you and tazed + arrest.
- I also went to hide in nexus fountain, he comes and sees me, i run outside, he chases me out, i pull my ak47 out, take him out, and proceed to attempt a raid on the Nexus, whilst he spawns and kills me, and i lose my AK47."
Yeah, you wanted troubles, so you kept coming back and being a minge. And I wasn't breaking NLR because when I spawned, I saw you with an AK-47. So I couldn't just ignore that. That would be to much fail... You knew the laws.
Yeah I came back after a while, spoke in OOC reasons and confronted you. You saw in chat I wasn't there for rp reasons as I was talking in local OOC and yet you handcuffed me.

As provided in the demos, you mistook me for someone else who stole a car, as that was someone else in a suit. Also it's FailRp just assuming I was the person because we had the same player model. So yeah.

And yes I killed you, you respawned in the nexus and killed me, therefore breaking NLR. You are supposed to leave/ignore me, not shoot me.

Can't see any bad rulebreaks, could you upload the demos to Youtube please, I won't download them.
Dare to think!
If they demos are like the screenshots we deny this one. as Nudelholz said; please upload them to YouTube, we won't download them.
***Ban request denied***

Request reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Insufficient evidence of any rules being violated by accused player.
Please note, Upload to YouTube or an Image Host.

Community Relations Team
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