Reported User(s): Turtle

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:81614602

Date & Time (GMT): 13/8/19 @ 7:40 GMT

Summary of the incident
7.3 You must roleplay as your defined group in a realistic manner (i.e. the rebels may only use cheap items).
He is using a Tesla Model S, as rebel leader, he is also wearing some pretty expensive clothes. He also committed this "raid" in public.

(Sorry about my friends voices in the background.) 

Hi there. Fair enough on the Model S thing, didn't give that enough thought to be honest. Slav outfit is not failRP as a rebel, however.

Also you had banned rebels from the city and changing the rule as I pull up does not grant you immunity to raid. Doesn't matter if you're standing in front of the Nexus or not, I can hold you up and make demands. I was pretty lenient on you considering I could have killed you on the spot for it.
Thank you for your time! If you have any questions or require further explaination please message me on the forums, or for a quicker response add me on steam here:

It's clear that a rebel should not own a Tesla. Apart from that, everything else seems valid to me. A small blacklist will be applied.

Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]

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