[FL:RP] Dimitris
Steam Name: [FL:RP] Dimitris

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:127839448

BanID: 82421

Ban Reason
[FL:T] Ranger - extended by [FL] Awestruck

Staff Member: ‘Random Raiding and NLR’

Involved users
Grape, JoshZ, Ranger and myself.

Why should you be unbanned?

Good afternoon, I’d like to open this UBR by saying thank you for taking the time to deal with this unfortunate mishap of a situation.

I was issued a suspension from Fearless for ‘randomly’ raiding which is frankly not the case, the defenders had pots and were growing weed which was my reason for raiding before the raid even initiated and therefore the raid was valid. The only other ban reason that remains is the ‘NLR’ situation which would have applied as an excuse to suspend me if I had broken NLR. The situation is as follows: in a past life, I placed pots for the defenders so they could grow weed - I then later died twice (in different situations unrelated to this case). This is where this situation can be easily looked over and misunderstood.

May I add that I understood I was on last chance at the time, there were roughly six members of staff online, if I am not mistaken, and I raided a group of people who are affiliated with members of staff; I would never be so stupid to even think about breaking the rules and I’m quite frankly upset that I have been put into this mess. I am proud to say that ever since I returned from my previous ban that I have matured greatly and treated the rules and members of the community fairly, to which I hope you agree with.

To continue, during the life of which my character was involved with this situation, I entered the property and witnessed what I suspected a criminal group growing weed whilst I was also a member of another criminal group. The property at the time had no occupants inside it which would have been a good time to steal the pots, which I intended to do, however, had no backup or vehicle to do so safely. I did not use knowledge of my past life to understand the fact that I could raid, as that would be an infringement of NLR.

As for the sit, I admitted the information above as my reason for raiding which is the truth, however Ranger believed that he was inside the property the entire time, phased, and therefore believed I was also lying, as if he didn’t it would have been understood there and then that I had not broken a rule. May I say that Ranger acted professionally during this situation, he was just doing his job and followed what he believed to be the truth which I respect. However, I have not lied at one point and not only did I raid validly, which is obvious, but not once broke NLR as I re-entered the property and witnessed the weed, thus providing me with an incentive to raid.
Hello Dimitris, first of all I would like to say to your credit I believe that you have matured over the duration of your previous ban. 

Just before the raid was initiated by yourself, Grape and Jack, Josh had brought to Panda's and I attention that you maybe raid baiting, as you where standing around his base non-stop, and spamming his door. Both Panda and I told Josh that we would wait and see if you would actually raid, you initiated the raid by throwing a molotov, at this point I brought you all up on the roof. The first and only reason that you all gave was that you had placed pots for Josh previously. I allowed the raid to continue, whilst I checked the validity of this reason. However after checking logs I had noticed that you had died after placing pots for Josh. (And you admitted this yourself).

At no point did you give any other reason for the raid. It was only after the fact that you discord messaged me giving a secondary reason for the raid. I also see no evidence of you actually seeing the pots before the raid other than you telling me this through discord messages. As I was around/inside of the base for the majority of the time I spent on the server that day, I did not see anyone apart from myself, Josh and Flame enter/leave the base.
Hello Ranger,

Firstly, I would like to thank you for the quick reply. In your reply, you mentioned that Josh brought to your attention that we might have been raid baiting which was not the case. As mentioned in my previous post I was already aware that Josh and the rest of his team were growing weed inside as I had walked in there when they had gone away from their base so I already had a reason to raid them. After walking in there I decided to then leave and return later with some backup and a truck so we could take away the pots. The reason we had been knocking on their door was to see if they were inside or not and the reason we had been standing outside for some time was that we were waiting on Jack to bring the truck.

Another thing you mentioned in your reply was that the raid was initiated by myself which once again is not the case. The raid was actually initiated by Grape as he was the one to shoot down the door. Not that it makes much difference as I was still the one to provide them with the information of growing weed inside the base, but still I was not the one to initiate the raid.

Now lastly you also said that at no point in the sit did I mention any other reason for raiding which if I am being honest is far from the truth. Both me and Grape mentioned multiple times that I had walked inside their property hence I knew they were in possession of pots with growing weed inside them. I am pretty confident that all of the involved users could back me up on that statement. I do however understand that in an admin sit with so many people involved things could have easily been misunderstood.

Thank you and have a great day!
As a member of the community that was first-handedly involved with this situation (both the raid and the sit) I feel inclined to inform the members of staff reading this reply that Dimitris’ statements are true to the full extent, having being a witness to this unfortunate situation.

Having the amount of hours I have, experience in this field of roleplay, and having being a member of staff who understand the rules to its full extent, I can say that no raid-baiting took place. Myself and Dimitris attempted to see if anyone was inside so we could safely take the pots of weed of which Dimitris witnessed growing when he was previously in the base. As we initiated the raid, it was then when it turned out that armed people were inside and therefore opened fire second to them and threw molotovs with the intent to burn down their defences in the attempt to aid us in the raid, of course.

As for the sit, to which I was a part of for a short amount of time after being put down once Ranger realised I had not broken any rules (same with JackZ), for the short amount of time that I was there, I vividly recall and can confirm that Dimitris stated that he raided due to the defending party having pots and had saw them prior to the raid, giving him an incentive to do so. He even said that once or twice during the short time I was in the sit, let alone the entirety of it. He has not changed reasons or lied once. Even I used this valid reason to raid and said it to Ranger myself, never mind Dimitris alone.
(07-16-2019, 11:53 AM)Grape Wrote: As a member of the community that was first-handedly involved with this situation (both the raid and the sit) I feel inclined to inform the members of staff reading this reply that Dimitris’ statements are true to the full extent, having being a witness to this unfortunate situation.

Having the amount of hours I have, experience in this field of roleplay, and having being a member of staff who understand the rules to its full extent, I can say that no raid-baiting took place. Myself and Dimitris attempted to see if anyone was inside so we could safely take the pots of weed of which Dimitris witnessed growing when he was previously in the base. As we initiated the raid, it was then when it turned out that armed people were inside and therefore opened fire second to them and threw molotovs with the intent to burn down their defences in the attempt to aid us in the raid, of course.

As for the sit, to which I was a part of for a short amount of time after being put down once Ranger realised I had not broken any rules (same with JackZ), for the short amount of time that I was there, I vividly recall and can confirm that Dimitris stated that he raided due to the defending party having pots and had saw them prior to the raid, giving him an incentive to do so. He even said that once or twice during the short time I was in the sit, let alone the entirety of it. He has not changed reasons or lied once. Even I used this valid reason to raid and said it to Ranger myself, never mind Dimitris alone.

I like both of you, but stop lying pal. You and Jack were playing blackjack whilst Dimtri was knocking at the door with a gun on his back. May I remind you that lying in the courthouse is not allowed.

Thank you
Hello Dimitris, If you did enter the base to see pots may I ask how you entered?
(07-16-2019, 03:47 PM)Ranger Wrote: Hello Dimitris, If you did enter the base to see pots may I ask how you entered?

Hello Ranger,

The base at the time had no one inside and it was unlocked.
At around what time did this occur?
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
Thanks for your reply, Awestruck. The time of my entering the base prior to the sit happened between the active raid of which the sit cane out of and another valid raid which occurred prior to the last.

Due to the amount of variables added to this situation such as it occurring over a week ago, slow replies, the fast-passed nature of the situation itself in-game and the fact that I didn’t record this situation as I haven’t needed evidence to prove my innocence in the past (as I wasn’t expecting for people to believe I have broken them when all I have done is followed them plain and simple and in a mature and fair manner since I’ve returned to the community, to which Ranger agreed with), the exact time and second of me entering the base cannot be known, as I’m sure you are well aware of, Awestruck. I don’t check my clock and write the time down after everything I do and let's not forget that this situation was pretty normal and I could have never imagined what there was to come. If you look at the situation from my point of view, I am being asked to provide evidence proving my innocence in a situation that I had no reason what so ever to record.

As I have said previously, have stuck with this statement as it’s the truth, I entered the base after my NLR was over from the previous raid, of course, the door was unlocked and I simply entered and looked around. There were no occupants inside, that I was aware of, saw the pots and left to prepare to raid with my back-up just in case there was anyone inside.

Now, if there were occupants inside at the time, I want to know why I wasn’t put under gunpoint at the time and was allowed to see the pots in order to raid, and if any staff were there phased at the time, surely they wouldn’t have allowed this raid-bait and FailRP to take place on the defendant’s behalf for allowing another criminal group to enter a base to give them an incentive to raid. All I understand so far is that either there was no member of staff there at the time to see me enter and I did see the pots in order to raid, or there was a member of staff there that is either lying saying I didn’t come in, or that they are encouraging a rule infringement to take place. I am not accusing anyone of anything, just providing what the situation looks like from my point of view for information.

As you are a SA, I plead you to look into this and solve this unfortunate situation which shouldn’t have taken place.
Thank you!
Who else was apart of the raid?
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]

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