Steam Name: Sdexpro

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:71044847

BanID: 81703

Ban Reason
Switching jobs to avoid arrest/RP situation.

Staff Member: [FL] Narcotic

Involved users

Why should you be unbanned?
Your name: Sdexpro

Your ban ID: 81703

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:71044847

Reason:Switching jobs to avoid arrest/RP situation.

Staff member who banned you:[FL] Narcotic
                                                                                                                                                                                       Reason why you should be unbanned:I have been banned for 1 Day and 12 hours
when i changed job i returned to the officer (Rocky) and he won't arrest me. He can arrest me when he want because i was in front of him but he don't.

Im sorry if i ruined the game experience of Rocky but i don't think it's a really really bad thing.


It was some days ago and i cant really remember of this situation. But i think i know how it happened.

I came into your Gun-Store in the "Nexus Store" and just wanted to check. But once you had your handgun out. Then i wanted to arrest you but you said that you will pay. So i unhandcuffed you to let you pay. I often said it to you that you should pay now or i will arrest you. I gave a countdown. "3,2,1..." i tried to handcuff you but then you switched job.
(From Gun-Dealer to Dispatcher.)
That was the situation how i remember.
There is no evidence from my side.
[Image: WbmV7IO.mp4]

Sorry for getting to this late, you ban would have expiered now. But you clearly broke a rule anx attempted to avoid getting arrested via switching jobs which is a direct violent of the rules.


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