PR: Bob
Name of player: Bob

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:173839706

Time in GMT: > 11:40

Server: V4b1

Summary: RDM, Rule 3.1 Violence should be last option. I had killed a person and put away my knife. He then shoots me in the back with a shotgun without even telling me to get down so he can arrest me.

Hi ElonWuzhou,

Can you please upload the previous minutes to this situation and can you equally explain why you killed the person with a knife in broad daylight in front of the nexus?

(10-26-2018, 11:22 AM)GHOSTK1LL3R Wrote: Hi ElonWuzhou,

Can you please upload the previous minutes to this situation and can you equally explain why you killed the person with a knife in broad daylight in front of the nexus?


I don't have the footage prior to this happening, but the reason I killed him is that he kept trying to propkill me and attack me with a bat himself.

Not the point of this PR though
(10-26-2018, 03:43 PM)ElonWuzhou Wrote:
(10-26-2018, 11:22 AM)GHOSTK1LL3R Wrote: Hi ElonWuzhou,

Can you please upload the previous minutes to this situation and can you equally explain why you killed the person with a knife in broad daylight in front of the nexus?


I don't have the footage prior to this happening, but the reason I killed him is that he kept trying to propkill me and attack me with a bat himself.

Not the point of this PR though

The point of players reports is for a user to upload footage of a user breaking rules.

In this case, you have uploaded video evidence of yourself back-street administrating and breaking rule 8.1.
I am posting on Bob's behalf, in no way am I involved with this situation.

Quote:I was a government worker at the time during a dictatorship. After I saw you kill someone right in front of Nexus, I immediately assumed that you were a threat to the government and president (who's job I think was King, validating a dictatorship). I executed you as manslaughter was a serious crime and was allowed to do so with the type of government that was in place and my actions were later justified by a group of people that came to raid Nexus which can bee seen at the end of your video. Your death was not random, I had perfectly valid reasons to take your life.
Kind Regards,
[Image: 2tVFym3.png]
Hello ElonWuzhou & Bob (Grape, please pass onto Bob),

ElonWuzhou, you cannot and should not backstreet administrate, please do not use violence if someone is prop pushing and certainly do not in plain sight of the nexus kill someone like this. Its not realistic.

Bob, when giving commands, please advise caution as to the time period to give for someone to react. You gave a mere 1/2 seconds before acting which in some cases is not enough time. Please in the future give more time when issing commands.

I am not going to issue any blacklists/bans however I am warning both of you not to commit any of these rulebreaks again.IF you do the punishment will be harsher due to now understanding what you have done wrong.

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