
Ps, name what u got I might b interested

Tons of Fish, give me an ammount I'll give u a price.
Lotus Elise(no low ballers) offer me
Tranq snipers (5) 47k
Ferrari (pm me)
Lambo 370K
Or buy all the cars for 720k(negotiable)
i got a lambo offer me
Iwll sell you 2suits 1 white and 1 black without a hair each will be 75-85k. My name in game is Race or Add me on steam :omriedri
can i buy a tranq for 8k? Cheese
and how many lockpicks do you want? Cheese
Now buying BMW 800-830k
An list updated
Safhs find me ingame(moat likely b driving a BMW)
How much are you buying molotovs for?
20 fish... How much?

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