PR: JackZ
So you've implied that you didn't feel insulted by what i said and you've admitted to reporting me because you haven't liked me since V5P.

What i said simply wasn't an insult, none of it was even close to be considered insulting.
"Salty Kid" "Shut up" it is an insult. and you know god dammed well those insults were direct to me.

From my point of view Schnitzelburger, the OP does not do any justice to describe the context of the situation. Firstly, you should've taken this matter to PM instead making JackZ look bad in front the whole server at the time. Secondly, you've twisted to make it look like JackZ has jumped down your throat and not tried to resolve his actions (Which he did). This post is really un needed and quite frankly pathetic.
Couldn't have taken it to PM since i was in jail.
Now, im not pring him because i think he powergamed, i dont have solid evidence of that.

But he did Insult me multipul times.

I was there when all this happened and I'd like to say that JackZ didn't insult you. You were simply arrested and got angry and started going at him in the OOC chat.

The evidence you provided proves that JackZ didn't directly call anyone salty as no names were included in those comments you provided. I believe he was making a simple generalization rather than targeting you directly as no evidence you provided shows he was insulting you. Even if he did use your name in the comments, salty is definitely not an insult. It is just as good of a word as 'angry' or 'annoyed'. Saying those two words at someone isn't insulting now, is it? No.

Being told to shut up is not a form of discrimination and is simply ludicrous to call it an insult. Administrators themselves tell people to shut up. It isn't breaking the rules doing so.

Have a nice day pal,
Kind Regards,
[Image: 2tVFym3.png]
'Salty kid' and 'Shut up' are not insults. At all, not even close.

Shut up simply is just telling somebody to be quiet, and Salty kid literally just means Angry kid. Not insults.

Didn't powergame either which is why you don't have solid evidence.

Not responding anymore because this is just going back and forth, you didn't feel insulted which you pretty much said, and you have admitted you have a personal vendetta against me and you're 'pissed off' with me so you reported me for something pathetic.

Awaiting admin response.
Going to have to agree with JackZ on this one, I do not see ''Shut up'' and ''Salty kids'' as an insult.

[Image: CYCeH3i.png]

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