PR: JackZ
Name of player: JackZ

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:95267893

Time in GMT: Around 14:20 (GMT + 2)

Server: V4B1

Summary: So Basically we were arguing if he broke rules earlier since i dont have rock solid evidence on that i will be posting a pr on when he insulted me multipul times in that argument. Now people might say "get a thicker skin" but since he has been pissing me off latley that just did it.
He Called me multipul times a "salty kid" and told me to shut up.


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How is this an insult? For a start the evidence you provided doesn't show me calling anybody salty directly by name, and if you're this light hearted honestly just filter out OOC. Admins themselves tell people to shut up all the time and i do the same, as well as that, calling somebody a salty kid is not an insult. You stole a car on main street so i arrested you and you then got extremely angry and started an argument with me for your own wrongdoings. It's roleplay, deal with the fact you get arrested for stealing cars.
Now, i postet a pr not because im heartbroken because of that insult but because you've been pissing me off. and that was reason enough for me to post a PR.
Wait, so you've PR'ed me because i've "pissed you off" (because i arrested you) which basically means you're not actually insulted which is easy to tell because you said "not because im heartbroken" (which means you don't feel insulted - because it wasnt an insult at all).
Other people who were at the scene of the arrest such as Jeff the Cop can also confirm you lied in Local OOC to try and wiggle yourself out of the IC arrest which, may i add, didn't work very well. After you were arrested you were clearly angry about it so you took to accusations in OOC.
I didn't lie in OOC, since i was arguing with you at the scene in LOOC i by accident typed .// that should have been a IC text,

Then i wasnt pissed off that you arrested me, i was pissed off with you ever since V5P.
The "Lying"

Should have been ment for IC text.

I wrote: I just picklocket the car for my friend since he lost his keys.

Now this doesn't even seem like a OOC text. i just by accident wrote .// like it would be a habit.
You've legitimately admitted to reporting me not because i 'insulted' you but because you have a personal vendetta with me.
Not much more needs to be said really.
You did insult me, and that is againts the rules.
Doesnt matter if i admitted shit.

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