Pr : Sp33dx & NIGGA123
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:92887869 (Sp33dx) & STEAM_0:0:63894207 (Nigga123)
Reason: Was pulled over for illegally driving in city, then randomly opened fired at me (nigga123 was first shots), I was then killed by sp33dx from behind.
Time: happened just now 
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as u can see i was cuffed so i dont know how u got killed by me from behind
and the reason why NIGGA123 killed you is because we were coming back from a robery and we had our guns on us so if you search me ur going to arrest him to and he wasn't under fear rp at the time he pulled his gun away
he also couldnt put all three of u under fear rp so he rushed in and killed you

U were arresting my teammate i had to save him the only way to that was to open fire since u were 3 and i was one i cant put all 3 of u under FearRP so violence was the only option there.And I killed aktek sp33dx was cuffed.

Concluding notes

Sp33dx has broken FearRP in the video clearly stalling the situation even though they were given clear orders under gun point and will receive a 2 day ban.

NIGGA123 fired upon the officers even though there was an active firearm and 2 tasers pointed at his handcuffed partner. This is not justified as the Police technically had the advantage and held a larger stance in the FearRP situation therefore he must fear for his partners life and not take that risk until he knows their partner would be safe. NIGGA123 will receive a 2 day ban.

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