Report jeff the player
Name of player: jeff the player
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:146886826
Time in GMT: 17:05
Server: V2D
Summary: jeff the player was the president after he died i took the vice president and saw he had 3 kypads doors in there one of the door was with hidden kypad as well so this guy broke 2 rules.
[Image: JdUPOdQ.jpg]
[Image: EIzkHqA.jpg]
[Image: eQg4TEr.jpg]
Thats the hidden kypad to that door.
[Image: hGWPxWt.jpg]

jeff the player will be punished for hidden keypads, using more than two custom doors and placing them closer than 4phx units together.

Thank you for your report.
[Image: xTRvpSf.png]

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