Report: D0GG0
Name of player: [FL:RP] D0GG0

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:70327695

Time in GMT: Around 19:40 GMT

Server: V5P

Summary:  I was doing a RP with a friend when Doggo comes and repeatadly attempts to ruin it, after a while I've had enough and threaten him that he should leave, with a knife. He fails to listen to me despite my orders being given when I'm within striking distance, then proceeds to pull out a knife himself and attempts to kill me, all while he's still within striking distance.
Some time passes and he returns, this time with an AK-47, to threaten me or rob me or something, until the police comes.
All of this happened while his jobname was Gangster, which I believe is rather unspecific and not that different from Criminal.

Evidence (player doesnt seem to work so click this link)
Hello Skurkas,
First of all your video is not working, and you should know better that you can't murder anyone as a porn shop/shop owner-worker. Also rapeRP is not allowed which is another point. And lets come to my issue, I followed your order then you murdered me so I ran back and pulled my knife out which is not FearRP as you murdered me. So, the last issue I asked a teacher if I've been murdered and threatened can I murder the guy who did it and the answer was like that:(%) (Answer) [FL:RP] Panda (536): Yes, but try toRP it out a little more than just kill him
on the spot.
So I was gonna try toRP but officer came and just randomly shot me. Also the gangster jobname is allowed, please stop accusing me without knowledge. And I also asked it to fully true it: "Is gangster jobname allowed?" (%) (Answer) [FL:RP] Panda (536): Yes.
Panda can be a witness of his answers.

Thank you,
Hey D0GG0
I believe the video is working, if not through the player there is a link above it.
I did have a valid reason to use my weaponry though, you were clearly there with some ill intent and I was attempting to remove you from the store with fear as you would not listen. Using the knife was not something I had done to harm anyone until you started striking me with yours.
About your point on RapeRP I really dont know what you're talking about, I had a brothel RP where no sexual actions without everyones consent was happening, other than you walking up to girllicker and putting your move bodies tool on her rather sexually when you were asked to leave.
You did not follow, you did not leave immediatly, you hung around for a considerate time and before exiting you pulled a knife on me while I was standing practically on top of you with my knife.
As I stated, I did not use any violence until you started killing me.

I did not murder you, I threatened you on the base that you were intruding on my property despite being asked to leave several times, which I dont see as so unfair that you have to come and hold me at gunpoint with a questionable jobname
(04-29-2018, 07:25 PM)Skurkas Lurkas Wrote: Hey D0GG0
I believe the video is working, if not through the player there is a link above it.
I did have a valid reason to use my weaponry though, you were clearly there with some ill intent and I was attempting to remove you from the store with fear as you would not listen. Using the knife was not something I had done to harm anyone until you started striking me with yours.
About your point on RapeRP I really dont know what you're talking about, I had a brothel RP where no sexual actions without everyones consent was happening, other than you walking up to girllicker and putting your move bodies tool on her rather sexually when you were asked to leave.
You did not follow, you did not leave immediatly, you hung around for a considerate time and before exiting you pulled a knife on me while I was standing practically on top of you with my knife.
As I stated, I did not use any violence until you started killing me.

I did not murder you, I threatened you on the base that you were intruding on my property despite being asked to leave several times, which I dont see as so unfair that you have to come and hold me at gunpoint with a questionable jobname

Comeon dude your job name is 'stripper' and you say "I dont know what you're talking about" you know lying in courthouse is a big offence right? I ran when you pulled out a knife but I wasnt under FearRP until you pulled a knife out. Can you show me an evidence about my sexual offence? Also the girllicker was hitting me which was an offence and I thought you were hitting me with a knife. Anyways, there was a violence so FearRP doesnt have to apply. Pulling out a knife and threatening to kill me is partially murder. And the gangster job name is allowed once again.
I really dont see how Stripper and RapeRP has any correlation to eachother, as its not rape for me to pole dance or even be a prostitute, so I dont understand how your misinterpretation of the word rape has anything to do with me lying in the courthouse.
At several points in the video you wont move when I have my knife pointed at you, so you clearly arent following.
You thinking I'm hitting you with a knife is also very different from me hitting you with a knife.
The sexual offense is something you should be careful about, besides I doubt it'd be considered RapeRP, just mentioned it as its quite ironic how you're talking about me conducting rapeRP when I'm not while you did that, its however not something I got on video.
Holding a weapon is not murder, murder is when you take someones life. What I did wasn't even attempted murder as my sole intention was to make sure you'd leave my property as you were ruining our RP. Therefore I find it unfair how you're justifying breaking my orders by knife by the fact that someone else is punching you softly.
(04-29-2018, 07:48 PM)Skurkas Lurkas Wrote: I really dont see how Stripper and RapeRP has any correlation to eachother, as its not rape for me to pole dance or even be a prostitute, so I dont understand how your misinterpretation of the word rape has anything to do with me lying in the courthouse.
At several points in the video you wont move when I have my knife pointed at you, so you clearly arent following.
You thinking I'm hitting you with a knife is also very different from me hitting you with a knife.
The sexual offense is something you should be careful about, besides I doubt it'd be considered RapeRP, just mentioned it as its quite ironic how you're talking about me conducting rapeRP when I'm not while you did that, its however not something I got on video.
Holding a weapon is not murder, murder is when you take someones life. What I did wasn't even attempted murder as my sole intention was to make sure you'd leave my property as you were ruining our RP. Therefore I find it unfair how you're justifying breaking my orders by knife by the fact that someone else is punching you softly.
You are lucky that I dont have a video of your friend's RapeRP, anyways I was just gonna write something there as you can see, then I waived it and ran to the door which is not FearRP. I didnt ruin your RP as you said only 3 times to me to get out then I walked to stairs and was gonna write something as explained. Threatening me with my life is partially attempting to murder/murder. I can think that you were hitting me with a knife as punching also gives the red effect also I was on the f1 menu when she punched me so I couldnt see who did that. Anyways, there was a violence as I said so FearRP doesnt have to apply there as I said.
First off, having sexRP is not rapeRP, which is the only thing me and my friend has done.
You did ruin our RP, you were there relentlessly standing in our faces, interrupting a service my friend was providing a customer, running up the stairs, not listening to us when we asked you to leave.
You stopped several times along the way when you should have just ran outside.
I dont have anything else to add to this, I'm just repeating myself at this point, I'll wait for a conclusion.
(04-29-2018, 08:09 PM)Skurkas Lurkas Wrote: First off, having sexRP is not rapeRP, which is the only thing me and my friend has done.
You did ruin our RP, you were there relentlessly standing in our faces, interrupting a service my friend was providing a customer, running up the stairs, not listening to us when we asked you to leave.
You stopped several times along the way when you should have just ran outside.
I dont have anything else to add to this, I'm just repeating myself at this point, I'll wait for a conclusion.
show evidence of last you said about ruiningRP then, as I said I WAS TYPING SOMETHING, thats the reason why I stopped.  yeah lets wait conclusion
I really don't understand how this isn't an open and shut case, You had D0GG0 at (knife)-point and under FearRP he should have left under your command (rule 3.5) but no he pulled a knife on you and started to attack you (rule 3.5a).
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:157426094&b=1]

User [FL:RP]D0GG0 has been found breaking FearRP. 3.5a You cannot attack or draw a weapon on a person who has a gun pointed at you (as well as a stun gun or melee weapon at striking distance).

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