Report: Thefamilyjuls
Name of player: Thefamilyjuls

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:59634994

Time in GMT: Few hours back


This is a very simple case of attempted rdm to begin with, random raiding, random hostaging and then the execution which is rdm plain and simple.

So I am in talks with Flexible for my job and house as he had just made a corleone dupe for an rp he wanted to do.
Then randomly I hear someone banging on my door, I say hello and everything is friendly. Then he gets aggressive, threatening to blow my door down with his shotgun if I didn't let him in.

Now I had no interaction with him, he had no reason to raid, no reason to come over and be aggressive to me.

I hear him reload his gun so I destroy my contra, then I holster my gun and ask him why he is outside.
I destroyed contra as I was accepting flexible's deal.
He is camping my front door so I come out to the garage side unarmed and tell him I am unarmed.
He shoots me for no reason taking me down to 60% health, I shout why are you rdming me.
He then ties me up and you can see that ^.

He requests 2k or he will execute me, I say i can't do that I am tied up. He then randomly runs off to check my property for the contra, he found nothing so he comes back and says give me 2k or you die.

I said I can't as you have me tied up, he then executes me.

He says he is allowed to shoot me if he hears my contra being destroyed.

To summarise: Joejoe was dealing with 20 prs so I had to player report this, that is fair enough. The issue I had was that my recording wasn't working.
So the only evidence is the logs and my screenshots.

But it is very simple to see on the logs that he shot me a few times while I was unarmed. Posed no threat to him. He then executes me for no reason. He hostaged me for no reason.

The evidence I have supplied and the logs prove his guilt.

The reason i ask for the logs is because it would have been dealt with at the time but juls left and joe was understandably busy.

If you read his blacklists you can see he does love the occasional rdm, he has also received a blacklist for provoking a raid as sru as he was bored. So this shows he does like to provoke gun fights. i didn't give him one and I couldn't give him money as I was tied up so he shot me dead.

Rules I feel he broke:
2.7 Your job does not mean you can break the rules. For instance, you can't create KOS laws as a President, abuse your spawn protection, or murder people just because you're in an underground job.
2.8 Custom job titles must be realistic (don't roleplay something that isn't human), specific and accurately state what character you intend to roleplay (do not set your job as 'criminal' or 'classified' for example).

His job was "Brovka Brothern".

3.1 Do not harm/kill people randomly (RDM); you must have a valid roleplay reason (a person's job or being a criminal is not a valid reason), for example protecting your property during a raid. 

3.1a Violence should always be the last option. 

These 2 he broke no question.
Shooting an unarmed man, he can't defend that.

May of broke this: 3.2 You may only raid as the following jobs: Police, S.R.U, Corleone, Rebels and any custom jobs as a citizen that fits the roleplay situation for example, "Freedom Fighter". 
Brovka Brothern to raid someone who had 0 rp with your group. I purposely didn't give anyone an excuse to raid.

3.3 Do not use any form of weaponry without a valid roleplay reason. 
100% Broke this.

7.3 You must roleplay as your defined group in a realistic manner (i.e. the rebels may only use cheap items).
Could have broke this, not sure what a  Brovka Brothern is.

8.5 You need a valid reason to raid, i.e contraband and burglary. You cannot raid the President solely to earn money, because of high taxes, because you don't like certain laws (unless they drastically impact your character, cars being banned from the city is not a valid reason), because you were arrested or warned for your own actions, for being demoted or because their job is Dictator (this is Metagaming).

This I feel is 50/50, as he was baiting me so he could raid.

8.7 You hostage players for a maximum of $2000, however it can't be without a valid roleplay reason or in public, you need a good reason and your character style needs to fit the roleplay situation. 

He had no reason to hostage me whatsoever.

8.8 Using restraints is only for taking a player hostage. For example, do not use restraints as a way to disarm somebody (as it is not realistic and counts as FailRP).

This is kind of odd, he hostaged me but it was more like a mugging, he did ask for 2k, but he wanted the money off me.

So yeah quite a few rules broken.
Sorry it is long but it is 100% worth the read.
I will fix my screencapture so you won't have to read something this long next time aha
I feel like I should give some information of the job name "Brovka Borthern" as I created it, it's actually supposed to be "Brovka Brother" but oh well. It is a hardened criminal gang within evo-city, he was not working as part of the team at that time and I do not support his actions.
Hello Aspire,

First of all - to request log checks is not something valid, you must have full evidence in your own case.

Second, the men are some sort of criminal group/gang that has been there in the city for a while and are known for their work. They want money, and with you blowing up contraband in the household opens up questioning regarding if you really understand what you are trying to hide.

What I can see and say is that you decided to take it OOC during an IC situation, by calling admins several times and being struck by the opinion that the opposing side has broken rules.

If you have any more comments, add-on, you have 24h.
(04-12-2018, 08:53 AM)Kevin Ramsey Wrote: Hello Aspire,

First of all - to request log checks is not something valid, you must have full evidence in your own case.

Second, the men are some sort of criminal group/gang that has been there in the city for a while and are known for their work. They want money, and with you blowing up contraband in the household opens up questioning regarding if you really understand what you are trying to hide.

What I can see and say is that you decided to take it OOC during an IC situation, by calling admins several times and being struck by the opinion that the opposing side has broken rules.

If you have any more comments, add-on, you have 24h.

What are you on about? 
He began to open fire on me for no reason whilst I was unarmed. Of course I am going to take it out of character. His reasonings for hostaging me is? HIs reasonings for shooting me is? I have provided evidence of these 2. You're wrong in saying logs isn't valid, I have proven I was hostaged and injured by him for no reason, so logs aren't needed but they will show I was unarmed when I was shot
You call rulebreaking ic situation?

Kevin don't use your personal issues with me as a reason to tell me I handled it wrong. I followed his orders under fear rp. He just wanted a kill.

Jeez even my prs aren't safe from you
I have no personal issues with you, this is a not somewhere where you pull personal feelings into the discussion.

I have now checked the logs just to be sure, and to show you that there are no personal feelings into this, just be sure to have proper evidence with you next time and not to request log checks.

The user has been punished accordingly,


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