Name of player: Carl8888


Time in GMT: 15:00

Server: V5P

Summary: RapeRP, I was laying on my homeless bed when he came up to my and "fuck homeless in ass" which I did not consent to and said "Stop" in voice chat.


Hello, I've been assigned as Mr Carl's legal representative.

First of all can you confirm that you told the person to stop in voice chat?
Secondly please provide us additional evidence that he stopped shortly after you told him to stop.
Lastly, my client has voice chat disabled for a personal reason.

In addition, there was no rape rp committed at any point during that day by my client, Carl8888

Mr Vanhanen
Legal Representative
(12-03-2017, 09:08 PM)Joulle Wrote: Hello, I've been assigned as Mr Carl's legal representative.

First of all can you confirm that you told the person to stop in voice chat?
Secondly please provide us additional evidence that he stopped shortly after you told him to stop.
Lastly, my client has voice chat disabled for a personal reason.

In addition, there was no rape rp committed at any point during that day by my client, Carl8888

Mr Vanhanen
Legal Representative

So he decides to have sex with me through /me yet he didn't hear consent because he had his audio muted. Sex without consent is Rape. You have in a way just admitted that you did not hear me say yes when asking for sex, which I do not recall you doing.
Gentlemen, this is unfortunately a very crude situation.

It does not matter if they were told to stop, or if the person even heard the request. The problem here is the pure initiation of the act.

One cannot deny that the /me command was highly inappropriate and showcases rape. This is furthered by the fact that the user has powergamed by forcing the action onto the player whose character was homeless.

With almost 400 hours, 14 bans and a multitude of blacklists, the accused should know better. As he is on last chance, he will receive a years ban from Fearless services.


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