Banning Joey skylynx (Remade)
Apparently the last request i sent wasn't valid as i used the wrong format so.

Name of player: (Joey Skylynx)

SteamID: (STEAM_0:11061926)

Time in GMT: (18/01/2012 5:00pm and again at 10:00pm)

Server: ( rp_EvoCity v2d)

Summary: (Hey to the admin reading i am here today to get Joey Skylynx banned as he has broken many rules some of which have disturbed my gameplay, first off it started around about 5.00pm as he thought it would be a good idea not to ask us to let him into mine and my friends base, but to propsurf instead, he also did not yell "raid" and he was a special agent who was breaking into a gundealers <me> house. I have a few pieces of footage showing him when he broke in and told us to stay on the ground (i don't know how to post images i will post them as soon as i find out) after he told us to get onto the floor he thought it would be amusing to kill me and cuff my mate (Willyham) and destroy my contra with NO warrant what so ever.. later on in the game (Few hours later) Joey skylynx decided to randomly raid me again but this time one of the admins froze me and was talking to me about something else so i couldn't do anything about it, he raided my house and left notes around saying your best amerifag friend joey <got pictures of it as well > and when i was unfrozen i realized this admin was obviously one of joeys friends as he demoted me and when i told him about what joey did he turned away and said "He had his reasons" when i ask him what it was he just teleported away" he was clearly helping joey raid my house <The admins name was Temar a well respected admin i know but he still abused his powers> ive seen that joey has been recently reported for a ban and now i know why, its people like him who think that being a donator means you can abuse regular members, when in fact he should know his actions will reflect back onto him... Thank you for reading this huge paragraph about my request i will send pictures as soon as i find out how to!)

Evidence: (i have photos but i don't know how to upload?)
This was Joey Skylynx randomly raiding my house and telling us to get on the floor just after he discovered how to propsurf

[Image: th_rp_evocity_v2d0011.jpg]

[Image: th_rp_evocity_v2d0012.jpg]

[Image: th_rp_evocity_v2d0013.jpg]

[Image: th_rp_evocity_v2d0015.jpg]

This next picture was what joey thought would be amusing to add just after he randomly raided the 2ND time

[Image: th_2012-01-18_000163.jpg]
And on the right side you see why I proceeded from looking for the Pres during an RP event into 'Holy contrafarm...'
Your very lucky i dont put a warning level on you. You should NOT be posting here

(01-19-2012, 10:03 PM)Colonel Burger Wrote: Aren't you a gun dealer? You know, selling guns? Making a business? Just stop using contraband, if in real life you know wouldn't do it, then in RP you wouldn't...

Why are you sticking up for him when you know he was wrong, Contrafarming Is not against the rules if it was they would of gotten rid of Contraband

let me ask you something Colonel do you know how frustrating it is to work up the money just to be randomly raided killed and then searched. by a noob with a heart symbol next to his name..

(01-19-2012, 10:02 PM)Joey Skylynx Wrote: And on the right side you see why I proceeded from looking for the Pres during an RP event into 'Holy contrafarm...'

Oh how funny, must be nice to get some attention for the first time in your life, i know what your like joey your one of those spoiled kids who always have to have there own way, and if they don't they go to extreme lengths just to get what they want.. grow up and grow some balls. God only knows your going to need them when your parents stop loving you.
Uh.... What? I basically explained what happened in those pictures. I was in an RP event in which we were searching for the president and your friend Willy let me into your base. I went inside and saw contra. You came around started trying to shove me out so I handcuffed Willy and went to handcuff you, but you attempted to pull a crowbar out of your ass and attempted to kill me. You can even ask Will. I released him after destroying the contra, and told him, "Don't dab in contra... Isn't worth it"
(01-19-2012, 10:14 PM)Joey Skylynx Wrote: Uh.... What? I basically explained what happened in those pictures. I was in an RP event in which we were searching for the president and your friend Willy let me into your base. I went inside and saw contra. You came around started trying to shove me out so I handcuffed Willy and went to handcuff you, but you attempted to pull a crowbar out of your ass and attempted to kill me. You can even ask Will. I released him after destroying the contra, and told him, "Don't dab in contra... Isn't worth it"

HAHA OMG! Are you kidding me? do you not hear yourself? Mr saint of garrysmod right here, oh whats this i didn't have a crowbar even if i did i would of killed you with it... not just bloody stand there and stare at you, and No willy did not let you in, (if your going to lie at least put some thought into it) you jumped onto your car and jumped over my wall i even saw that!
what are you talking about? you ran in i came in after you saying "wtf get out!" because you propsurfed in and you just said calm down and shot me.... not fair just because your respected (god knows how) you can't make up BS and expect everyone to believe you...
Which BTW you should grab some popcorn because on Friday willyham is going to send me the actually video of you randomly breaking into my house and killing me and him which i will post on forums so be prepared for when you are going to look like a right knob for all the things you are using as excuses!
I can barely see anything in them photos....when I click on them they do nothing...

So Small....

So Tiny....
[Image: tumblr_oo89kx6Wfc1vvng74o8_r1_1280.png]
As Pinkie said, The pictures are very hard to read, And dont give us much to work with, Just shows Joey in your home. Denied. Sorry bud.
[Image: IMG]

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