Estleback Corporation

I am pleased to announce that Joseph 'Vantiago' Deacon (Joe Joe) has been accepted as a Trial Field Operative!

Kind regards,

Director of the Estleback Corporation
The following 9 users Like Link's post:
  • Joe Joe, MasterNoda, Reebs, Ivan Tempski, Iraqi Eagle, Hitman, Eclipze, Ratatoskrr, chopchop1614

Operation Epsilon

On the 9th June 2017, Operation Epsilon took place. This concerned the transportation of high ticket cargo from our inner city Estleback headquarters to an independent collector located at the villas.

After briefing the Operatives and arming up, a Range Rover convoy started to escort the Estleback heavy cargo vehicle to its destination, using a detour to try and reduce movement damage. Along this route, a militant roadblock was sighted, and before evasive procedures could be enacted, the militants had forced all operatives out of their vehicles and against the wall. The militants then proceeded to break into the heavy cargo vehicle and drive away with the goods.

Seconds after the militants were out of sight, governmental SRU units, under a dictatorial regime, arrived at the scene. They forced all Estleback operatives to stay with their hands up against the wall, alike the militants. They then proceeded to search all Estleback members, arresting them for possession of firearms.

However, even though it was too late to save many of the operatives from a sentence, a shootout broke between the Police and members of an organisation. The other organisation was victorious, and then freed all Estleback operatives still left in captivity. 

Estleback operatives regrouped at the City HQ, and a plan was hatched to locate the stolen goods. The task force was split into 2 halves which would search the whole of Evocity. This search resulted in the findings of an abandoned heavy armour truck, and the lair of the militants. Another shootout broke between Estleback Operatives and the militants at the front gate of their premises, and after storming the building, all threats were eradicated. The cargo was then located and was loaded back into the heavy armour vehicle, to be transported to the Estleback city HQ. This came after a risk assessment saw it too risky for the cargo to continue to its original location.


[Image: fLrvUGs.jpg]

In other news, I am pleased to announce that Japona Betwin (Not A Hoe/Exotic) has been accepted as a Trial Field Operative! Congratulations!

In contrast, I am afraid to announce that Michael Wells (Merle) has been denied from Estleback after prolonged observation. Furthermore, Xavier Brown (Morbid) has relieved his application.

A reminder to all Estleback operatives and applicants alike to check their respective communication HUBs regularly, so you do not miss out on information about our next events!

Kind regards,

[Image: QOIkS0y.png]

Director of the Estleback Corporation
The following 9 users Like Link's post:
  • Exotic, Archer, Eclipze, chopchop1614, Hitman, Envy, DVN, Reebs, Altoria

In light of our most recent training session, I am pleased to announce that John 'Siphon' Rayes (Siphon) has been accepted into the Corporation! This comes after watching his actions and attendance over the past weeks very closely.

In addition, we are scrapping the 'SFO:E' rank due to its current redundancy.

Kind regards,

Director of the Estleback Corporation
The following 8 users Like Link's post:
  • Envy, Reebs, Janzo 火, Eclipze, chopchop1614, MasterNoda, Hitman, Altoria

I am pleased to announce that we have accepted Marcus Loubitin (Envy) into the Corporation. We expect greatness as usual, and have no doubts that he will deliver this.

Furthermore, a message to the public: make sure you are watching our website tomorrow at 8PM GMT+1 for an important announcement!

Kind regards,

Director of the Estleback Corporation
The following 11 users Like Link's post:
  • Janzo 火, chopchop1614, Reebs, Dauntless, MasterNoda, ELAD, Envy, Ivan Tempski, Eclipze, Altoria, Hitman
Doing great Estleback !!! Smile
Can't wait to witness you guys in action.

I am thrilled.
The following 8 users Like Altoria's post:
  • Envy, Janzo 火, Link, Reebs, Eclipze, chopchop1614, Hitman, Ratatoskrr

The Estleback Conservative Party

As promised, I come to you tonight with an announcement!

I am proud to announce the birth of the 'Estleback Conservative Party'. I was recently contacted by a good friend of mine, 'Piers Colton', who was interested in establishing a political movement to turn this failing city around. 

We came to the conclusion that it would be prudent for Estleback to integrate their services and brand into this project, as we are already a well established peacekeeping name. This will allow Mr Colton and his team to complete their objective of an improved EvoCity quicker.

[Image: QUTzRkd.png]
Estleback Conservative Party Logo™

You can find out more information about them >> HERE <<

Even though we offer our security services for their use, we are not internally affiliated with them.

Kind regards,

Director of the Estleback Corporation
The following 10 users Like Link's post:
  • MrFinnConlon, Ivan Tempski, Ratatoskrr, Exotic, chopchop1614, Hitman, Joe Joe, Envy, Eclipze, Reebs

I am saddened by the fact I have to announce the resignation of George Wright (Eclipze). Despite his return to the Corporation being brief, he has shown that he still retains that Estleback professionalism and spirit. I take my hat off to him for his service and commitment, and I wish him the best of luck for the future!

Kind regards,

Director of the Estleback Corporation
The following 7 users Like Link's post:
  • Eclipze, DanielleS, Janzo 火, DVN, chopchop1614, Hitman, Reebs

Estleback Conservative Party Conference Security Detail

On the 24th June 2017, Piers Colton and his team of ministers gathered at their new Party HQ for their first political conference.

As usual, Estleback operatives stood by, ensuring public safety. I wasn't there myself, but I am told the conduct was excellent - nothing unexpected from our task force.

This event has given the Estleback Conservative Party some much needed traction to the start of their campaign, and I again wish Mr Colton and his team the best of luck for the future, to help 'encourage the change'.

[Image: B0979E4B2206FC50D241CDF8AC3B83FB352B9E6E]
[Image: eb3816cf5c7126902651e1d371bdfb98.jpg]
[Image: cdf32e6264536c2ada40548ad8a0db66.png]

Kind regards,

Director of the Estleback Corporation
The following 7 users Like Link's post:
  • Envy, Joe Joe, chopchop1614, Reebs, Ratatoskrr, Exotic, TheSiphon

Forthcoming Changes and Information

Event Frequency

A common criticism of us is that we 'aren't active enough'. As we have grown as a clan, we now have the manpower and resources to be able to put on 2-3 events per week. If we do have 3 events per week, this means one will be a training session, were we will practice our firearms skills in a simulation. This session is optional but highly advised.

It would be highly preferable if all Operatives and applicants could check their communication HUBs about these events!


As the final stage of my mission to maximise internal management and organisation here at the Estleback Corporation, I see it prudent to become more transparent to the public, and answer some commonly asked questions.

Below is our new FAQ, which details 'Frequently Asked Questions'.

Spoiler :
What is Estleback?
Estleback is mini-community of like minded individual within the FearlessRP community, who twice every week, come together and run an RP session usually revolving around peacekeeping or citizen living enhancement.

What do you do at Estleback?
Even though we are branded as a peacekeeping organisation, we still do multiple things, from security, to politics and hospitality. With us, there will always be a new avenue to explore.

Do all of your dupes lag the server?
Some of our dupes used to, yes. However, that was under the responsibility of our old engineering team. Our new team sticks to new guidelines and policies that have been imposed both by myself and the Fearless Staff Team. This means all of our new dupes are designed to cause minimal lag, if any. This is now easier to achieve as our new engineering team are more resourceful and efficient with their props and building techniques.

Is this a serious RP clan?
No, but it is on the more serious side of the semi-serious scale. This means we expect professionalism and a mature temperament.

Are the members in the upper management Nazis?
No. We wish to provide a fun atmosphere, and if you believe someone is taking it a bit too seriously, you are well within your right to contact someone higher up and talk to them about it. In game, we do tend to be strict, as it aligns with our RPs. On our Discord however, both during and after RPs, it is about having a good time.

What will happen if I don't attend an event?
If you do not attend an event without telling us a reason beforehand, we will contact you ask ask you why you did not turn up. We try to put at least a 5 day notice on any RP we do, which gives you plenty of time to reply to the thread if you cannot make it. Naturally, this is a game, however you have signed up to play with us, so there is no point of you being here if you do not turn up continually. We don't mind if you don't want to come to an event, as long as you let us know before hand!

The reason we are so persistent about this is because it helps the upper management get the event ready, and know if we should call the event off if there is for some reason low attendance. We sometimes work for hours setting something up, so it is extremely disappointing when people don't turn up.

When Can I Expect to Hear Back About My Application?
Very shortly after you post it. You will be added to the Estleback Applicant Discord, where we will give you information about our next events. You will have to attend at least one of these events before we consider you as a potential candidate. We aim to have at least 2 events per week, so this wait should be short. You will likely hear information about your application in the next event you attend to.

This can be found on our main page for future reference.


Replacing our 'requirements' section of our homepage is the new 'expectations' section. This details the things we expect from you if you are to join us. Again, this can be found on the main page for easy reference.

Spoiler :
  • Personality and Language
  • You have a mature temperament.
  • You are loyal to our cause and do not defect.
  • You should be able to speak, read and write English to an 'understanding' degree.

    Player Status and Statistics
  • You are not banned.
  • You should have a reasonable amount of hours on the Fearless servers, as this shows you have experience within the gamemode and community.
  • You are not in any other clans. Roleplay groups however are acceptable.
  • You do not have any questionable or controversial history.

    In-Game Items
  • You are able to provide yourself with military-grade weapons, i.e. assault rifles. We will be able to help with this to a degree if this is not the case.
  • You have access to a degree of acceptable clothing, i.e. suit, gasmask.

  • You are willing to spend a maximum of 8 and a half hours per week doing Estleback related activities. Events can last up to 4 hours, and 30 minutes is advised for checking our communication hubs.
  • You will be happy to let us know your personal timetable, without being specific, so we can better plan events around the times our members are available.

Staff Changes

Blake Nightly (Nighthawkd) has stepped down from his position as our CFO. He has served for a long time with us, but will not be missed as he is still staying in the corporation as a FO! We thank him for all of the work he has done in the CFO role, and hope this transition will be painless.

In contrast, I am pleased to announce the newest addition to our SFO team, Mr Jack Mondays (Reebs). Mr Mondays has served with us for quite a while now, and we believe his dedication and commitment should be rewarded with a promotion. Congratulations!

Kind regards,

Director of the Estleback Corporation
The following 9 users Like Link's post:
  • Reebs, Hitman, chopchop1614, Exotic, Envy, DVN, Eclipze, Merle, Ivan Tempski
Congratulations Reebs Smile
The following 3 users Like DVN's post:
  • Link, chopchop1614, Reebs

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