HideIT 1.8 [Hide .RAR&.ZIP Files Into Images]

I made a pretty basic application, which allows you to hide .ZIP and .RAR files into any image format.

Here's a picture of the application itself:
[Image: hideit-application.png]

As you see, there's two options.
The "Hide File" option basically takes the image and file direction you provided, and merges them into one image that you can save.

The "Extract File" allows you to locate a image file, but the image must already have a hided .rar or .zip file inside it. If there's nothing hidden, it will provide you with an error.

How to view the hidden file after progress:
[Image: hideit-howto.png]

If you have any questions, feel free to ask by replying to this thread.

Download 1.8: http://www.bgrengoering.dk/lani/apps/HideIT.exe

The following 2 users Like Lani's post:
  • Jan, Tank
Good thing I can hide my porn now.

The following 3 users Like Biowulf's post:
  • Lani, equal, SadN3rd
And you said you couldn't code. I might release my own program soon enough.

Version 1.4 is available.

- Updater implanted (It will ask you for update, if you have an old version).
- Information box.
Version 1.5 is available.

- Fixed a few text mistakes.
Version 1.6 is available.

- Removed information box.
- Fixed the code up a bit.
- Fixed the updater message boxes.

To update from 1.5:
Open it and a message box will pop-up. Approve to download the newest version.

To download from start:
The link is updated with version 1.6 (Note: It's the same link every time, since that it's uploaded on my own host.)

Version 1.7 is available.

- Application starts in center screen.
(01-05-2012, 05:06 PM)Biowulf Wrote: Good thing I can hide my porn now.


Oh I was already thinking useful things to do with it, thanks Bio!
Version 1.8 is available.

- Updater is no longer ran automatically on start, but instead button. (It wasn't possible to use HideIT with no internet with automatic update)

[Picture is available on original post]

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