Admiral and Joey
Name of player: The Admiral Shabbizle, Joey Skylynx

SteamID: Admiral - STEAM_0:1:20206372, Joey - STEAM_0:11061926

Time in GMT: 10:20 ish GMT - 8 hours

Server: rp_EvoCity v2d
Summary: Rebels raided Nexus but didn't find the President. We left and had cops on our ass, so we turned at the end of the tunnel out of the city and killed them, but more kept showing up(there wasn't many cops but they kept breaking NLR) and eventually security guards and even a chef started shooting at us(helping the cops) and after killing the police force like 5 times over, we were finally pushed back by prop killing and other people shooting at us. After we all died(only like 1 rebel died) we were at spawn and started getting spawn killed. Admiral was crowbaring rebels and Joey was prop killing.

This story has more plotholes then swiss.

Let me explain from my side... I was outside of the town at Radio Tower doing some things for amusement[as Unemployed] and I decided I would go back to town... While walking back to town I'm greeted with a bunch of people with guns basically attacking anything that moves and as ooc put it "raided Nexus without reason!" and "spawnkilled citizens and cops!" and blam... I was getting shot at for attempting to enter the city by rebels and 'Rebel Assist'.

Thankfully I had my trusty crowbar from things which took place earlier, and I managed to kill two rebels with my crowbar while my buddy shot the rest down with AK-47. After such two rebels with AWPs decided they would attack us, and sadly killed us. Now I'm no sour sport, but after this took place I decided to step outside of spawn, and... DEAD. I got shot by a fricking rebel for walking out of spawn. I get out of spawn and head over too the now somewhat improvised wall made from blastdoors, and sheet metal[SS was getting sniped at while this was happening] in these endeavors the rebels set up a trench line and used awps to attack citizens inside the city without any discrimatory of who/what to shoot. In this frenzy a paramedic/firefighter [paramedic I know] got taken hostage by the rebels, and were forced to heal, and give over the fire truck. The rebels then took the firetruck and rammed it into the city, and a few people expected the firefight to end right there, but NOPE. All of a sudden the rebels began shooting at the firetruck, and under it at the feet of those who were standing nearby to it. Even when people attempted to push the truck away so that they could see, the rebels would basically just shoot them. I'll admit too pushing the truck away with a prop, and going frantic and pushing it at full force when a ricocheted sniper round hit me. The truck then went all the way through the tunnel and did kill one rebel.

Whelp. Accidental propkill. Now this did turn the tables sideways though... Now the rebels took position and used the firetruck as a barricade and fired off more lead into the city... The confused frenzy got so bad that one of the Rebel Assistance got behind the lines and broke NLR to attack us with a deagle.

Eventually this lead to a few breaks in the gunfire where Gun Dealers which were 'selling' [he had been basing with rebels] began selling the rebels more ammo so that they could continue a reign of terror upon the server. When the gunfire was broken though we did charge forward with crowbars and basically did WW1 Trench Raiding. Melee fights... gunfire... Mollies. Was p.awesome. Then we managed to break through and overwhelm the rebel lines and began too fall on their spawn building[they were shooting Ak-47's from] and began slaughtering them inside of it. Afterwards the SS had moved up behind us and basically took any/all rebels in handcuffs.[Bloodrage is a funny thing]

I took no part nor did I see any 'killings' most of the time I was helping stop rebels from arming themselves under fear rp with a knife/crowbar.

Also... Whats with you guys constantly re-equipping to kill us.

The most passive Rebels and Rebel Assistants in existence.
Alright, What I saw from this was the rebels, SS and police shooting each other at the tunnel. I read back at chat and saw something about a raid on the nexus. I went over there, but when I approached the tunnel, I was shot by a sniper and almost died. I ran back, saw a couple of SS and citizens die.

I saw the SS that had died run straight back, and same for any police or SS that had died there. I started to run towards the gas station, but was hit again by a sniper, and died. I respawned, took a step forward, and died again. I respawned, and hid out in my slums apartment.

After a while, I went back out and it was still going on. This time I saw an SS building a wall out of what looked like shipping container walls. An SS was tranqed, and the SS with the wall moved it for cover and tried to wake up the unconscious SS until a firetruck drove through the tunnel, I do not know where he was going. At the rock where the rebels were, the fireman died and the rebels started using it as cover, and somehow moved it to the beginning of the tunnel.

It was then I saw a fire near the truck, and then joey was saying something and prop pushed it to the rebels, killing a security guard in the process. The rebels used it as cover and were still killing, and SS after SS were coming back after death. I went and hid in my apartment again, and when people were saying it was over, I saw the cops and SS spawn tazering the rebels, then people jumping on the tazered.

Around there is where my screenshots start to take place, which is after a couple of people switched jobs. After they were done tazing, the group of rebels gathered near the SS leader where one punched him and ran. The SS leader killed me even though he was punched from the other side. I went back there to continue with the screens, and the SS were gone.

At this point I started asking what'd happened and one of them tranqed me, and another started stepping on me. I died, went back and attempted to continue questioning them when I was hit by a white mustang, who killed several. I did not catch the drivers' name. I just gave up and continued on with my RP life on the server.

Here is a link to the screens I mentioned:My Screenshots
Disregard the last 4 with the BMD as he had a very good reason for that, the drivers of the blue car shot at him and tried to drive away. The 2 after that with the Trabant was a couple of CDMers, and the 2 after that was a suspected RDMer, thought I'd include those too. Also included are 2 screens of the scoreboard showing most players online at the moment, and with the SS and rebels' names.

Things really went into chaos after Blackdog left for a little while.

-EDIT- Link did not work, fixed.
"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect and I don't live to be. But, before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." - Bob Marley
[Image: 347a99x.png]
Thanks for the sig, ForceGhost!
I too fell victim to the rebels and "rebel assistants" They just kept NLRing, prop killing, RDMing. This is my story: So I joined the server as SS, I see my team mates next to me in the nexus garage yelling "OMG, COME ON QUICK THERE'S A RAID". So I followed them, just to be greeted by a wall of bullets.

So I take cover at BP, I manage to take out the 3 gunmen, but there's still more shooting, I noticed it coming from the tunnel where the SS were pinned down. I run into cover behind the blast door barricades, but I was eventually killed after one of them threw a Molotov at the barricade.

I tried my best to keep NLR, but as soon as I walk passed the gas station towards Metro cafe I get shot down to 46 HP, so I rejoined in the fight and eventually I took my hummer and went straight past them to the tunnel leading to the radio station, I stopped by the tunnel and killed the 2 snipers, which allowed the rest of the SS to come in quite easily, as I was keeping the rest of them distracted.

We then got them trapped in their own spawn, we began arresting them; but they had no more firearms to continue the massacre, so they used melee weapons, I decided to taze an assaulter, but when I look to my left, I see a washing machine get impaled into my face with a blue beam following it with came from a rebel.

Anyway, we had the upper hand so we began to get out the arrest baton. But every time we were to taze them, the other rebels would just jump on the body and kill him, freeing him from our hold, so it was a pain for about 15 minutes until 1 of the rebels snuk past us and got to the top floor then got his AK out, but as he started shooting form the window, good 'ol joey saw him and took him out before any causalities took place. And then I forgot what happened afterwards, so I'm gona end it with a conclusion:

The rebels RDMed, NLRed, and prop killed, got 60+ kills, shot innocent pedestrians, and jumped on tazed bodys, who do you think should get banned?
I mean my god, i leave for one hour....ONE HOUR! And the whole place goes to hell in a handbasket, anyone with 60+ kills needs to explain themselves because there is NO reason to have that unless your the SS head whos been on the server for 8 hours, and youve been in alot of police raids, most of the rebels seem to have had +20 kills, and most of the server who wernt with them had over 10-15+ deaths each
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
(01-05-2012, 08:44 PM)BlackDog Wrote: I mean my god, i leave for one hour....ONE HOUR! And the whole place goes to hell in a handbasket, anyone with 60+ kills needs to explain themselves because there is NO reason to have that unless your the SS head whos been on the server for 8 hours, and youve been in alot of police raids, most of the rebels seem to have had +20 kills, and most of the server who wernt with them had over 10-15+ deaths each

"there is NO reason to have that unless your the SS head whos been on the server for 8 hours"
We had been on for 7 and a half hour in a row and defending our base from gouverment razzia/raids and also raided others as corleones, nexus. during thoose 7½ hours, you have some presidents... not just one. and if the laws dont realy suits you (enough for a valid reason to negotiate or assasinate) you get the cops all over you and etc whole day long.

Blackdog, i had 7 and a half hour played in a row and the rest of the rebels had close enough, and we constantly had trouble with the police breaking nlr, what else could we do except keep killing them when they came back and tried to search our base?. it was not just 1-2 or 3 cops, both the classes SS and police came back and broke nlr with full forces, it had been going on for the whole dayAngry. it realy amaze me that you didn't notice that when you were online... and now theyr complaining about one hour that you've been gone. seriously knock it off!
so i realy have to quit the game if some jerks keep breaking nlr just becouse an admin aint online? Angry
thats why the KD stats was high.

also, we had never, NEVER any gun dealer or any working class with us or allied. NEVER!
only rebels! we didnt even invite people that begged us!

I also wanna ask why the !"#!# does random people run into our hostage situations while fighting the cops? are you so freaking stupid? NO ONE would run into a hostage situation and crouch at the hostage keepers and be in the line of fire!
that night was a CHAOS! and i wish i had atleast one of the new admins on Steam.
Ask the other admins, that mostly have retired now becouse of lack of intellegence on the new p12 people that is joining the server. i've always been in a good hand with the admins, no matter what! i quited for the same reason during the summer and this night was my first on 5-6 MONTHS, and im already feeling to leave it again and join another community as the rest of all the people have done.

I did never RDM, CDM or Propkill. but i got rdmed and propkilled by Rick slick dick or what the heck his name is, several times.
All the rebels got RDMed and Spawnkilled by the cops at rebel spawn.... grow up!

I even think i spoke for the rest of the rebels, but ask them. this is atleast my side of the story.

The most important in this topic, Boom- is right about what he wrote in the ban request. We were leaving after a raid of the nexus, but got chased by cops and ss at the tunnel, but why did chefs and other jerks helping cops out?!?!
Thanks boom- for making this topic!
i forgot to save my screendumps so i have no proof to support you, just my word.

/cheers J-BOI
I was there also, there were 2 gundealers RDMing and Breaking NLR along side the rebels.

It was just a big pain in the ass.
[Image: Force_Ghost_Signature2.jpg]
(01-06-2012, 07:05 PM)ForceGhost Wrote: I was there also, there were 2 gundealers RDMing and Breaking NLR along side the rebels.

It was just a big pain in the ass.

no, we did NOT have any other people than rebels at our side. why the heck would we want a gun dealer?....
we were trying to leave the city becouse we were chased by the cops and we got forced into the corner and couldn't make a run for it. then everyone came to attack us, all from chefs, gun dealers to firemens with theyr axes...
Why would you want a gundealer? From what I hear they were spawning ammo for you guys while you went on your killing spree around town
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]

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