Estleback Corporation

It is a sad day. 

I regret to inform you that we are going to have to relieve two members of our staff team from duty. 

Joseph 'Yurivw' Steiner (Yurivw) has, even though showing exemplary skill on the field, not turned up for any Estleback operation since Miss Evocity 2017, both pre-booked and otherwise. Even though we authorise unnoted absences from non-booked events, he has not been sighted in the city for a considerable period of time. This comes alongside personal requests from the governance to return back to duty. On top of this, even though confirming his presence for the 'Great Debate', he did not turn up, and we have still not been given an explanation to why this has happened from him since. All attempts to contact him have failed, and compulsory protocol has not been followed, highlighting his inactivity.

Additionally, Joseph Vantiago Deacon (Joe Joe Binks) will also be relieved from duty. After evaluation in the TFO stage, we have not seen him fit for promotion to operative. Many apologies.

We thank the above operatives for their work with us.

Kind regards,

Deputy Director of the Estleback Corporation
The following 7 users Like Link's post:
  • Floodify, chopchop1614, Random, Reebs, Ivan Tempski, Tmdirtbike, NightHawkd
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] KimmyPanda

Link to Steam Profile:

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:134281296

Real Age: 17

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 830+

How many RP points do you have?: 16

How many bans and/or blacklists do you have?: 0

What time zone do you live in, in relation to GMT?: GMT+01:00

How many hours in the past 2 weeks have you been playing on G-Mod?: 53

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 9

Have you been in other clans? If so, which one(s)?: Waite Enterprises & DupesCo.

Describe your personality: I'm a very affectionate person, albeit a tad demanding for that matter. I am very loving to those around me and I show that through my words and actions. I can depend on mutual affection; a pat on the head can do wonders for me sometimes. I am -very- ambitious. When I set my senses upon a certain thing, I must succeed in doing it the best way possible. Call it being a perfectionist. I have my weaknesses, but through my experiences I have learnt how to cope with them, and turn the negative into positive things. I use creative thinking in that process. There are so many other words I can use to portray my personality, but I bleieve this sums it up quite well.

What makes YOU individual and differ from all of the other candidates?: I'd say my quirky personality is something that makes me stand out from all candidates. I won't say it is my mass amount of experience, because to say it bluntly; I have none. Not in holding weaponry, or writing loads of public speeches. But I am willing to learn. But do not only take my word for that, let me prove it.

In-Character Information

Full Name: Kimmy Redwood-Grayson

Age: 20

Nationality: Canadian

Describe your personality: I'm an introverted woman. I don't allow people to see through me like I'm some open window. I only allow my family, my loved ones to see through my strong façade. I've learnt to be loyal by my father, a hard man. Through his hard ways I also learnt to appreciate what I have, and protect it at all cost. I do that quite ambitiously.
I'm not impulsive, I conduct in creative thinking before I act.

Tell us about your history: I don't remember much about my childhood. I only remember the occasional empty liquor bottles on the floor that my father downed with ease. The rest is blurry. My earliest memory is of me working as a secretary for some shady company. But I didn't ask any questions at that time. After a short while, I found out what I was capable of, I discovered my linguistic talent and used that as a future reference when it came to finding employment. I found it rather quickly, though I didn't stay long. The enterprise was shut down due to conflicts. I found another dull job somewhere in Evocity. My employer Angela and I just didn't get along. Somewhere along the line of my life I met a lover, a friend with the name of Noah Grayson. We married quickly after meeting each other. Soon after my marriage, I got fired yet again. This time due to claims of me forging documents. I won't say I'm one who doesn't know how to forge a simple paper.

Acceptance Potential Information [OOC/IC]:

Why are you applying for the Estleback Corporation?: I think I can discover new talents and improve myself in this clan.

What made the Estleback corporation stand out from the others to you? I was thinking of joining for quite a while as I'm someone that does enjoy the structure in things, and that's something I'm missing in some clans. Of course, some have ranks and whatnot implemented, but using them to the fullest, that's something only Estleback does!

Which specialization area caught your interest the most and why?: Media & Recruit, I am the person you're looking for when it comes to this area. I love writing, promoting things to the public. I don't have all the experience in the world, but I can assure you that I'm improving my linguistic skills every day as I write continuously. I even have my own group that promotes people to put their words out there and improve. So you can say I'm quite driven when it comes to this area.

Do you have any past experience in the position you are applying for?: Not too much, yet not too little experience! But life is a learning process.

Do you have access to proper suits?: Yes.

Do you have any non-Estleback references we can contact? (Link their Steam Profiles):
• [FL:RP] Lesanka:

[Image: MCZT5DV.png]
The following 8 users Like Kimpow's post:
  • Link, Jonas, MasterNoda, Janzo 火, Ivan Tempski, Reebs, NightHawkd, Tmdirtbike
*An important message pops up in your notification tab*
*Slowly loading the message it reveals a link to...*

The Fulcrum Organisation Returns

Greetings fellow colleagues and visitor,

Two days ago a normal training was planned by our newly appointed Senior Operative Officer Blake 'Nighthawkd' Nightly at our facility on v2d. Carried out with excellency by Blake himself, it was however abruptly ended after myself was found with my head resting on the steering wheel of my car and my the seat next to me empty; the very seat Noah 'MasterNoda' Grayson was supposed to sit in. My condition was in a critical state and thus I was absent from the following events after I was put at base in a coma. The following content of this post is therefore a copy of our debrief with certain sensitive content being redacted.

Mission Debrief: 2017-03-12

Spoiler: Debrief
ATTENDAND OPERATIVES: Steve 'Link' Burwin, Blake ‘NightHawkd’ Nightly,  Gonzalo 'G.Weed' Rodríguez, Lee 'Jonas' Wong, Ivan 'I.T' Tempski, Alejandro 'Tmdirtbike- Lebetai, Taylor 'ChopChop' Crawley , Matthew 'Jazz' Harper, Jack 'Reebs' Mondays, Matt 'Panda' Velazquez, James 'Eclipze' Bradford
TIME SPAN: 5:13 PM to 11:32 PM, ZULU TIME
LOCATION: EvoCity V2D, Michigan, United States of America
RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Prepare a full scale attack on Fulcrum Organisation all bases after retrieving an item on the sunken ship in EvoCity lake (more info to come).

The events explained during the operation named Operation Tigar follows a chronological order. Attached to the debrief is extracted footage from the Deputy Director Steve 'Link' Burwin's standard issue bodycamera. In this public draft certain content in the footage has been edited and removed as it displays tactics and various information that could be of potential use in an attack against Estleback Corporation.

On 5:13 PM ZULU time a radio call with inaudible content reached the Operatives at base. The radio call came from Anthony 'Flood' Valaris radio unit and conveyed a stress-call. With 3 Range Rovers and 3 Operatives in each vehicle they were ordered by the SFO to urgently head to the location of the Director. Necessary personnel was positioned at the base to maintain security of it. Upon arrival to the location of the Director, the Director was found severely injured by at looks of a car crash. The Director got carried out by Operative ChopChop and was laid on the tarmac in a stable position. The Director, with minimal consciousness, pointed at a red vehicle across the street and uttered the words "Fulcrum"; directed towards the long time running employee Steve 'Link' Burwin.

Further investigations showed that Noah Grayson had been present in the front right passenger seat and had been forcefully extracted from the vehicle. Bullet casings were found on the ground and a search around the area was initiated. Shortly after a large explosion and flames were seen close to the neighboring bar. A crashed helicopter was found in flames due to the gasoline leakage. The operatives took distance but was shortly after discovered by a heavily armed helicopter, that without any attempt of contact initiated an attack on Estleback operatives. Accompanied with multiple others helicopters, the Operatives managed to force the helicopters to retreat back. A search of the bar provided intel of whom the red car may have been owned by.

During a new wave of helicopter attacks, the Deputy Director ordered an immediate search of the villa area which upon a discovery of a youth was found. This very youth was present during the supposed car crash that involved Valaris and Grayson. It later was evident that it was no car crash, but a staged one in order to hide the attack carried out by Estleback longtime nemesis Fulcrum Organisation. A further questioning of the very compliant witness made it clear that there were someone of even bigger involvement in terms of witness and he stated the location of that individual.

Estleback Operatives touched ground on 9:49 PM ZULU in the designated slum area of EvoCity. An improvised construction was found and the second witness was said to be in that residential construction. Extracting that very witness a third wave of helicopter attacks were initiated upon the Estleback Employees and thus an immediate retreat to the headquarters with the witness took place.  

Upon entering the headquarters the operatives were met with various turrets placed around the headquarters, each branded with the infamous crow logo of Fulcrum. Successfully disposing of each turret the operatives continued to entering the headquarter when various discovery's were found - all pointing towards the fact that Fulcrum Organisation is back and is in full force.

This very attack on the Director of Estleback, my trusted associated now in their custody Noah 'Noda' Grayson and the brutal attack on operatives assigned to protect this city is in no way acceptable. Provided documents of further actions will be available in our communication hub (official forum).

In the midst of all this chaos there as been however a sight of bright light. We have gained yet another employee of the platoon of loyal family members; James 'Ecplize' Bradford. His contribution to this operation was of great importance and he's proved himself already a part of this brotherhood that may in the future expand to an unstoppable force. Any applicant that is currently being reviewed will be contacted in the next few coming days.

Certain edits to our structure of communication has been made and we will no longer offer access to the communication hub when an employee beholds the rank "Trial Field Operative". Edits of the communication is taking place as you read this message. Affected parties will receive a private message containing new information on how to access our revamped communication hub. Our Media and Recruit employee Alejandro 'Tmdirtbike' Lebetai will work on new documents and methods to involve the new employee far more than it has before. The governance is excited to see what suggestions and procedure enhancement that is in store from the very competent operative Lebetai.

If you'd like to get more information about the current situation: >>CLICK HERE<<

This has been all,

Director of Estleback Corporation
Anthony 'Flood' Válaris, Estleback Corporation Commander
Kind Regards,
The following 9 users Like Floodify's post:
  • Jonas, Eclipze, General Weed, Reebs, Tmdirtbike, Link, Panda, Hitman, NightHawkd
The Citizen Militia Of EvoCity condemns this unlawful attack on Estelback Corporation,and we offer our condolences to Estelback for their injured and missing employees.
Commander Robert Halsey
[Image: 7EmE7CZ.png]
Have I helped you or am I friendly?
Random's application for Estleback Corporation.

Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:T] Random
Link to Steam Profile:
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:57769738

Real Age: We talked about this on steam (Floodify).

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 1800

How many RP points do you have?: 14

How many bans and/or blacklists do you have?: I have 3 bans and 11 blacklists on my record. Most of the blacklists are old, and so are the bans.

What time zone do you live in, in relation to GMT?: GMT +1

How many hours in the past 2 weeks have you been playing on G-Mod?: In the last 2 weeks, I have played 46 hours on Garry's Mod.

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: I would say a solid 9. I am constantly on the forums whenever I am on my PC (Which is quite often) and I often check the forums on my phone.

Have you been in other clans? If so, which one(s)?:
-The Syndicate
-Illuzion Corp
-(An old, bad military clan that I can not even remember the name of.)

Describe your personality: I would like to consider myself a pretty good person. I can be trusted wether it is personal stuff, clan related or anything else. I know how to be serious when needed, but I can also joke around if appropiate.

At first I do not feel comfortable handing out my personal information, thus I decided to not include it in this application.That being said, I will happily hand it out to Floodify if it is needed/expected for me to join the clan. Once you get to know me, I will most likely open up to you slowly but surely..

What makes YOU individual and differ from all of the other candidates?: I will do as I am told. Your wish is my command. I have great respect for my leaders. I am able to get weaponry or any other equipment myself; and will happily share a couple of things if any other team mates is in need.

In-Character Information

Full Name: Dean Grimes

Age: 30

Nationality: American

Describe your personality: I would consider myself a loyal, smart and a trustworthy person

Tell us about your history: I was born in America, but early on in my life, I decided to move to Evocity to study for a career as a Police Officer. However, I quickly realised that a life as a cop was nothing for me.. Instead I was recruited for the army where I got a good education and a lot of experience. Due to my time in the army, I know a thing or two about guns and how to survive.

Acceptance Potential Information [OOC/IC]:

Why are you applying for the Estleback Corporation?: It is one of the biggest clans out there. I have heard good things about it, and your dupes seem wonderful. All in all, the clan seems stable, and it seems well run. I often see you guys RPing, it has been a while since I've seen good ClanRP. I was originally going to make a clan myself, but I decided that you guys seem to have a well running clan. It has been a while since I have actually been a 'normal member' (Not any sort of leadership positions) myself. My previous clans have not turned out too well. I do not see myself as a leader, more of a loyal member.

What made the Estleback corporation stand out from the others to you? Not going to lie. IC wise, we have had our diffrences in the past. That being said I am infact 100% serious with this application.  I do belive that Estleback is one of the greatest clans to have ever been on FL. Despite the drama that has happened in the past. Said drama was all in character.

Which specialization area caught your interest the most and why?: MnR

Do you have any past experience in the position you are applying for?: Yes I do;

IC: I have been properly trained in the army. I am experienced within all types of weapons; wether it is a sniper rifle, automatic rifle, shotgun, pistol or a knife. The army did not only teach me how to use a firearm. They also thought me how to remain patient, and how to make sure both parties get out of the situation safe and sound. That being said, if it is needed, I am not afraid to use any weaponry avaible for self defence or for defending any comrades who may be with me in that situation.

OOC: I often do government RP, such as police officer or SRU. Don't get me wrong, I love doing passive RP too. It's just that I have not had any good Passive ideas recently. I have also played quite a lot of CSGO, at one point I used to be the LEM rank.

Do you have access to proper suits?: Yes I do. I always make sure to have donator rank.

Do you have any non-Estleback references we can contact? (Link their Steam Profiles): Only refrences I have are people in Estleback.
[Image: CYCeH3i.png]
The following 10 users Like Random's post:
  • Panda, Reebs, Coffee, Eclipze, Jonas, General Weed, Tmdirtbike, Ivan Tempski, Divey, Link

Tonight marks the start and continuation of progress.

*A photo is attached*

Tonight's training session went smoothly, with few hitches and bumps. I am pleased at the overall progress you have made over the past three weeks, and I am looking forward to perfecting the taught assets.

Off of this training session, I have one promotion to make. Mr 'Taylor Crawley' (ChopChop) has been promoted to the SnR specialisation. I expect good work from you.

Kind regards,

Deputy Director of the Estleback Corporation
The following 12 users Like Link's post:
  • Random, Floodify, Reebs, General Weed, chopchop1614, JazzlesMan, Tmdirtbike, Eclipze, Jonas, Panda, Hitman, Ivan Tempski
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL] Divey
Link to Steam Profile:

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:56879124

Real Age: 17

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 1500

How many RP points do you have?: 22

How many bans and/or blacklists do you have?: 1 ban and 20 blacklists (12 if PTE is counted as 1, all were from over 2 years ago.)

What time zone do you live in, in relation to GMT?: GMT

How many hours in the past 2 weeks have you been playing on G-Mod?: 27 hours

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 10

Have you been in other clans? If so, which one(s)?: The Camorro Family

Describe your personality: I would call myself quite an enthusiastic person, I love to have a good laugh and nice chat although, as we all do, I like to step back sometimes and listen rather than interact. I would say I am a mild perfectionist, I am quite a creative person and always have ideas come into my head although I very rarely go through with them as I feel as though they are not to a good standard.

What makes YOU individual and differ from all of the other candidates?: I would say that I have strong opinions, I am not afraid to speak my mind and I am always looking for the best outcome. Although I have the guns to stick to what I believe in I would say that I am an open person and I am not afraid to change my opinion if I find that opinion to be better than my own.

In-Character Information

Full Name: Diego Amorey

Age: 34

Nationality: Spanish, although my family immigrated to England.

Describe your personality: I would say that no-nonsense type of guy, I always try and get things done to the best standard possible and I am always looking for ways to get involved.

Tell us about your history: Born in the slums of Northern England, I was was an immigrant and was treated very poorly because of it. Although someone of Spanish heritage isn't usually a target for racism, because of my olive skin I was treated just as bad as the refugees which were coming to this country because I was not seen as Caucasian. Having no friends due my school peers being taught particularistic values by their parents, meaning I was being subjected due to my race, I found company in television. The media played a big influence in my early life and I was in awe of this southern culture found in cities such as London, which was seen as a city of acceptance. I wanted to do anything to move over to London, but due to my working class heritage I was unable to do so and was stick in a world full of hatred. Due to my motivation to move to the south I spent my time in education very wisely, revising and doing any extra work which would mean I could secure good grades by the end of my academic year.

When not revising for exams I would continue to watch television and would see people such as Hugh Grant speak with such an accent that resembled intelligence and wealth, which are the things I desired. While watching on my old, broken couch I would try and imitate the received pronunciation I saw on television in an attempt to break free of my previously northern accent. After leaving school I would attempt to find several jobs within media outlets, however I was denied despite my decent grades and clear voice, due to the fact that like in my childhood, my race is what 'let me down'. Frustrated, I signed up to a military training program where I would be able to vent my frustration from all the bad things that had happened in my life. After several years in serving for the British Armed Forces, once my enlistment contract ended I decided to take a break from working in the army. I wanted to start fresh, I wanted somewhere new to seek out. Although giving me hope, the media sold me a false story of acceptance and I found that London quite simply wasn't all that I had hoped it to be. I couldn't go to my extended family in Spain because I had never met them nor could I understand Spanish fluently and so I immigrated to Evocity in America, just like my parents immigrated to England. I thought to myself, hopefully it will work better the second time round.

Acceptance Potential Information [OOC/IC]:

Why are you applying for the Estleback Corporation?: I am never usually a clan person, however when Estleback re-opened I inspected the page and found something that ticked all my boxes. I am an avid role player and I had a great time reading the lore behind the clan, the backstory really fleshed everything out. I also can appreciate professionalism and from reviewing your clan I can see that not only do you have complex clearance levels, but the responses from within the governance to the community are always very well written and well thought out. I am also impressed with how active you are and how much time and effort you put into your RPs.

What made the Estleback corporation stand out from the others to you? To put it simply, first impressions are key and from first loading your page I could tell that Estleback was a clan that was worth while, due to how much effort I could see was put into the page itself.

Which specialization area caught your interest the most and why?: Media & Recruit. I admit I am not the best when it comes to handling a gun, but what I do pride myself in is my writing. Not only do I feel as though it comes naturally to me, I also enjoy writing and the possibilities that come with it, as it not simply just typing down information, there is quite a bit of strategy to it also. This being said I am more than ready to bare arms when instructed to.

Do you have any past experience in the position you are applying for?: I do indeed, you can see my previous media work on this thread: (Although of course, I am not playing the same character, for obvious reasons.)

Do you have access to proper suits?: I do, indeed.

Do you have any non-Estleback references we can contact? (Link their Steam Profiles): 
Lesanka -
[Image: f2kzlKW.png]
The following 10 users Like Divey's post:
  • Random, Link, Reebs, Panda, Jonas, Eclipze, Floodify, NightHawkd, General Weed, Hitman
Out of Character Information

Steam Name:[FL:RP]Sharpshooter
Link to Steam Profile:

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:65171839

Real Age:15

How many hours do you have on the servers?:410 419

How many RP points do you have?: 1

How many bans and/or blacklists do you have?:1 ban,7 blacklists

What time zone do you live in, in relation to GMT?:GMT+3

How many hours in the past 2 weeks have you been playing on G-Mod?:29.6

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?:10

Have you been in other clans? If so, which one(s)?:Fading Phoenix,Citizen Militia Of EvoCity

Describe your personality:Good sense of humour,sometimes impatient,serious

What makes YOU individual and differ from all of the other candidates?:I always give a personal touch to my roleplays,I have good leadership skills and I have my own personal way of aggressive roleplay.

In-Character Information

Full Name:Robert Halsey



Describe your personality:Serious,Intelligent,very loyal.

Tell us about your history:I was born in Cardiff to a Belgian mother and British father.I studied in private schools,joining Oxford with a scholarship.I graduated from Physics with a doctorate in Ballistics.I served for one year in the Royal Navy.I moved to USA in 2003,first to Boston and then EvoCity in 2010.I currently own several weapons-related businesses around the city,a gun shop,two workshops and one research labratory with my partner Rex Smash.

Acceptance Potential Information [OOC/IC]:

Why are you applying for the Estleback Corporation?:The only current large-scale corporation in the EvoCity area is Estleback,and I'm looking for a corporation to work at.Basically,I'm looking for a company to serve.You can be sure I will be loyal.

What made the Estleback corporation stand out from the others to you?:Estleback has a robust and efficient management system,good contacts in the city and a very well reputation.Estleback is truly a successful corporation,and I believe it is the only place where I can use my knowledge in weapons and science.

Which specialization area caught your interest the most and why?:Strategy&Armoury as I have extensive knowledge about the subject,being a veteran and having a doctorate in Ballistics.As I stated earlier,that subject caught my attention as I'm hoping to use my knowledge and skills in that area.

Do you have any past experience in the position you are applying for?:Yes,as stated previously,I have a doctorate in Ballistics,and I have served in a military position.

Do you have access to proper suits?:Yes(4 days of Donator remaining,however I will buy it again)

Do you have any non-Estleback references we can contact? (Link their Steam Profiles):Brikaas-
[Image: 7EmE7CZ.png]
Have I helped you or am I friendly?

A couple of announcements today.

Firstly, I would like to welcome our newest Trial Field Operative, Diego Amorey (Divey), to the team. I'm sure you will do an excellent job and help us reach our objective in the yet largely unexplored area of media.

Secondly, I hereby announce my leave of absence from the Estleback Corporation. The positions and responsibilities I dealt with will be delegated between current staff members to ensure a smooth operation during my absence. I expect to return on Thursday the 7th June 2017. Even though I will not be a prominent player in the day-to-day running of the corporation until that given date, I will still be somewhat present, and reaching me is a phone call away.

Good luck lads.

Kind regards,

Deputy Director of the Estleback Corporation
A change in history

Spoiler: OOC
It's with great sorrow that we see an as incredible member as Link66 to go on a Leave of Absence, but as many of us are aware of, there are far more important matters out in the broad world of ours. I have an immense appreciation for each and everyone's contribution to Estleback, no matter how big or small. It has unquestionably going good for Estleback these last past months and that is solely because of the efforts put in by YOU and no-one else. Now that Link66 has left there are some tasks that will be delegated around the clan and I have already have one announcement regarding this change ready.

With great pleasure I can welcome Diego 'Divey' Amorey to the family I have so much respect and love for. It will be great pleasure to work alongside yourself, Diego. I am sure that any contribution to Estleback that you may have will be of great importance to us. We are currently in the stage of evaluating the suitability of the applicant Dean 'Random' Grimes. Certain points have been brought up that will be discussed further in the Governance until a conclusion has been made. I thank you for your patience and I hope you are as eager to know the final result as I personally am.

With the leave of absence of our Deputy Director, certain tasks will be dealt out to our prestigious employees. Firstly I'd like to announce Jon 'Hitman' Ive's reallocation of specification from Engineering to Strategy and Armory. He will be focusing on certain business opportunities that has arisen and assist our two other SnA employees in their tasks. I am sure the Engineers will miss Ive, but they have been going strong ever since the promotion of Gonzalo 'G.Weed' Rodriguez promotion and I am sure things will continue to thrive in that spec. area as well in our other ones.

Future projects are being discussed, but our main point of focus is to retrieve the ones lost DoD, Noah 'Noda' Grayson. We have been steadily been given intel of his whereabouts and the crooked Fulcrum Organisations area of activity. A briefing will be available to the operatives in the near future. He is of extreme importance to the corporation and ever since his disappearance it has been noticeable.

An immediate update is our Terms of Membership additions. This has been established to make clear guidelines in terms of what is expected of the member and what is not. (note: this is OOC). I need all members of Estleback to acknowledge these personally in a PM to me; until this has been done, you may not participate in any operations related to Estleback. The ToM can be found on our main page (the OP).

This has been all,

Director of Estleback Corporation
Anthony 'Flood' Válaris, Estleback Corporation Commander

P.S. Apperantly this is our 1000th post! That is always something to celebrate.. I once again want to thank EACH and EVERYONE of you. You make Estleback what it was and is - this also goes out to ex-members as well. Much love to you all.
Kind Regards,

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