Estleback Corporation
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: Tmdirtbike

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:49105491

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 2230+

Real Age: 14

How many RP points do you have?: 21

How many bans do you have?: 0

What timezone do you live in (GMT)?: GMT -6

In-Character Information

Personal Information:

Full Name: Alejandro Belo Lebetai

Age: 23

Nationality: Italiano

Personal traits
  • Strict
  • Out going
  • Cautious
  • Aware
  • Caring
Tell us about him/her and his/hers history

Alejandro grew up poor in a small house. He soon fell into the hands of drugs, and he became an addict at the age of 12. After going to jail and being prosecuted, he turned a new leaf. School was now a priority for him and he excelled in his class. Graduating 1st in his class, he went on to study biomedical engineering abroad. After getting his Masters in Biomedical Engineering, started working for a company named Estleback Corporation and thrived. Soon after, the corporation shut down and, and Alejandro was left jobless.

Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Estleback Corporation?: Estleback Corporation has always caught my eye since the beginning. Therefore, I am applying to EBC because I enjoy the work that the directors and leaders put me through. It was an enjoyable time. I also enjoy a great challenge. This clan has proven to do some serious acts. For instance, the Beltran and Candolini wars. I also wish to continue my work where I last left off in 2014. The Estleback Corporation is my home and I would love to have it back.

What division are you applying for?: I am applying for the Estleback Technology and Construction Division, or ETCD. Right where I left off. However, I do see the division may be filled, so if you deem the EFD would be right. You may put me there.

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: I do have experience for the ETCD as I previously worked here, and I did a lot of building and engineering related projects.

Have you been in other clans, which one(s)?:
  • Estleback
  • Others that I cannot remember.

Do you have any reference we can contact?:
  • Flood
  • MysteriaParade
  • Link
  • Wood
  • Ivan
  • Reebs
  • MasterNoda

Do you have access to suits/donator?: As of now I do not; however, I will have access soon. (1 week or so)

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: I am active a lot on the forums. I would rate myself a 7 as of lately. 

How active are you on the servers 1-10?: As I have not been on the servers in a while, it may seem I am inactive; however, I am not. Fearless has been my #1 priority for the last month, and I just now got my computer back.(T'was broken) I would give myself a 6 and rising.

Do you accept the Terms and Conditions?: Yes

Previous Work

Spoiler :
A checkpoint for the tunnel.

Spoiler :
[Image: 21d07b4f4052e9dd15ae6c0ea09747b0.png]

A gate for the lobby of the Nexus.

Spoiler :
[Image: f1b0dd8a01c0c0d1efea059384ecd9d0.png]

Another gate for the Nexus lobby.

Spoiler :
[Image: d96727ddb640aa259d2664d6382905d7.png]

An exact replica of the old EBC HQ that I rebuilt as an engineer in case any of us needed it.

Spoiler :
Unfortunately due to security, I cannot show the inside.[Image: 7d531c9eaec3e6183e5579bcbf52564d.png]

A drone I researched for EBC; however, it is now unfortunately public.

Spoiler :
[Image: d30629a5544f84719e9d979dc4523c71.png]

Kind regards,
The following 8 users Like Tmdirtbike's post:
  • Link, MasterNoda, Floodify, General Weed, NightHawkd, Ratatoskrr, Ivan Tempski, Jonas
[Image: 2lly4C5.png]
Estleback Announcement

Whilst it has been indeed a struggle to get us back on foot due to the loss of all the important infrastructure we had before, I am glad to say that this infrastructure is indeed close to its final form. We have indeed recognized few parts of Estleback that need changing, such as our Division system. But more on that later when that update rolls out (it won't affect any members or applicants, simply make us more efficient).

We've made few changes to our application form. We thought that few pointers are far more important than others and have as such decided to swift the app' form to highlight those things about our applicant. Some small changes will be made to it, but overall this is what our new application form will be.

A new contract has been established between Bentley Productions and Estleback Corporation regarding the new Miss Evocity contest. We will be responsible for security and use our utmost professional field operatives to make sure everyone feel that they can relax and enjoy the event properly. The city has been indeed facing quite many threats recently, but hopefully we can get people to divert their attention of this problem and for once enjoy something. All staff have been informed of this contract, although the Governance is aware that some are unfortunately not able to attend as security operatives during this lovely night.

Until next time,
Director of Estleback Corporation
Anthony 'Flood' Válaris, Estleback Corporation Commander
Kind Regards,
The following 8 users Like Floodify's post:
  • Envy, Jonas, Lesanka, Divey, Ivan Tempski, Link, NightHawkd, Tmdirtbike
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: Yurivw
Link to Steam Profile:

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:32122706

Real Age: Twenty

How many hours do you have on the servers?: I currently only have 111 hours, but Flood said it was alright if I applied.

How many RP points do you have?: None

How many bans do you have?: None
How many blacklists do you have?: None

What time zone do you live in, in relation to GMT?: I live in GMT +1

How many hours in the past 2 weeks have you been playing on G-Mod?: 109 hours.

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?:

I’d say about a 6. I’m on pretty much daily, but I don’t post a lot.

Have you been in other clans? If so, which one(s)?:

Zeta Corporation, I pretty much co-lead this. I decided to leave after the owner started being a dictator. I did not agree with his views on public executions either.

Describe your personality: Honest, determined, friendly and easy-going. I also have a good sense of humour, but can be serious when the need arises.

What makes YOU individual and differ from all of the other candidates?:

I have a lot of experience in the Roleplay field, albeit not on this server. I have been playing on Clockwork based Half Life 2 Roleplay servers since 2010, and I have clocked over 3000 hours on those kinds of servers. Other than that, I am very dedicated to my work. This usually goes beyond in-game scenarios.
Lastly this clan would offer me so much more than the usual Roleplay experience, and I would very much like to improve my skills further. [/b]

In-Character Information


Personal Information:

Full Name: Joseph Steiner

Age: 34

Nationality: American

Describe your personality: I would describe myself as a hard-working, honest man. I’m very punctual and reliable and above all, a team player.

Tell us about your history: I was born in a small Germany village on August 28th 1982. My parents both worked for BP. This meant that they often had to travel for their work. Because of this I was send to family in the US where I attended school. Nothing interesting happened to me for a while until I was about 20 years old and applied for a job at BP where I was denied any position. This is about the time I got in contact with Zeta, where I would work as an office employee for the next six years, slowly making my way up to the top. In 2012 I was finally offered a position as Chief Administration Officer, which I immediately took. I was sure my life couldn’t get any better. That is, until I found out what kind of sick experiments Zeta did on humans. This included, but was not limited to brainwashing, torturing to make a “Pain-Index” and the effects of certain drugs on people. I resigned about a day later. I don’t think any of them know that I have seen it all. Anyway, that is pretty much my life story.

Acceptance Potential Information:

Why are you applying for the Estleback Corporation?: [/size]

I believe that this job opportunity would be perfect for enhancing my career. While I haven’t worked in this field yet, I think the Estleback Corporation could provide me with valuable experience. I also feel that I should do something for the people of Evocity, especially now that I know what Zeta really does.

What made the Estleback corporation stand out from the others to you?
While I was doing research on new possible employers, I came across Estleback. After reading their views and objective, I decided it was perfect for someone who is trying to make Evocity a better place. Since I was practically working for the government I have grown a liking to the city and its citizens. I feel like it is my duty to help protect them.

What division are you applying for?: Field division.

Do you have any past experience in the position you are applying for?:

I only have administrative and office experience, this is why I would like to broaden my horizons.

Do you have any references we can contact? (Link their Steam Profiles):

The only one would be my previous employer. (

Do you accept the Terms and Conditions?:


 [Image: bia6qE1.png]
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:32122706&b=8]
The following 3 users Like yurivw's post:
  • Link, Ivan Tempski, Floodify
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: Chopchop1614

Link to Steam Profile:

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79521888

Real Age: 14

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 244 (I believe, currently not online so will update next time I go on the server)

How many RP points do you have?: 1

How many bans and/or blacklists do you have?: 2 bans, 3 blacklists. None in the last 6 months.

What time zone do you live in, in relation to GMT?: +0

How many hours in the past 2 weeks have you been playing on G-Mod?: 96.7 hours.

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 8, I check usually once a day.

Have you been in other clans? If so, which one(s)?: I have been in one other clan. Which I co founded with Yurivw. This clan is called Zeta. It was very similar to Estleback but had a different ethics code.

Describe your personality: I would describe myself as a determined, loyal and trustworthy individual. 

What makes YOU individual and differ from all of the other candidates?: Well, I am known for being a very dedicated person and I enjoy getting to work on something and doing my best in it. I am sure that Yurivw can vouch for me on this topic in particular. I would also like to say I have a keen eye for details, if that will be useful or not.

In-Character Information

Full Name: Taylor Crawley.

Age: 32

Nationality: British

Describe your personality: Strongwilled and determined. Sets a goal and makes sure he achieves it. Can also be slightly rude or perceived as rude due to his habbit of correcting his co workers due to his keen eye for detail.

Tell us about your history: Born in rural England he grew up in moderate conditions. He had loving parents and a younger sister. He had always been fascinated by science. He was naturally skilled in the subject and excelled in his classes. When we reached the age required he joined the army, trained and served as an intelligence operative. Credited for his work he quickly rose through the ranks. Finally reaching the rank of Major. He was rewarded for his ability to not only analyse data to a great degree but being experienced in retrieving it. During his time in the army he gained his trait of noticing small details. Due to his experience in the intelligence specialisation he was invited to become an agent for MI6. Working to obtain intelligence oversees. He remained in this employment only for a brief amount of time before leaving. He decided that MI6 didn't have the right moral codes for him.

(Cant remove this gap for some reason)

Acceptance Potential Information [OOC/IC]:

Why are you applying for the Estleback Corporation?: Well I have seen their exceptional roleplay and it is something I would like to learn from and get involved in. They seem to have a really connected clan which would be an awesome thing to be part of.

What made the Estleback corporation stand out from the others to you?: Well I reasonably often see Estleback roleplay and myself and whoever I am chatting with on skype always acknowledge when we see them. Its always a case of "Hey look! Its a guy from Estleback". "Man this is going to be a great RP." Sorry for the suckup their but this is actually something that happens. I just appreciate their level of, credibility when it comes to roleplaying and all round behaviour on the server

What division are you applying for?: Strategy and Armoury

Do you have any past experience in the position you are applying for?: My character does in character but I have little experience in fighting roles on the server. However I have been doing a bit of practice on my shooting skills. While I may not have a lot of experience part of the reason I am applying is because I want to have a fun time while learning to do things. I quite enjoying how to do new things and look forward to it.

Do you have any references we can contact? (Link their Steam Profiles):
Yurivw -
Joe Joe Binks -

Do you accept the Terms and Conditions?: I do.
The following 2 users Like chopchop1614's post:
  • Ivan Tempski, Link
[Image: 2lly4C5.png]
Major Update and New Staff

Fellow employees and colleagues, applicants and citizens of EvoCity,

Today I have the explicit honor to announce an array of updates to our Corporation. For a long period of time the way of conducting different matters has been done the same way, often due to distracting elements and lack of experience in certain fields with previous management. However, our endeavor has primarily been to offer diversity for our employees and interested applicant throughout our time, which is something we are keen to continue with. Thus we have decided to reform our staff structure in order to establish a far more efficient system as well as provide what we always have; diversity.

Our main update of this time has been to change from a Division System to a Specialization System. Now, there are no Technology and Engineering Department nor is there a Security Department – all employees (except the Governance) are organized into one big department; The Field Division. New ranks have been created with new names to furthermore increase the efficiency on the field and in office.  Rather to have Agents, we now have Operatives. We have also decreased the amount of ranks from six to merely four ranks – but this does not change the very possibility to move up in the ranks and acquire new responsibility. That is why we have enforced Specialization area, thus the name “Specialization System”. A detailed description has been added as well.

The specialization system, or spec. system as it also will be called, is a system where upon being promoted from Probationary Field Operative [PFO] to Field Operative [FO], the FO may choose to specify in a certain area. The FO will then work to contribute to the Corporation as a whole through this spec. area as well as normal duties a FO would do. There is no obvious leader as per say, but if a Senior Field Operative [SFO] has specified into the Engineering area, he will have certain influence over the other FO’s in the Engineering area. But on the field, the spec. area does not determine what tasks a FO should do or not – unless explicably told by his superiors. An example;

During a mission to save a hostage, one of the cars breaks down and needs a repair. A Field Operative [FO or SFO] with Engineering as their spec. area will repair the vehicle to quickly get us back on track – instead of a random FO or SFO taking care of it.

Although the newly promoted FO will be asked to join a certain spec. area – this is not required. An employee may indeed operate without having to be in a spec. area. Although certain spec. areas will put you in a limelight in regards to different aspects of evolving in the corporation, they may very well do so without having to be in a spec. area. It is simply a way of offering the employee another way of also contributing. Our current specializations are listed on our front page, but there may be hidden specialization only offered to a specific employee if deemed trustworthy. The main liaison for the Specialization Area is the Director of Development, but the top office in the Governance will undoubtedly supervise it.

All current employees will be asked for a specialization area within upcoming hours.

Consequently, updates to the infrastructure of Estleback has been made also. We have updated parts of our application (current applicants does not need to update their form). You may see the changes made on the front page – they are not major, but indeed will ease the process for my fellow college Steve ‘Link’ Burwin when he assess each applicants possibility of becoming a part of this company. The terms of condition part of the application process has been removed due to its indeed irrelevant function.

Furthermore, we have updated our Clearance Classes. Prior to this update, the use of the clearance classes were slightly confusing and the definition of each class were up to self-interpretation. Now however, small but indeed crucial changes has been enforced to the clearance class system; such as a new clearance class and a minor part of information for the employee as well the interested visitor. In terms of enhancing the functionality of our main page to the interested visitor and employees, we have designed to slim it down a bit. Salary system has been removed as well as certain word of choices. Whilst it is indeed still in a need of reformation (something the Governance will look into), it is considerably cleaner and easier to navigate.

There are some other small changes, but they can be listed in a raw list at the bottom of our main page. I do encourage you to take a look at our new and fresh page!


Some new staff changes has also been made. We have decided to promote our previous Lead Engineer, Noah 'MasterNoda' Grayson, to Director of Development! He has shown an incredible force of movement within the company and has led few projects that will greatly impact how we operate and where. I wish him good luck and encourage you all to indeed congratulate this man - he's a true rolemodel.

Additionally, we have decided to welcome two brilliant individuals to our corporation. Our first one is Alejandro 'Tmdirtbike' Lebetai - whom has previously been with us prior to our closure. I am sure he has one or two things to share with us. The other one is Joseph 'Yurivw' Steiner; an individual me and Steve 'Link' Burwin was without a doubt extremely impressed by. He has not clocked many hours in the beloved city of ours, but I am sure he will stay with the city and us for an eternity - something we in the Governance and Field Division, I am sure of, indeed looks forward to. Good luck and I hope you both will find yourself to chosen the right company to join.

This has been all of for today. Tonight, we are holding security at the Miss EvoCity contest hosted by the Bentley Productions. I hope to see you all attend to make this event as secure and calm as possible for the citizens of EvoCity.

With kind regards,
Director of Estleback Corporation
Anthony 'Flood' Válaris, Estleback Corporation Commander


TL : DR; New infrastructure and new clearance classes. New ranks and new staff has been hired as well as a new Director of Development (Noda)- All personell will be contacted in regards to our new staff system.
Kind Regards,
The following 10 users Like Floodify's post:
  • Ivan Tempski, General Weed, Link, Divey, yurivw, MasterNoda, Ratatoskrr, Tmdirtbike, Joe Joe, Jonas
Out of Character Information

Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile: [FL:RP] Joe Joe Binks

Steam ID: [b]STEAM_0:1:110109118[/b]

Real Age: 16

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 602

How many RP points do you have?: 6

How many bans and/or blacklists do you have?: 4 Bans, 0 Blacklists

What time zone do you live in, in relation to GMT?: GMT

How many hours in the past 2 weeks have you been playing on G-Mod?: 34 (Ive had Examinations in School Recently and have only just finished)

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 8 (Check a Couple of times a day)

Have you been in other clans? If so, which one(s)?: Kaos, Dupes Co

Describe your personality: Im a friendly a kind companion who likes to help out and enjoys company of others

What makes YOU individual and differ from all of the other candidates?:
I think I can bring a lot compared to other Estleback I have a serious manner for serious situations but also can be quite laid back. I have a wide range of skills as well whether that be logical or communication skills. I also have some great skills in game with my strongest being building. 

In-Character Information

Full Name: Joseph Vantiago Deacon

Age: 20

Nationality: Canadian

Describe your personality: I am a very friendly person I work well with others and am quite good at negotiation skills which can help out in serious situations. I am very determined and have a strong personality. I'm quite laid back and always will to give everything a shot.

Tell us about your history: My family migrated from Canada to EvoCity when I was a child after the death of my beloved Grandfather I inherited a building company named 'Vantiago Villa's' and after the success of the company I upgraded it with the funds from the builds to create 'Vantiago Incorporated'

Acceptance Potential Information [OOC/IC]:

Why are you applying for the Estleback Corporation?: I am applying to join Estleback after hearing how highly esteemed this corporation is. I have heard it is a challenge to enter this organisation but is a very rewarding one. I am very fond of what Estlebacks priorities are and wish to take on a challenge in my life

What made the Estleback corporation stand out from the others to you?: Estleback stood out to me compared to other corporations as it is very professional its not some basic work that is slapped together. It has a meaning, a goal, a purpose. I believe that something is only worth taking up if there is a purpose a reason and that what Estleback offers. Its something new, something unique its something great!

Which specialisation area caught your interest the most and why?: Engineering as the this job suits my strongest skill and I personally believe my builds are too a high standard. I enjoy building and it is something that I am good at it allows me to challenge my inner creativity (Not Sure if this is meant to be updated after the combination of the division systems.)

Do you have any past experience in the position you are applying for?:
I do have experience for the role I'm applying for as one of my previous clans I was in "Dupes Co" was a clan about building and thus my experience in roles as such were quite high.

Do you have access to proper suits?:
I know have access to proper suits with two in my inventory as I purchased donator again yesterday (14/01/17)

Do you have any references we can contact? (Link their Steam Profiles):
[FL:RP] Alpha:
[FL:RP] Chopchop1614:

I thank you for reading my application and hope you consider my joining into Estleback,

Yours Sincerely,
Joseph Vantiago Deacon
[Image: 006f70134327f2c74d5c27c667354e12.png]
Joe Joe
Fearless Teacher Admin Clan Officer Admin Event Manager Clan Officer Veteran Admin Event Manager Veteran Management Veteran

[Image: OMVm0Um.png]
Have I helped you out? Rep me >Here<
The following 3 users Like Joe Joe's post:
  • chopchop1614, Ratatoskrr, Ivan Tempski
Out of Character Information

Steam Name:[FL:RP]Sharpshooter
Link to Steam Profile:

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:65171839

Real Age:14(Soon to be 15)

How many hours do you have on the servers?:282

How many RP points do you have?:1

How many bans and/or blacklists do you have?:4

What time zone do you live in, in relation to GMT?:GMT+3(Istanbul)

How many hours in the past 2 weeks have you been playing on G-Mod?:27.1

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?:10

Have you been in other clans? If so, which one(s)?: Denino Family(Accidentally joined,left when realised),Fading Phoenix

Describe your personality:Nerdy,Fun,Aggressive at times

What makes YOU individual and differ from all of the other candidates?:I have a good knowledge of the corporate system(Both of my parents are company executives),I have roleplaying experience from Minecraft and I think I'd be a great addition as I like formal roleplays.

In-Character Information

Full Name: Deniz 'Sharpshooter' Kelleci



Describe your personality:Intelligent,Skilled shooter

Tell us about your history:I was born in Izmir,and I enrolled in a business school as early as I could.I graduated,and came to EvoCity to found my small detective company.I'm still running the company,and I have 10 employees.

Acceptance Potential Information [OOC/IC]:

Why are you applying for the Estleback Corporation?:I'd like to expend my business,gain money and help people.

What made the Estleback corporation stand out from the others to you?
Estelback is like a family,unlike most other corporations.I have friends working there and they all say it is a nice environment.

Which specialization area caught your interest the most and why?:Strategy&Armoury as I'm experienced with weapons,and I know how to run a business/place.

Do you have any past experience in the position you are applying for?:Yes,as I wrote earlier,I am experienced with weapons.

Do you have access to proper suits?:I guess dresses are fine.

Do you have any references we can contact? (Link their Steam Profiles):
[Image: 7EmE7CZ.png]
Have I helped you or am I friendly?
Good day,

Yesterday Estleback Corporation held security and order during the splendid Miss Evocity 2017 contest. All was without any particular failure, except a miscommunication - which the top office of Estleback will look into through footage of the body-cams of our Operatives was wearing and is wearing during all assignments. I am pleased to say that I am truly honored to work with such talented individuals who knew when and where to take care of a possible escalating situation, as well as how to handle it. We finished off the assignment we were tasked to do with a final debriefing and a meeting where our new staff system was presented in front of the personnel, all in our newly acquired Headquarters designed and built by Park Industries.

Here is a selection of photographs captured during the event;

[Image: q1Kk8I3.jpg]
[Image: lA8RySP.jpg]
[Image: u4VIvgF.jpg]
[Image: tpZpFog.jpg]
[Image: c6SkYSy.jpg]
[Image: 7qLKkuw.jpg]
[Image: UyzwLTz.jpg]
[Image: UDfAXjS.jpg]
[Image: VxJqX9P.jpg]
[Image: a2J3cJl.jpg]
Kind Regards,
The following 9 users Like Floodify's post:
  • Joe Joe, General Weed, Link, Tmdirtbike, NightHawkd, Ivan Tempski, yurivw, Lesanka, Equinox
[Image: 2lly4C5.png]

Hello fellow colleagues, i've got an announcement to make.

Today, Anthony Válaris and I have been discussing alot regarding vehicles for the corporation, and we've come to a conclusion to have an official vehicle, with an official paint job.
This will be a new way to get our clan out there, to show who we are, the said paintjob can be found if you, the colleagues go to our privatly owned mechanics, and they will paint your vehicle.

The vehicle we have concluded official for the corporation, is the Range Rover 08, it is a 4 wheeled vehicle with loads of space in it, so we always have space for the operatives and equipment in the cars, and it drives at an exessive amount of miles per liter, and has an amazing performance, this is why we chose this vehicle.

I am happy to announce the new paintjob, vehicle and the license plates, for Estleback Corporation, this will show alot more proffesionalism, and hopefully Citizens of Evocity will be known to where we are, marked by our vehicles.

I myself have been assigned to the Strategy and Armory division, and been assigned to enlighten our Armory even further, this here will enlight our Armory, and it will encourage alot of more enhancements within the Armory, and this is the first step towards even greater success.

I've also been assigned to host a training programme, and I will be in charge of this programme with the Governance we will have our Field Operatives train, so that we can reach the maximum amount of strategy, this will be in a secret facility. Our ways of keeping the city in safe hands, shall not be known for the enemy, I will make this training a challenge, so that we can push our operatives to their maximum point, so that we will have a strong, and consitent amount of operatives, as of whom will be highly trained, and be ready for any mission or challenge that may lie ahead.

Spoiler: The Official Clan Vehicle

And we've also decided, to have ourselves official license-plates aswell, these will be ECB-00, or other numbers, this is optional, but if you wish to contact us regarding the license-plate numbers on your vehicle, feel free to do so.

Spoiler: List of used License-plates
ECB-01 ~~ Anthony 'Flood' Válaris - [FL:M] Floodify.
ECB-02 ~~ Lee 'Jonas' Wong - [FL:M] Jonas
ECB-03 ~~ Gonzalo Rodríguez - [FL:RP] General Weed
ECB-04 ~~ N/A
ECB-05 ~~ N/A

Lee 'Jonas' Wong,
Field Operative, Specialist in Strategy and Armory.


TL;DR: We've gotten new vehicles, paintjobs, optional licenseplates, improvment to the Armory, and more strategy within the corporation.
[Image: edfa8a344463b04e45f386ad4525099e.png]
The following 11 users Like Jonas's post:
  • Floodify, Joe Joe, Random, Tmdirtbike, Link, Ratatoskrr, MasterNoda, Ivan Tempski, General Weed, yurivw, DanielleS
Out of Character Information

[FL:RP] Djsimone #GayPride


Irl Age :13

Ingame Hours :110


4 Blacklists No bans

What time zone do you live in, in relation to GMT?:+00

How many hours in the past 2 weeks have you been playing on G-Mod?:64

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?:2

Have you been in other clans? If so, which one(s)?:no

Describe your personality:I am a nice fellow chap who loves to play games That include Simulation And Loves To make Friends While Doing So

What makes YOU individual and differ from all of the other candidates?:I Belive i Differ For my Understanding Of The Roleplay Expirience And Knowlege of Situations And Close Co ordiantion With Members On Community of Fearless

In-Character Information

Full Name:Amy Simone



Describe your personality:Nice Lookign Woman Ready to Mingle But Also has A Stern Side OF her Dedicated To helpign The World

Tell us about your history:I Was Born In Canada And Raised In The US I have Been Elected President Multiple Times And Have Been Incharge Of The Police Force And SucessFuly Co Ordinating A Raid On The Most Wanted Lee Jonas Wong

Acceptance Potential Information [OOC/IC]:

Why are you applying for the Estleback Corporation?:I Am Applying For Estleback to help change the world with the Estle Back Corporation 
in there goals To change the world for the better

What made the Estleback corporation stand out from the others to you?The Estleback Corporation Stands Out To Me For The Exelent RP capabilties of this corporation and the amazing people currently working for it and the extremem people goto to ensure realism

Which specialization area caught your interest the most and why?: They All Interest Me Equeally 

Do you have any past experience in the position you are applying for?: No Not Really 

Do you have access to proper suits?: No But Soon Will

Do you have any references we can contact? (Link their Steam Profiles):
Kind Regards
Fearless Donator

[Image: uT65xGc.png]

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