Did you know?
43.did you know pinkie pie doesnt have any pinkish pie?
44.did you know that [SEA]Kai Meiuqer is pony imported?
45. Did you know that I learned something from reading all these facts?
46. Did you know that planking is over-rated?
47.did you know that i used to have a pony army,but then i took an arrow to the knee.
(12-28-2011, 04:14 AM)EGI (R.A.A.) [SEA]Kai Meiuqer Wrote: 47.did you know that i used to have a pony army,but then i took an arrow to the knee.

48. Did you know that I was going to say I had a pony army, but then Kai Meiuqer said, so I shot a arrow to his knee.
It's been a long time.
49. Did you know I'm off to work?

*Walks out*
51. Did you know that I skipped number 50?
It's been a long time.
52 Did you know that I used to make arrow-to-the-knee-jokes, but I took a Ring of Fire (by Johnny Cash, of course) to the wrist.
© Nudelholz
53. Did you know, in Soviet Russia, you don't donate to server? In Soviet Russia, Server donates to YOU!
54. Did you know that Cryengine 3's graphics aren't that good?

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