Was there an influx of people looking at their screenshots? I'm back as well!
Pretty much that, not sure if anyone around here remembers me, but I had a lot of good and fun memories on the server! 

Recently (5 minutes ago) I was checking my old steam screenshots and I realized that I miss this place, I decided to check the forums to see if Fearless RP was still alive and I was happy to see it was! 

I'll need to go check what I need to download, but for now, just wanted to say Hi! 
I missed this place d:
Good to have you back!
Welcome back, I bet a lot has changed on the server since you last joined then!
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
Welcome back!
Kind regards,
Fearless Donator
Welcome babk to fearless, I hope it lives up to your memorys.
Finn Conlon 

 +Rep me Here
Welcome back!
[Image: unknown.png]
Welcome back!
Well back to FearlessRP!
Welcome back!
[Image: tgRQtsH.png]
Welcome back!
[Image: JmCzDqB.png]

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