PR: Sir Narc
Name of player:  Sir Narc


Time in GMT: 4:17pm Eastern Standard (UTC -5:00)

Server: Forums

Summary:  This user decided to tell me not to contact him.  I went to his profile, removed my comments from there, then requested that he do the same as well as leave me alone.  Instead he goes on to my profile and leaves a harassing comment about how he isn't going to do it and that he wants people to know something.  As the user has requested no contact, and I have agreed and complied, the user has now violated their own no harassment request by continuing to harass instead of just deleting the comments, as I have, and moving on with life.  Also, one of the comments was in a semi threatening tone about how "keep messing with me and we'll see how it goes."  So, lets see how that works out for you.

Evidence: [Image: 97c5711ee10849d6407ecf46612df673.png]
Yeah, no need to change the words so that they seem threatening. Also, requesting admins to remove my comments? Which awestruck gladly did. Don't really see how this is harassment, you asked me a question and I responded.
You issued a no contact request. I deleted my comments that disturbed you, I requested you do the same. Instead of mutually agreeing, you decided to post a harassing comment. You are in direct violation of your own no contact request. This is a valid report.
<Involved, in my view>

I would just like to support Jokhah's claim here. As you can see on my profile, Sir Narc has done a very similar thing to graffiti and undervalue my page.

I have had no way of contacting Sir Narc and so it has neither been resolved.

It seems Sir Narc enjoys prowling the forums and being the hooded teenager whom sprays hate on other's walls.

If no further action is taken to either remove these comments or punish the player I only have a message for Sir Narc:

Grow up. I have never played with you before so I don't understand why you'd target me. Yet I know this, you are giving yourself a reputation. You were once a flourishing individual with a clear talent or both computer graphics and making friends. Now you seem more like a minge who wishes to 'go out with a bang' so to speak. Age your age, not your shoe size. It's about time someone gave you the talk straight before you get yourself into some real trouble.
(11-22-2016, 09:35 PM)Centurion Wrote: <Involved, in my view>

I would just like to support Jokhah's claim here. As you can see on my profile, Sir Narc has done a very similar thing to graffiti and undervalue my page.

I have had no way of contacting Sir Narc and so it has neither been resolved.

It seems Sir Narc enjoys prowling the forums and being the hooded teenager whom sprays hate on other's walls.

If no further action is taken to either remove these comments or punish the player I only have a message for Sir Narc:

Grow up. I have never played with you before so I don't understand why you'd target me. Yet I know this, you are giving yourself a reputation. You were once a flourishing individual with a clear talent or both computer graphics and making friends. Now you seem more like a minge who wishes to 'go out with a bang' so to speak. Age your age, not your shoe size. It's about time someone gave you the talk straight before you get yourself into some real trouble.

No you're not involved. You're just trying to affect how the admins make their decision. What I posted on your profile was a whole other incident.
(11-22-2016, 09:30 PM)Old Man Jokhah Wrote: You issued a no contact request.  I deleted my comments that disturbed you, I requested you do the same.  Instead of mutually agreeing, you decided to post a harassing comment.  You are in direct violation of your own no contact request.  This is a valid report.

You requested for me to remove my comment on your profile, from which I responded back to you in the way I felt. Don't ask a question if you don't want the answer, or in this case you did. To get a chance to report me.
Hello to both parties,

It seems it isn't really going anywere and I want it to just stop and keep it mature by doing the following:

All comments will or are already delete and we should keep it that way, instead of creating posts against eachother and develop more hate or similar against eachother.

Both of you should know better and I hope you understand my final word on this is to just stop it, and leave eachother alone by not attempting to search something against the other.

Consider this as a warning and Denied

PS: You are free to message me if you feel like you need to talk about it.

Fearless Moderator
[Image: jfQuooI.png?1]
I had deleted the message from Narc. If either parties cannot talk to eachother with some decency, punishments will ensue.

Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
Additionally, I'd love to quote you more correctly, however you have a habit of deleting your posts, probably so that users won't notice your behavior.  Thankfully, I'm fully aware that the staff can see everything you do, including post, edit, and delete.  I'm sure they'll find the exact comment I'm referring to.

Like I said to several people who've inquired about why I'm on you like white on rice, you bothered me first.  When people contact me, I tend to research them and see what kind of person they are.  This wasn't me going out of my way to attack you.  This was you making me aware of your existence, commenting on your behavior, then you attempted to catch me out of line with forum rules, when you failed, you requested no contact, and I was decent about it.  I went back and removed my comments that caused you to be upset personally, not an administrator.  I tried to be decent and offer you a chance to do the same, but you must have thought that you had the upper hand and decided to try to gloat.  That action landed you back in the courthouse, on the opposite side of the table that you were at earlier.

The difference is, YOU violated YOUR OWN request.  I haven't violated anything.  Call me all the names you want, try to think that me sticking it to you is going to be a bad idea for me, hell try to badger me like you did the other guy.  I'm not going to waste my time explaining why you picked a terrible person to play ball with.  You have enough Fearless associates that could have easily warned you that I don't take anyone's crap, that I helped refine the rules here at one point, and that trying to make me worry isn't going to work.

You messed up, I tried to get you to fix it instead of making this a bigger issue, you didn't want to, so this is on you, not me.  Have a wonderful day, hopefully you get your deserved warning, learn from it, and don't go out of your way to contact people you don't know without researching who they are or what all they are willing to do to prove a point.

Learn from this, grow from it, and don't harass people you requested do not harass you, and you'll avoid these situations in the future.

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