[Unofficial] Scorpio Force
Hi. This is [Smokes] I was recently accepted in to the Scorpio Force and I've lately picked up on something. Randoms are being invited in to the clan, especially one by the name of Joe who has somehow instantantly gained the rank of Soldier. Not only this, but he had the cheek to TK me at our base and the Commander Frost did nothing about this. I'm really dissapointed and hopefully Dobby you can resolve this issue with this 'Joe' (Steam name) 'GUY'.
[Image: hqdefault.jpg]
(11-04-2016, 04:53 PM)deanozzz1 Wrote: Hi. This is [Smokes] I was recently accepted in to the Scorpio Force and I've lately picked up on something. Randoms are being invited in to the clan, especially one by the name of Joe who has somehow instantantly gained the rank of Soldier. Not only this, but he had the cheek to TK me at our base and the Commander Frost did nothing about this. I'm really dissapointed and hopefully Dobby you can resolve this issue with this 'Joe' (Steam name) 'GUY'.

Apologies for the late response.

I am can promise you random people are not being invited to the clan, as we only accept who we believe can achieve our standers - which are very high, as I am sure you know. This 'Joe' was promoted to soldier simply, like other members, have already shown what is takes.

Hope this clears up everything.

We have done ton of recruitment for new members, and done of lot of thinking and kicked several people.
Firstly we want to welcome:

Joe (AKA WillemDeWalrus) - He will be given Commander, since he has shown what it takes and I am sure will do a good job.

Hoppie (AKA. Lost or UnshodJoker) - Giving him taskmaster - like Joe - has shown what it takes and is always on the frontline, which is what we want.

Jarvan, PvtMcNuggets, Noiize, Fliip and George - We are giving them all the rank of Soldier since they fit our description correct; they can just pick up a gun and do what they got to do.

We have kicked the following:


We are kicking you since you have not participated enough, and have not shown what we though you were. Good luck.

On a positive note, we hope the new members get the best of the frontline, and show us what they're made of!
The following 2 users Like god's post:
  • Willem de Walrus, Fatex

Today we want to announce a couple of kicks. The following will have to survive on their own in the corrupt City:
Smokes (deanozzzzzz1)
Daddy Cringe

We want to start of with Daddy Cringe and Oxide.
-We believe you have been doing your own thing, not showing enough commitment within the clan.

The then want to state the reasons of Fate and Smokes.
-You have shown to much aggression toward the clan whether it is disrespect or not following orders.

Then we want to send of with PvtMcNuggests.
-You have not shown what we think you were made of, and have shown us your loyalty reasons which you should know.

You may not re-apply on forums if you already have. You will have to shown us what you are made of in the city. Otherwise you may apply on the forums in a month time, or show us what you are in the city.
The following 1 user Likes god's post:
  • Fatex
---------- OOC Information ----------

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Blademas Tree

What is your RPP count? 1

What is your current amount of bans? 0

Current hours on the server? 265

Are you able to access Microphone and TS? Mic (Y) TS (N)

---------- IC Information -----------
Full Name: Muhammed Much-Bib

Background information of your character: Halo read my previous app

Why do you want to join Scorpio Force? ^

What will you bring to Scorpio Force? Humor, Creativity.

---------- Extra Information ---------- 
Can you self-supply? (e.g. Not need spare health kits, rifle ect. in raid.) Ya

What previous Clan(s) did you belong to? Scorpio forces, Medillin Cartel

Why did you leave those previous clan(s)? 1. Was kicked and 2. Inactive clan members

Hello Blade, thanks for your interest in Scorpio Force. Unfortunately, we have decided not to accept you in our clan. I do not think you have the skills required. This may change if I see you improving your skill. 

You may not re-apply on forums if you already have. You will have to shown us what you are made of in the city. Otherwise you may apply on the forums in a month time, or show us what you are in the city.
---------- OOC Information ----------

Steam Name: Tekno ツ

What is your RPP count? 1

What is your current amount of bans? 6

Current hours on the server? 575

Are you able to access Microphone and TS? Yes

---------- IC Information -----------
Full Name: Paul Woody

Background information of your character: I had a wife and a child, until a criminal killed both my wife and child after that I started looking for company to get revenge on the people who killed my wife and child, and now we are here.

Why do you want to join Scorpio Force? You guys should be able to help me with finding the people who killed my wife and child and I will in return help you shoot people.

What will you bring to Scorpio Force? Some serious firepower.

---------- Extra Information ----------
Can you self-supply? (e.g. Not need spare health kits, rifle ect. in raid.) Yes

What previous Clan(s) did you belong to? Red Devils

Why did you leave those previous clan(s)? Clan died

Hello Tekno!

Thanks for applying.
We are glad to announce you have been accepted into Scorpio Force!

You have shown your skills to us previously, and we were impressed. 
We are sure you will do a good job!

The following 1 user Likes Willem de Walrus's post:
  • god
We want to announce our newest members

-Verdag is being given the role of soldier as he has shown his ability to shoot a gun with 100% accuracy.
-Hostage was given the role of fieldmaster as my Commanders told me he has shown his ability through previous clans and raids.

Enjoy the frontline and lets take back what is ours!
Today we had some trouble, although nothing like before. We just wanted to show an example of what would happen if you fuck around with us.

Spoiler :
[Image: aM5DEAz.jpg?1]

We didn't want to show any video of blood or gore because we think that would be inappropriate as what happens behind shut doors should stay. Lets just say everyone room is different and every story is different and each person in them rooms has a different story. Here is an image of one, although next time this happens the image with be different and those who are taken will be humiliated.

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