Scam, need help from an SA.
Hey guys Equal here,

Well, i was running a Car Dealing shop at BP, and this guy wanted to sel a mustang to me, we agreed on the price 130k i gave him the money and we went out infront of BP he says he dropped the car but it never appeared, faustie was there he tried to make him admit he did it saying he would get a 6month ban for scam, it didnt help. It ended off with Fausite coulndt check his logs and no Superadmins were responding/online so the "scammer" got off with my money, and i didnt get shit. I would be pleased to see somebody taking a look at this.

Thank you. (There were no other people around so i can't see how somebody else could have taken it.)

Another thing is, this guy payed me for a tides truck, when i spawned it somebody else took it, or. He says he didnt take it Not sure about that. I also need an Superadmin to check that.

The guy who "scammed" me was P0T'n ProXno STEAM_0:0:25829200

And the guy who were surpossed to get the Tides was.
Jacob1029 STEAM_0:0:25326672
I can confirm I bought a tides truck for 109k, he has the money but I have no truck. Someone has it and it isn't me.
P0T'n ProXno perm'd for scamming, equalizer refunded. The second case I can not check, and it's your own fault if you don't search a quiet place to drop it.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:15472195&b=9]
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(12-11-2011, 06:37 PM)SoulRipper Wrote: P0T'n ProXno perm'd for scamming, equalizer refunded. The second case I can not check, and it's your own fault if you don't search a quiet place to drop it.

Thanks, i got the refund.

And i'll give jacob the money back, and forget about the tides.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:40601685&b=10]
If you come online now I'm on.
Right, so facts:
I gave him the money, all of it.
He dropped a truck behind the bp office in the street, with 2 other people there.
This guy claims to me he sells 10 cars a day, and earns 1mill.
His promise to give me my money back was a lie, I have just gone to him and he refused..then he said he would split it, why should I split for his stupidity? He does this 10 times a day and still puts on an insecure street?

So can an admin please help, I thought scamming was against the rules? HE says it is unfair for him to give the money as he has lost out to, he has millions I have 100k and he lost it due to himself.
You told me to drop the car i did.

Is it fair for me to loose a truck but you to get your money refunded?

No right.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:40601685&b=10]
(12-12-2011, 08:01 PM)Equalizer Wrote: You told me to drop the car i did.

Is it fair for me to loose a truck but you to get your money refunded?

No right.

I never said drop the truck, you said follow so I did. Either way, why would you drop a truck with other players surrounding? It is your own fault that you lost the truck, it is your fault I lost my money so yes it is very fair.

Logs will proof, I never told you to drop it, it was just a stupid impatient thing you decided to do. I'm not going to loose out because you can't find somewhere safe to drop a truck.
If you told him to drop it, then it's kinda your fault. We are working on it, this will be solved as soon as possible.
I don't even know how selling cars/buying cars worked. I'm a fairly new player and I did it out of trust because he was an elder member who seemed ok, clearly not.

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