UBR Adam James
Your name: Adam (currently)

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:48101653

Your ban ID: 73046

Banned by: [FL] Snowredwolf

Reason: ToS

Involved: Guess you could say the whole team, but I don't exactly know

I know it may seem that I am quite a hypocrite right now, however, I want to explain myself before I am called this; So, here's why I didn't resign when the notice came in; the primary reason was because at the time, Georgy had spent almost $100 in tools and a VPS that I needed in order to work on the server correctly. I would've felt like complete shit if I would've just left him there after he spent about $100 on all that shit. Secondly, I wanted to see the results of the poll. I can show you proof of me saying I would resign if we didn't switch to applejack (which was countered by the first reason I've stated.)

Results of poll:
Will PM to admin

Me saying I'd resign if forced to use CityRP:
Will PM to admin

Applejack won, but I kept on getting shit on because I only had the poll open for one day (any longer and the ban would've already been in place) and that everyone hated applejack, etc etc.

I can also confirm this story (some of it) with Noda as I was talking to him about it as well.

The last reason was that I already knew my reputation was ruined on FL. Yes, a very simplistic and stupid reason, but nonetheless, it was something that was in my head at the time.

I admit that this was a extreme mistake and I am prepared to deal with the punishment I deserve, however, I figured it'd be worth a shot as I was talking to Mr Trash Tag about this as well.

Chat log: (incase an admin wants to see it, etc.)
Will PM to admin

Even though it does not exactly matter as this is a ToS ban, I'd like to point out anyways that this is my first ban since 2014.

When I was apart of the L*wful community, We were all given 48 Hours to resign or, revert back to Apple jack.  As soon as we heard this, I left with some others. You, as a community then stated that you would return to Apple Jack, in which you did. After that 48 Hours, nobody got permed. No Tos was being broken, or that is what we supposedly thought. However, after a player went onto the server, they told me that you, as a community, were still using the leaked version of City RP and renamed it Apple Jack.  This was reported to the SA team of Fearless, and you were banned for Tos. From my understanding, you are/were a developer for that community, so you must have been the one who added that leaked gamemode back into the game. Personally, I think you made the wrong choice and went with the wrong community.

[Image: bDYTvQT.png]
"Yes, we switched to CityRP again but as I said the reason I didnt resign was countered by the primary reason, which was stated above."
You didn't want to resign, because the community owner, had payed $100 worth of supplies of his own server?

EDIT: The people who initially resigned, were not permanently banned, because they wanted to come back to Fearless. You decided to stay at the other community. You were given your chance, you were given 48 Hours to resign, We managed to do it in that time, what makes you any different? In fact, you probably had one of the most important roles, when you added that CityRP Gamemode in. Why should the Fearlesss staff team give you another go?
"I was the only one who actually knew what he was doing, he bought all that for me to help operate his server. And please stay on topic, this is not what this is about."

EDIT: "And yes, I did pick the wrong community, hence why I am explaining my self in this UBR, It was a retarded mistake and shouldn't have happened."
I was also administrator at LF once, i resigned due to several reasons.
Adam James youre saying that you didnt resign because you felt bad for Georgy right? But i can say that thats just pure bullshit, you didnt resign because you thought LF had a future and when Wood contacted Georgy about the situtation and you had to remove CityRP then you resigned. When i was on the server and you Georgy and Perqe starting harassing me and FL you talked lots and lots of shit about Fearless saying that the contributor programme was corrupt and how the FL staff team was corrupt. And how the server was bad in general. When you guys grouped up around me and started ask me questions and talking shit i told you that for the sake of the community and staff team you shouldnt have changed back to CityRP because you would all get permd and im gonna quote your words here when i said that you would get permd for using CityRP "I dont care, none of the staff care lad". I have some screenshots of the conversation so if an SA would like them, just tell me.
Kind regards,
Fearless Donator
"Please show me where I said the contributor team and staff team was corrupt; and do not lie as I still have access to the logs of the chat."

EDIT: "Do not lie in the Courthouse"
[Image: 86d228257db5f6e0cdde8775b0f108d3.png]
It is not a direct message to where you say that they are corrupt but you can figure that out easily by my questions. 
[Image: fefa83468977329778d7ac9596b0d9fb.png]
This is where you state that you dont care about the perm.
Kind regards,
Fearless Donator
I knew this day would come. Lol. We gave you more than enough chances to resign. You refused. You paid the consequence. And then you rub that mercy in our face and reuse the FL game mode.

Good luck with the UBR, Adam.
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
"When I said what was stated after what you had said, I did not imply the program was corrupt. Also, when I said I didn't care, that was BEFORE the perm, we still had a chance to go to applejack. Not sure if you mean I directed "None of the staff care lad" to FL staff, but it was directed to LF staff. Also may I remind you not to lie in the court house, we did not harass you, you harassed ME. I had you mixed up for another player (someone told me it was you then claimed it was someone else, proof: https://gyazo.com/2fa8961a4794a581e32a6916fb9a2826 actually you started saying shit in OOC; https://gyazo.com/056c16374bf16ee9e1baf3923ba3af61 note that black edited part contained your IP, figured you wouldn't want that on the forums.) a little while later you PMed me with EXACTLY this; '/r I think its really sad to see someone being so power horny and giving up what they have had for years' image: https://gyazo.com/352d6007699627e01f81af291192ec31 So ill remind you again, DO NOT lie in the court house."

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