View bug....

So yesterday this bug started, and I'm getting crazy, like for real.
This happends to all cars I own, and now I can only drive from the inside, because otherwise I'll crash into some pole when bugging out.. xD
You can clearly see the problem in the video here, it hops into the inside of the car most of the time, I know it can happend sometimes when you ride with someone, but this happends all the times now, and I'm not able to drive in third person anymore.
This actually happend after I changed to female, but I did try changing it back, no luck...
If someone can fix it I'll give you 5k IG... Smile

Best regards,
   [Image: uickTS0.png] +Rep
There is no fix.
This is normal, it also happens when someone is in your Vehicle, when the camera is behind the Person it'll "bug" in front of the person.
Hard to explian tbh but yeah.
*Dont want the 5k btw
This is a really old bug for me, had it since the new cop car lights were added.
Yup happens to me too.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Hm, thanks for the answers, It's strange because It only happend to me when I had someone with me in the car, but since yesterday it happends all the time, damn.. Thanks though! ^^
   [Image: uickTS0.png] +Rep
The camera is kind of weird, sometimes it goes very close to the car so you can almost only see than license plate too.
It is because something comes behind the camera, in this case the car I guess. If this system wasn't in place people could look into walls.
Hopefully there's a way to fix it.
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
(07-10-2016, 10:56 AM)Midget Wrote: If this system wasn't in place people could look into walls.

Lol m9 where you been, people do that in third person all the can always tell...
[Image: giphy.gif]
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