I am truly truly sorry
It does not explain why i downloaded them? That post was very retarded. I realised that I hate hacks and think they are pointless and destroys the fun AFTER i downloaded them... Man, rethink that post.
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[Image: VSzN6aF.gif]
                                                 +REP | Steam
How were they active if you had removed the files?
Please screenshot your gmod folders.
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]


https://gyazo.com/29db0741e7b9b87cf832c340b2753fb8 (i just noticed noclip, do you have it aswell or is it the hack?)

Idk if the noclip thingy is the hack, It was not in the hack folder i downloaded. I really hope it isn't.
You shouldn't have had them in the first place. What you do is your responsibility.


Fearless Administrator

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