Jan is absuing admin
Name: ZooM

Time/Date: 2:40 PM

Steam ID: I can't get it right now

Name of Administrator: Jan

Evidence: Well, look at the blacklist tab. Let me write what happened here.

So me and my team are known for jailbreaking in previous lifes. But after we died. We returned to our home at villas. Three of us were at villas but the fourth one got in trouble with the SRU's for some reason. The fourth member ran to our base (villas) but he had the SRU's with him. I asked what was going on and i didn't even get to finish the sentence before i got tazed and handcuffed. When i got up i asked what was going on again. But again, i got tazed. Then the SRU's ran away into a house in villas (not our) so i was left there alone with handcuffs. I decided to run into my home where my friend was. My friend lockpicked the handcuffs and we were in the house. But for some reason, the SRU's came back (One of their names was RAWR) and told us to get out of the house. I asked why but when i did so they went around the house and boosted each other over my fence. Then we went out of the house. I was trying to find them so i could speak to them. But without any sights, one of the SRU's (RAWR) emtied a clip in me. I died and got very frustrated and knew that they had done wrong. So i decided to go back to the place to find them and get an admin to speak with them. I didn't even had to call an admin, he was already there. I told him that they had done wrong and i wanted him to come there, but instead of even talking to them, the only thing he cared about was NLR. So when i was explaning what happened, i got a NLR blacklist (i didn't even get to end my sentence). Now i got to wait 10 minutes. Please do something about this. 
If you would've just read the rules this wouldn't have happened, yet you still hold onto your own story digging yourself even further into a hole.

None of the story you provided above is true, you were armed standing on top of a roof at the villa's, the SRU's killed you for that which is completely valid. You decide to run straight back to the villa you died at to yell at the SRU (even though you were wrong, and them killing you was valid), thus breaking NLR.
Blacklisting you isn't abuse.
Everything i said there was true. And i went to the roof to check where they were so i could speak to them. Stop lying.
Even IF the blacklist was invalid, this would not be grounds for abuse.
You'd just make an unblacklist request with what you view as the truth with perhaps some evidence attached to it.

You're wasting everyone's time here, including your own.
I hope that you are aware that lying in an admin abuse can and will lead to a permanent forum ban, since you seem to hold onto your story I'm going to post some logs here.

v33x    [14:38:22]    ZooM    (STEAM_0:1:84841559)    said: /me takes out a Galil ARM from their backup.
v33x    [14:38:22]    ZooM    (STEAM_0:1:84841559)    used command: me takes out a Galil ARM from their backup.
v33x    [14:40:20]    Rawr    (STEAM_0:1:80627006)    Killed: ZooM (STEAM_0:1:84841559) using weapon_mad_m4 <- You on that roof trying to kill the SRU, even though you claim you tried to just talk
v33x    [14:40:37]    ZooM    (STEAM_0:1:84841559)    said: /radio Take my galil
v33x    [14:40:38]    ZooM    (STEAM_0:1:84841559)    has spawned as Don Corleone
v33x    [14:40:39]    ZooM    (STEAM_0:1:84841559)    said: /radio Take my galil
v33x    [14:40:40]    ZooM    (STEAM_0:1:84841559)    used command: radio Take my galil
v33x    [14:41:17]    ZooM    (STEAM_0:1:84841559)    said: /radio OMFG I DIED AND LOST IT A FUCKING GAIN
v33x    [14:41:17]    ZooM    (STEAM_0:1:84841559)    used command: radio OMFG I DIED AND LOST IT A FUCKING GAIN
v33x    [14:41:29]    ZooM    (STEAM_0:1:84841559)    said: /radio THEY SHOOT FOR NO FUCKING REASON
v33x    [14:41:30]    ZooM    (STEAM_0:1:84841559)    used command: radio THEY SHOOT FOR NO FUCKING REASON
v33x    [14:42:32]    Rawr    (STEAM_0:1:80627006)    Knocked out: ZooM (STEAM_0:1:84841559) using Tazed <- You returning 2 minutes after dying to scream and yell at the SRU, which is breaking NLR (you also claim this didn't happen).
v33x    [14:42:38]    ZooM    (STEAM_0:1:84841559)    said: //REPORT YOU NOW
v33x    [14:42:47]    ZooM    (STEAM_0:1:84841559)    has spawned as Don Corleone
v33x    [14:43:57]    ZooM    (STEAM_0:1:84841559)    suicided
I never claim that didn't happen. I returned to the place to talk to the SRU and to get you. And at the roof, did i fire any shots? Simple answer: No
The ONLY situation in which you're allowed to break NLR is when you ask for permission in @ chat and you receive a ''Yes'' from an administrator.
There are NO exceptions to this.

You broke NLR without having been given permission to break it, therefore you got blacklisted for it.

No matter what you say, you will never be able to justify breaking this rule.
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
well shit on my chest and call me miranda but isn't this one good.

Hope this was worth a warning for you.
Refrain from posting on threads in the Courthouse which you're not involved in. - Agorith
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Not involved.

We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.

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