UBR - Ghinni
Your name: Ghinni

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44875296

Your ban ID: 72014

Banned by: [FL] Falcao

Reason: Breaking FearRP

Involved: Freed (?)

Why we should unban you: 
Time to take beers out... So, i was on the hedge and freed took shotgun out. Then he instantly said "Get down." I thought you meant jumping off the hedge. Then i jumped down, and you Freed said something like: "Good" (?) so i thought that i did right thing. 

Then Freed sent me PM, and i was explaining the situation and i got banned.

Why did you Falcao not brought me and ask me why did i broke FearRP etc?

I hope this is just big misunderstanding.

 -Semper FI-
You blatantly broke FearRP while I was watching.

Freed^ told you to get down and you ran back, that's breaking FearRP. I'm not obliged to give a sit and ask why, because it shouldn't have been done in the first place.

Fearless Administrator.
Like i said, i thought he meant jumping off the hedge.

 -Semper FI-
You're using the easiest excuse to get out of this because before hand you had Freed^ under gun point in your base and why would he come back and put a gun to you and make you jump down away from him? Don't play that card, it won't wash with me.


Fearless Administrator.

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