Your name: THEIF
Your ban ID: 5032

Banned by: private toast

Server: both

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: i still dont know y i was banned for 4 months i wasnt even on when he banned me
If you read the reason you will know why.
it says disrespect i wasnt even on
Quote:learn some respect and take time to learn to Roleplay

how am i disrespectful... and second i do roleplay... ive made strip clubs, and i have made cafes... and another thing U banned me for ALMOST HALF A YEAR
We admins took our decision, 10 bans (11 with this one) thats pretty many chances you've got.
their all pretty much small bans.. the 10th ban was only 2 hours
Its still 10 chance to proof that you can RP.
i can rp and just because i have a lot of bans(that are small) means i cant play at all? u banned me for 5 months
We admins took our decision. and it is 4 months.

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