Banned Nlr? Fail
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Your name: [FL:RP] Kr1su_ / Christian Ronald

Your ban ID: 5023

Banned by: FL] PrivateToast

Server: rp_evocity_v2d

[b]Involved: FL] PrivateToast

[b]Why we should unban you: Okay Let me tell you : I was building my base with my friend. Then this 1 guy BaBuLa? Came there and told me that i have to open the door and let him check our base he was agent or something. okay i told him wait for a bit so ill build it rdy okay i was done i let him go in he came in spotted our printers we tried to kill him. No we failed i died he arrested my friend. okay then after 3-5 mins admin teleported me back there. ''Make Keypad'' Oh.. i had to let the cop in i wasn't be finished okay i finished all faiding doors with keypads and i was done its been 8-13 mins while i was died i deleted a bit of my props coz we was gonna move. Then that cop said '' I gotta take that car'' He was gonna take my friends Car? WTF? okay i said i don't own the doors or the car can't help you. He started to picklocking the door i tought okay thats it /y yelled Raid! killed him okay we are safe. Time when i died like 10 mins. After that i Joined coleornes and was building new base with friends. Wow Teleported again. By FL] PrivateToast '' Did you kill that guy?'' Yes i did. I yelled raid thats it. asked can you help me? ''after 1 day'' Thx banned for 1 day because of that? Thank you. Alot i Love the server Ive donated here But admins those who doesn't listen to us they don't get the point of rp:eeing.
BabuLa killed you and your friend told you that he killed you, you came back after 8-10 mins and killed him.

Thats how to breake NLR.
(11-24-2011, 02:17 PM)Privat Toast Wrote: BabuLa killed you and your friend told you that he killed you, you came back after 8-10 mins and killed him.

Thats how to breake NLR.

Nlr Is ATLEST 5 Minutes No i didin't truly breake it.
You came BACK after HE killed YOU and KILLED him thats still NLR, You better learn what NLR is.
1 Day ban for this server it's ... damn it. because i love this server i love all the rp / buildings games and now i got banned because of this ...
If you had read the rules i wouldnt had banned you.
Denied cause the ban is less than 24 hours.

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