Another Admin please read this - Nudel
(11-19-2011, 03:38 PM)SoulRipper Wrote: Messing around you don't do on a RP server. Join an empty build server for that.

ok, Thanks soul. but may i be unbanned? i still havent got that answer?
Warned for spamming the thread.
sorry for spam, computer was slow so i clicked it 3 times. but can someon please tell me can i be unbanned? im not goign to be up at midnight?
Unban request denied.

Reason: Donating to the server does not enable you to break rules or behave like a minge. You can have fun on our server as long as you are not breaking the rules.

My suggestion: Increase the ban time as this player doesn't seem to understand the server rules, spammed the thread and admins about this thread, which is against forum rules.

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