Hey Fearless,

Everyone has some things they totaly love, like for instance: anime, movies, music, famous people, youtubers, websites, sports, other hobbies, etc. (and some of these are totaly underrated.)
(NOTE: Put in the things you realy like, don't copy things from others, be creative!)

What do you realy love and why?
Also what are the things that you think are totaly underrated?

For me it's:

Anime: Full metal alchemist, love the story behind it
Music: Metal, how do I explain this...... It's just a great feeling when listening to it.
Youtubers: Markiplier, His voice is godly.
Websites: 9GAG and Dumpert, they are both so much fun.
Movies: Tokyo drift, I've seen the movie about 3 times now, and I can't get enough
TV-series/anime: Avatar the last airbender, I've rewatched the whole series a couple weeks ago, still awesome!
Food: popsicles, They are so refreshing.
Drink: Seven-up/Ice tea, Love the taste and also realy refreshing.
Games: Action RPG's like Diablo 3, path of exile, grim dawn, torchlight. Love the action in all these games, and you can play them for years and still see new things hapen.
Anime: Pokemon
Music: Hardstyle
Youtubers: Roman Atwood
Websites: 9GAG, Dumpert and Fearless site
Movies: Too many to tell. Star Wars Force Awakens if very high
TV-series/anime: Freeks wilde wereld
Food: Frikandel
Drink: Cola, Ice Tea
Games: Rocket League, Gmod
anime : yes i watch dora the explorer
music : iron maiden and various house/trap
youtubers : me myself and i
websites : pornhub
movies : idk
tv series : soa breakingbad and such
food : poosy
drink : water
games : csgo skyrim gmod css all that bullshit
Music: Any good Indie-Folk song. Although I listen to Rap regularly, and I enjoy a great classical every once in a while. My favourite band is probably Green Day (not their newer albums though)
Youtubers: Most of the British vloggers (ThatcherJoe, danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, etc)
Websites: Youtube, Facebook, www.fearlessrp.net, por- ahem... anyways.
Movies: 12 Years a Slave, The Butler, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, most superhero movies (except daredevil).
TV-series/anime: The Flash (the season finale was just FHIAOFHGAWICG), Arrow, Daredevil, F.R.I.E.N.D.S (my all time favourite)
Drink: Pepsi, Iron Brew, Twist,
Games: Oblivion, Skyrim (for mods), GTA IV (for mods), GTA V (for multiplayer), GMod (for the different gamemodes), Dying Light (It's an amazing game but I've barely played it :c)
Games: Action RPG's like Diablo 3, path of exile, grim dawn, torchlight. Love the action in all these games, and you can play them for years and still see new things hapen.
I enjoy movies and here are my opinions on some.

Movies I like: Jurassic Park 1, Cast away, Shawshank Redemption, 2001 a space oddysey, Rocky trilogy, Closer, Black Swan, Pirates of the Caribbean 1, The Truman show, Lord of the Rings trilogy, 21 Grams, Creed, Star Wars 2 3 4 5 and the Force awakens, Primal Fear, American History x, Alien, Total Recall, Inception, The Thing, Jacobs ladder, Shutter Island and Terminator 1 2 and Genysis.

All the films I just put there are some personal favorites of mine. Each of them were directed spectacularly, The characters were portrayed amazingly by the actors, the Plots were moving and really thought through, All of them are really entertaining and they all blended together to make a stunning result. If you want some entertainment watch them.

Movies I don't like: Batman vs Superman, Star Wars Phantom Menace, Pixel, After Earth, Karate Kid (The recent one), Shrek 3, Total Recall (The recent one), Alien 3, Saw 2 3 4 5 6, Marvel Avengers, Home alone 3, Prometheus and Tommorowland.

All the films I just put were the films that I just did not enjoy for the following reasons: Focusing too much on special effects and not on the plot/development of actors, Bad casting, Poor directing, Sloppy acting, No direction of the plot, bad storyline and just un-entertaining.

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