Unban for Sioux
Your name: S.I.O.U.X

Your ban ID: 4891

Banned by: [FL] Lani

Server: rp_EvoCity v2d

Involved: [FL] Kifakaj

Why we should unban you: The Admin [FL] Lani banned me for holding a RPG but the Admin [FL] Kifakaj spawnt this weapon near my Charackter so i pick this RPG..
Now i want to ask for a secound Chance to play on this nice RP - Server next time i drop the weapon.
Finally i can say give me please a secound Chance i dont want do this again it was my misstake.

I wish a nice Day

yours S.I.O.U.X
you were also using it and i think some one said you killed them with it
Andreas(Kifakaj) spawned a few NPC's to roleplay.

Andreas warned you now to kill the NPC's, but some of you continued to kill them. Andreas banned one or two of those who did it.

Two minutes later, I said something like this in OOC: "If you have a RPG, you better tell me now or enjoy a two month ban." - Since that a guy told me to slay him cause he had an RPG.

Ten minutes later, you took up your RPG and killed a few players.

You weren't holding it, you killed people with it. - Lying.


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