GHOSTK1LL3R, Rudy, Denzo, John Silverthrone, Tempah-, Tekno ツ
Your name: (Steam friends name)
GHOSTK1LL3R, Rudy, Denzo, John Silverthrone,   Tempah-, Tekno ツ

Your SteamID: (You can find this when you search for your ban)

Tekno ツ STEAM_0:1:52367233

Denzo STEAM_0:1:85117793

[FL:RP] Rudy STEAM_0:1:66058450

Tempah- STEAM_0:0:67970715

John silverthorne STEAM_0:0:51937092

GHOSTK1LL3R STEAM_0:0:38145384

Your ban ID: (Number of the ban, this could be 2779 for example)

Banned by: (Please use the staff member's full name with [FL]/[FL:M] tag) [FL] Tomo

Reason: (Why were you banned, what is listed as the reason?) Failing to comply with admin decision.

Involved: (Who was involved? Type a - when there were no other people involved except you and the staff member.)

GHOSTK1LL3R, Rudy, Denzo, John Silverthrone,   Tempah-, Tekno ツ, [fl]tomo, [fl[shadow,[fl]catman,

Why we should unban you: (A motivation why we should unban you, or why your ban should be shortened)

Alright, all evidence refereed to will come from the following video. The unban request will take the role of my first hand experience of the event(GHOSTK1LL3R) but will speak on behalf of everyone involved from the accused as the ban was the same for all.

Firstly, i'd like to state that the ban reason in general is very vague which leads me to believe there is no real reason to the banning of 6 players from the FL community.

The first point I am going to touch on, is all our jobs fit the roleplay situation. We had set the jobs to Criminal prior to the event in order to fit the situation. We decided that we could make a roleplay situation out of Shadow's dupe by hostaging them(as they're obviously rich to own such a luxurious house) and then proceeding to acquire money from the police that would arrive(Evidence of this can be acquired from 1 minute into the video).  When stated that we were performing this roleplay, Tomo said 'this isn't roleplay'. This, Tomo very much is roleplay.

In order for us not to get caught performing this hostage situation we decided the best bet was to jump over the fence in order to breach from the back. We finally got into the compound through jumping over the keypad(at 4:24) and you can also see me jumping from the window ledge to the perimeter of the garden to gain access into the garden.

Tomo didn't like this one bit and said 'were only doing it to piss them off'. It doesn't matter what we're doing it for. It's a roleplay server, we're fully within the rule to do this.

I decided then to talk to the admin in question Tomo at 9:30. He says that we are breaking the rules when performing this roleplay which is completely incorrect. 

So, I decide that the best way to do this situation is to pull a car up to jump over and then we were going to keypad crack into the back of the house. 

Nothing we have done has been against the rules and has been fully within the rules.

'You can burgle shops for money, mug people in the streets, steal cars, raid rival businesses or criminal groups, break into a household to take hostages to make demands, and so on. Just make sure you follow all of the crime rules (section 16). '

Evidence stated by shadow, tomo and catman within this UBR will be used if necessary in the admin abuse case.

I'd also like the ban titles changed to an actual rule not this vague ban which could mean anything.
Prior to your what you call 'roleplaying' situation, you were there for a solid 10 minutes only to complain about how it lagged you.
You never even took a friendly approach to it in the first place either, you straight up started being sassy and hostile and basically demanding for them to remove their dupe at corleone estate, and demanding 500 bucks because either you or one of your friends had crashed due to the 'lag'.

You were there completely OOC.
But when you realised they wouldnt remove it, you decided to all of a sudden you'd be roleplaying and breaking into the house with your 7 friends.
Everything you did, you did in order to try and piss them off.
You were all told to just leave the area since the very beginning OOC, by Tomo, being there at the moment as an admin.

You failed to comply and broke in, even when we kept pulling all of you out of the house you kept on jumping into the garden.
To make matters even more ridiculous, Rudy decided to mug a CHILD, which was obvious he was due to having his playermodel 'elf'd'.
When the child for obvious reasons couldn't comply because what kind of child would have 500 bucks on them, he decided to kill him.

Like I mentioned before, not one bit of this entire situation was roleplay.
All you and your little squad were there for was to piss Tomo & Turtle off.

But to put it into a short story:

You were told to leave OOC after your little OOC rant MULTIPLE times, you were even physgunned out MULTIPLE times but kept ignoring it and jumped back onto the property. The reason you got banned is failure to comply with an admins decision and you know that better than anyone else.
(04-17-2016, 08:41 AM)Agorith Wrote: Prior to your what you call 'roleplaying' situation, you were there for a solid 10 minutes only to complain about how it lagged you.
Of course it lagged us, do you not think a 900 prop would? I am still waiting for you to show your fps looking at the dupe before and after Agroith.

(04-17-2016, 08:41 AM)Agorith Wrote: You never even took a friendly approach to it in the first place either, you straight up started being sassy and hostile and basically demanding for them to remove their dupe at corleone estate,
I can't believe you have the audacity to say we didn't take a friendly approach. The dupe should of never been spawned in the first place, for players of the server you were causing major lag which is very selfish.

(04-17-2016, 08:41 AM)Agorith Wrote: and demanding 500 bucks because either you or one of your friends had crashed due to the 'lag'.
Please state in the video where we demanded 500 bucks for a friend crashing. Makes it a lot easier for everyone involved to read.

(04-17-2016, 08:41 AM)Agorith Wrote: You were there completely OOC.
No we were not, we were there as stated to do a roleplay. And if you hadn't of kept to your roleplay would of turned into a hostage negotation.

(04-17-2016, 08:41 AM)Agorith Wrote: But when you realised they wouldnt remove it, you decided to all of a sudden you'd be roleplaying and breaking into the house with your 7 friends.
Well yes, if you were going to keep using that rich mansion then we'd use it for RP purposes. We saw a very nice expensive house with people inside of it which we could use to enchance our roleplay and roleplay on a roleplay server.

(04-17-2016, 08:41 AM)Agorith Wrote: Everything you did, you did in order to try and piss them off.
You were all told to just leave the area since the very beginning OOC, by Tomo, being there at the moment as an admin.
I would like to know why you allowed your mate Tomo to spawn in a 900 prop dupe when multiple players of the FL community told you it was lagging the server. Regardless if we were 'pissing them off' doesn't mean you think you're over the rules and attempt to lag the server.

Please send me a time in the video when Tomo tells us that we will be banned if we continue the roleplay. All I see is Tomo contesting that it's against the rules when it clearly isn't by the rule quotes in the UBR.

(04-17-2016, 08:41 AM)Agorith Wrote: You failed to comply and broke in, even when we kept pulling all of you out of the house you kept on jumping into the garden.
Mind explaining why you were pulling us out of the house then? Because I can tell you for a fact, you were taking an IC situation OOC because you didn't like the roleplay.

(04-17-2016, 08:41 AM)Agorith Wrote: To make matters even more ridiculous, Rudy decided to mug a CHILD, which was obvious he was due to having his playermodel 'elf'd'.
Mind explaning why you just let the child break FearRP then and not even say anything like ' I have no money'. You do realize it's FailRP right? You do realize that he house would most likely be around 3-4 million dollars which you had built to the left and should of roleplayed taking money from his parents house or items of which he did nothing of the sort but broke FearRP right in front of you.

(04-17-2016, 08:41 AM)Agorith Wrote: When the child for obvious reasons couldn't comply because what kind of child would have 500 bucks on them, he decided to kill him.
Of course he could comply, it's roleplay if someone has a gun to your head you will try everything you can to not die and for this kid to not even say anything if he didn't have the money is FearRP and FailRP which you allowed to happen even though you were there to administrate.

(04-17-2016, 08:41 AM)Agorith Wrote: Like I mentioned before, not one bit of this entire situation was roleplay.
All you and your little squad were there for was to piss Tomo & Turtle off.

Does it matter if we were there to piss Tomo and turtle off? They created a dupe which gave us a completly valid reason to raid them which we then proceeded to do.

(04-17-2016, 08:41 AM)Agorith Wrote: You were told to leave OOC after your little OOC rant MULTIPLE times, you were even physgunned out MULTIPLE times but kept ignoring it and jumped back onto the property. The reason you got banned is failure to comply with an admins decision and you know that better than anyone else.

And you know better than anyone else you avoided this roleplay purely because you're an admin.

We had jobs set properly, we were fully within the rules to do so.

I would like to know why Agroith you fail to mention that we are fully within the rules as you can clearly see from the OP that it says we can break into houses for hostages which is what we did.

You decided that if you were to tell us no then we wouldn't be allowed to do it which is you loopholing the rules so that you, as an admin could avoid the RP situation.
"To make matters even more ridiculous, Rudy decided to mug a CHILD, which was obvious he was due to having his playermodel 'elf'd'.
When the child for obvious reasons couldn't comply because what kind of child would have 500 bucks on them, he decided to kill him."

The rules should apply to every player on the server, no exceptions. By making exceptions you are prioritizing certain players over others which is completely unfair. You were in team-speak with the kid ( so you could have just told him what to do under a fear RP situation. You watched the whole thing occur and did nothing at all.
This ban has already expired, but it still disgusts me that admins can just end a RP situation they don't like by banning the roleplayers.
Please see the following image for rule-breaks that have occurred and you have incriminated yourselves by the posted video:

Spoiler: Evidence Compilation

Concerning the FearRP - the player was given around five seconds to react. They did not run, they did not move, all they did was try to talk on mic, but no sound was coming out. Giving that much time to react and then instantly killing them afterwards hardly constitutes as them breaking FearRP.

As for the ban itself, the reasons will be adjusted to reflect which rule was exactly broken, because the following is not the right way to go about a situation when an admin tells you not to do something:
GHOSTK1LL3R Wrote:So, I decide that the best way to do this situation is to pull a car up to jump over and then we were going to keypad crack into the back of the house.

On top of that, following the provided screenshot, the following players will receive additional bans:
Denzo - metagaming - shouting 'Rudy, Rudy, it's a cop at the gate. Got an M4, he's pointing at you' through TeamSpeak.
GamerGuyGBR - FailRP, burgling an occupied home with tens of people around.
Rudy - FailRP, mugging people as well as attempting to mug admins with tens of others around WHILE trespassing on someone else's property (Rule 16.8)
Tempah - short ban for player disrespect 'Heal me. Heal me. Are you retarded?'
GHOSTK1LL3R - powergaming, switching job to Criminal in order to fit a certain roleplay situation. While GHOSTK1LL3R says that all of them did it, I'll give the rest of the players the benefit of the doubt and only enact punishment upon the player that actually admitted to it.

Unban request denied.

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