Your name: Mad

Your ban ID: 4469

Why we should unban you: Why? Well, I got banned without even consultation on why I killed that guy. Well, the reason is because I was trying to get a hostage, so I can build a base and form a crime ring. But then, that guy (Tom Palmer) started budging in my business. That's uncalled for, It's fail RP. And then, fine, I didn't kill him and he took out a crowbar and chased me around the city, so I got mad, I hid and took out a crowbar, and killed him.

EDIT: Wtf! It was extended!
I was a witness.

From what I heard you disobeyed NLR, Random Tranq'd on the Street and then ran up and hostaged him even though I had a gun pointed at you and told you to stop so you also disobeyed FearRP aswell, oh hold on... there was another person there at the time with another gun pointed at you telling you to stop aswell, then you let him free, ran into the gunshop, then chased after him with a Crowbar after finally getting banned by SoulRipper for "RDM". So to be fair I dont think you deserve an unban, but thats for the admins to decide.
I ran after him with a crowbar, because he tried to kill me. Who are you? I don't even know who you are... o.o
I was the "BP Gunshop Security Guard" the one in the Lucio Basso suit... even if he tried to kill you, apparently he did because you came back and tranq/hostaged him in the middle of the street disobeying NLR.
OH, so you're the one failrping? I didn't fear RP btw, I didn't run away. I only left after you went back in the store, and then he took out a crowbar and chased me around the city. I didn't hostage him, I never did. He's the one that released my hostage, my hostage was a BMD. He was unemployed. Get your shit right.
Woh, calm your attitude dude I know what I saw, and failrp'ing? you were right outside the shop, and you obviously FearRP'd when theres 2 people pointing guns at you telling you what to do, you are obviously going to follow the rp situation and obey what we tell you to do, and dude did you read what I said at all, I know the BMD was the hostage and there was an unemployed with a gun at you, I was the Security Guard that came out with a shotgun to get you to stop your actions. And you were the one that came into the Gunshop pulled out a crowbar and chased him because Soulripper teleported to you and followed you where you ran after the BMD and killed him. So seriously tell the story as it was and stop lying -_-.

And anyway I am on CityRP now, im finished discussing this if you are gonna keep lying... I'll just let the admins handle it.

To Admins: Sorry if this was any backseat adminning of any kind, but he is lying on whatever he has said so far.
I didn't run away, how is it fearRP? What did I do to break FearRP?
Also, if he tp'd to me, there would "SoulRIpper has teleported to Mad"

WOW? I'm Lying? How am I lying? Where did I lie? Now this is just wrong, you're accusing me of doing something I didn't, and calling me a lair so admins have a negative image on me.
- Denied

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