Your name: [FL:RP]the best gamer ever

Steam: IDSTEAM_0:0:110116747

Blacklist ID: IDK how to find it

Reason: 'NLR'

Member who blacklisted you: [FL]Falcao

Why i should be unblacklisted: Well i was killed in nexus so i respawn I'm about to leave and i get shot,so i react and shoot back because i have to i had no choice then i got blacklisted for 'NLR'.
[Image: 1717-E37-A-98-BA-4-EEF-B9-B5-9800-D3-B90-A00.jpg]
You done it more than once today when I had to take you away from NLR and you done it again in nexus.

Whether they shoot you or not, you're under NLR and you don't shoot back.


Fearless Administrator

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