Report: taXXeN22
Name of player: taXXeN22


Time in GMT: 31/03/16 - Around 16:00? Don't really check the time that often

Server: V2D

Summary: Okay, so it started off as me joining this "cult" that worships "Celestia". Five minutes into it, I got bored, so I left and said "fuck Celestia, she's just a horse". After saying that, Taxenn comes up to me and shoots me in the face with a shotgun, saying "Her wish is now fullfilled." Even if your character is truly endulged into a cult, I find it unacceptable to kill people for worshiping a magical fictional horse.

Evidence - All I have.
My character was psycothic fanatic of Solar Celetia's Cult. Solar Goddess was half controlling my character (unless he thought so), and he obeyed all her commands. You first joined the cult, I accepted you as my friend, and together we worshiped the Solar Goddess. Some time passes, and you betray our cult. The Solar Goddess does not treat such acts. Since my character was fanatic, and he was highly endulged in this cult, your later direct insults to his Solar Goddess drastically affected him, and, all combined: betraying Celestia and insulting her heavily, he sent your soul to burn forever in the Solar Flames.
I really doubt people kill irl for a horse.
When it's a cult following like that you never know what people will do.

Fearless Administrator
So I can start a school cult? If people hate school should I kill them?
You don't really understand what a cult means, my friend. Or, which is more likely, you are just extremely mad that I had such RP character and situation that allowed me to murder you. Probably both
Why did you kill him out front of KFC taxxen?
Solar Goddess cannot treat those phrases towards her. He used extreme words towards the Goddess.
And my character, a psychotic fanatic, was led by Celestia's Solar Fury. Goddess wanted immediate justice on dirty betrayer, and her orders must be obeyed at all times.
My character pulled the trigger and eliminated the disgusting heretic. Once again, Celestia's wish was fulfilled, and she became calm for now.

Celestia's thirst can appear at any place, at any time, and her wishes must be completed right away.

// (You have just read a quick description of Solar Celestia's Cult, and it, in my opinion, if read carefully, can give some answers)
I said it before I died, you saw me get killed.

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