Ban Removed From Record.
Your name: Super Fast Cool

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:75437125

Your ban ID: 66183

Banned by:[FL] Viljo
Reason: RDMing massively, disrupting passive roleplay with blatant minging. Switching job to avoid admin
why we should remove your ban?: I admit I probably rdm but I was new to the server I should of read the rules at the start but with the disturbing passive roleplay I cannot remember doing that? I do ask for this ban to be removed.
You know you broke rules and you want the ban removed?

I see no reason why this ban should be removed.

Fearless administrator
Do not make an UBR when you know you've broken the rules.

Fearless Moderator
Everybody has bans/blacklists from their newer days. That's not a reason to delete them.

[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]

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