Report: [GDC]Splatman55
Name of player[GDC]Splatman55


Time in GMT: 09:00 (not sure)

Server: v2d

Summary: So I went down to the city, to greet my citizens, and just interract with them with the Vice President (No idea why he had that robot to talk, all the time though). Then this guy approaches us, and the first thing he says is pretty god damn racist.

I wouldn't say the person in question actually meant what they said, rather as a "Bad joke". Also, the person doesn't actually use any racist terminology, therefore I wouldn't consider this racism, just offensive to some.
Live a good life. If there's a god and he's just, he will not care of how devout you are, he will accept you for the virtues you have based your life upon. If there's no god, then you will have gone, but you will have lived a noble life which will stay in the memories of those that you love.
If I was black, I would find this rather offensive. And I am pretty sure this would be offensive to some.
You can't really disagree.. I wouldn't say that this is hardcore racism, but to me this does not seem like something, other staff would've taken lightly.
As staff we're here to make sure that people have a good time by not breaking the rules and spoiling it for others. The thing is, this person never actually insulted anyone, just might offend some people with a "joke". I don't think any other staff would have taken action in this scenario either.

Request Denied.
Live a good life. If there's a god and he's just, he will not care of how devout you are, he will accept you for the virtues you have based your life upon. If there's no god, then you will have gone, but you will have lived a noble life which will stay in the memories of those that you love.
You are aware that, I myself, am actually black?
Tasteless jokes like that are said all the time.
(Bumping a thread, apologies.)
Posting to move to denied.

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