FUMUKU International
I think our bonds are stronger after the free guns
Steam Name: iCe
RP Name: James Blake
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:17698455
Hours on server: Around 14 hours
Reason for applying: In my time in Fearless, which I've clearly enjoyed Smile I've been looking for a clan, to stick together with and FUMUKU is the one I'm really interrested in joining. I'm a seriously RP player, and doing my best in it.

RP Events you have been in: I haven't been in any events so far.

Witnesses to said events: None

Division your applying for: Security devision.

Character Bio: Before James Blake came to Evocity, he were a police officer. But he got duties to travel to Evocity, as he would be a big help for a city like Evocity. When he came to Evocity for about a week ago, he was looking for an organization that was clearly up to keep the Evocity's law in order.
Hay Guise! I made this and thought you guys would like it.
[Image: pnxY0.jpg]
Love it Ian Cheese
Welcome aboard Toxic: STEAM_0:1:25930701

Your employment status has been updated
You are now a FUMUKU Field Medic: Class C

Security Clearance: C

F.I.D: MD: 3587

A Promotion may be in the near future if you do well, follow orders given by those higher up the chain of command and stick to specific FUMUKU Radio Frequencys for orders or updates on operations

If we catch you doing something stupid, you will be out on the streets faster than you can say "what"

Theft of office supplies will also not be tolerated.
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
Steam Name:Cyckonetic
RP Name:Aron Nubroski
Steam ID:Steam_0:1:40661236
Hours on server:36h since post
Reason for applying:To protect the freedom and safty of others

Previous Group History:N/A

Ban History:No bans

RP Point Amount:0

RP Events you have been inToungeerkas virus,President hostaging,

Witnesses to said events:None that i can name

Division your applying for:Security Officer-Grade D

Character Bio:Where do i start? It was back at my old job where i was a security officer for sientist working on some kinda virus or something like that.Anyway the virus broke loss and started taking over the labs a squad and I were fighting back a bunch of these mutated peole.We barily made it out alive lost 3 good men that day.Now im looking to join FUMUKU and hope not to experiance anything worst than what happened in those labs...
Steam Name: Mad
RP Name: Calvin Klein
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:43680205
Hours on server: Over 90 hours.
Reason for applying: This seems like a sophistaked way to RP, I loved how you guys took the president to a lab, and had him "brainwashed". Also, I love the medical lab RP.

Previous Group History: None.

Ban History: One for driving on the wrong side of the road.

RP Point Amount: Zero. I mostly RP with one person, instead of RPing publicly.

RP Events you have been in: Earthquake RP, Soul's birthday, Zombie Apocalypse, Dropparty RP, and execution RP (All citizens executed me as I was a Corleone, criminal.)

Witnesses to said events: [FL] SoulRipper

Division your applying for: Security Division.

Character Bio: A 26 year old man, born from a rich family in hopes of finding the answer to life. He would like to accomplish that by traveling around the world, building a family, and getting a job. Calvin Klein has completed his education in a Military school, and recently completed his college years studying politics (DIplomate).
I'll resign my application Smile Took too long before the answer, and I'll be seaching something else, good luck there!
(11-01-2011, 03:04 PM)iCe Wrote: I'll resign my application Smile Took too long before the answer, and I'll be seaching something else, good luck there!

We are saddened by your decision but wish you farewell! Good luck, we look forward to meeting you through our RP adventures.
Steam Name: Mr Dubwub
RP Name: Dylan "Dubwub" Satriani
Steam ID: (Old App)
Hours on server: 96
Reason for applying: My reason for applying is that i want to take up another Division so i can be involved in more roleplay over a number of different Situations, I also want to be able to Progress though a couple of Divisions to make it more fun and interesting.

Previous Group History: FUMUKU Security Division :3

Ban History: 1 ban, CDM (2 hour gameplay time)

RP Point Amount: 0.

RP Events you have been in: Many, Hospital RP, Car Accident RP, Hotel RP

Witnesses to said events: Elder, Blackdog, Pechvarry, Knaz

Division your applying for: FUMUKU International Medical Division

Character Bio: After doing a number of Security Contracts for FUMUKU International, Dylan wants to move on and progress through that division and others, he tends to use violence to solve his problems, but after being told off he has started to wise up a little :3

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