Loina Unban Request
Your name: Loina

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:46930412

Your ban ID: 70239

Banned by: [FL] Falcao

Reason: Extremist RP

Involved: Autism and Aids

So as far as we can tell, we were banned for becoming rebels and changing our job title to "Isis"

Were we planning to Roleplay as a beheading, religiously fueled murder group? No
Did we intend to offend? No
Did we intend to "Extremist Roleplay"? No

Why did we change our name to Isis...


We um.. we thought it'd be fun to Roleplay spies etc...
2.2 Extremist roleplays are only allowed when they do not reference real-life extremist groups/leaders.
2.2a These include, but are not limited to: "Adolf Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, ISIS, etc."

Fearless Administrator
But we weren't extreme roleplaying, that's the thing
You could've probably figured out what your job title would like look towards anyone that doesn't know the show Archer, which is about 95% of the population on FL basically.

That being said, you could've asked a staff member if it would've been okay to roleplay as such.
And if you wanted to roleplay as spies, there were about a million other names you could've used for it..
In the show Archer which you supposedly wanted to represent, the spies you'd be representing are official government employees, hence roleplaying it within the set job Rebel was also not your greatest pick.

Fearless Moderator
You're right, we could of done it in a billion better ways, it's our mistake for not explaining to an admin beforehand but now it's been explained that shouldn't keep us banned.
Right, you've server enough of the ban at this point so I will lift it, however the ban will stay on your record.


Fearless Administrator

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