[03/03-2016] Updated Rules

Dear Community,

I am happy and honored to announce that we have updated the Server Rules.
This has been done because of some rules being outdated, or simply not clear and static enough for everyone to fully understand them.
I'd like to thank the Staff Team, and our fellow members, that have helped by discussing
various topics and rules in game and the forums.

The rules will be live in game upon server crash, and the Rules page in the Forums will be updated aswell.
You can view the new rules in the spoiler below. If you are in disagreement with a rule, or have a question about it,
feel free to discuss it in a separate thread. We'll be working on keeping the rules up to date, 
in order to keep the game & roleplay experience as good as possible.

The new/updated rules are highlighted in pink.
We recommend you to read them as soon as possible, before playing on the servers.

Spoiler: Rules Patch 2016 Q1

The following rules define clearly what is and what is not allowed; this is required to maintain a semi-serious and realistic roleplay environment. We expect you to read all of the rules before playing. It may take a few minutes to read all of the rules, but the average ban is a lot longer than that. It's impossible to cover every single detail within the rules, so we expect you to use your common sense and not do questionable things or search for loopholes. If you aren't sure whether something is allowed or not, ask a staff member to clarify (@ command). All members of administrative staff are referred to throughout as simply ‘admin'.

Remember, our roleplay (RP) is about recreating a lifelike civilization - your character is by default a functional member of society, so make your character behave realistically.

Rules may be altered to suit an event by administrators during special events hosted on the event server, or if an event is being held on the normal servers. (v33x, v2d)

General Rules

1.1 Using cheats, hacks or abusing glitches will not be tolerated.
1.2 Double-accounting is not allowed and will likely result in a permanent suspension.
1.3 Do not reconnect, suicide, change job or do anything else to avoid a roleplay situation.
1.4 Do not insult or disrespect players or staff in Out-Of-Character chats.
1.5 Respect the staff’s decisions. You may discuss about it privately as long as you stick to the server rules.
1.5a Do not harass or disrespect the staff, this may lead to a heavier punishment than you have been dealt to already.
1.5b If you feel like your punishment is unfair, please make an unban/unblacklist request. You can discuss it there instead.
1.6 Scamming is not allowed. Also, do not steal items which other players have dropped to carry out a transaction.
1.7 When requesting an admin (@) you must provide relevant information. Non-informative, aggressive or caps-locked messages will result in a kick.
1.7a Do not make an @ request just because you are unhappy with the RP or because the RP has you at a disadvantage; unless someone is clearly breaking the rules or you think they are, making an illegitimate @ request just to complain or to try and get someone else in trouble will likely result in you being warned or punished.
1.8 Advertising products/servers is not permitted in any form, whether on OOC chat or on a steam name.
1.9 If you see someone breaking the rules, try to warn them or contact an admin. Do not take the situation into your own hands (by for example arresting a player), as that counts as Backseat Administrating, and is bannable.
1.10 Do not reveal the presence of undercover admins to others on the server in the event that you notice them. Doing so will likely result in a kick.
1.11 Purposefully attempting to find loopholes in the rules will result in punishment.
1.12 You are not required to provide a reason for your RP actions to other players in OOC, even if they request it; you are only required to provide a reason for your RP actions to administrative staff when they ask.
1.13 Racism, sexism and discrimination (i.e. homophobia) is not allowed OOC and IC.

Basic Roleplay Rules

2.1 You must follow FearRP. Your character must act afraid of life-threatening situations or of any weapons pointed at you.
2.1a You cannot attack a person who has a gun (or stun gun) pointed at you.
2.1b You cannot draw a weapon when someone has you at gunpoint or in striking distance of a melee weapon.
2.1c You cannot run away from someone when they have you at gunpoint.
2.1d If someone switches from a gun to handcuffs/rope in order to detain you, FearRP still applies.
2.1e Do not run into or loiter around extremely dangerous or life-threatening situations, such as a fire or raid, as a citizen or someone without the appropriate job.
2.1f Orders must be given via voice or text comminucation to initiate a FearRP situation.
2.2 Extremist roleplays are only allowed when they do not reference real-life extremist groups/leaders, and you have admin permission.
2.2a These include, but are not limited to: "Adolf Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, ISIS, etc."
2.2b Do not use real-life extremist symbols such as the swastika or hammer and sickle.
2.2c If you are unsure whether a real-life political group/figure is allowed, ask an admin.
2.3 Do not Metagame. This means you cannot talk OOC (Out Of Character) while IC (In Character). You can't use OOC-obtained information IC either.
2.4 It is not allowed to roleplay rape or any other form of sexual abuse.
2.5 Do not do unrealistic things out of context (FailRP). This includes things such as anti-gravity bathtubs, unrealistic car colors, watermelon fights, etc. when there is no specific roleplay in which they would make sense (i.e. game shows or science roleplays).
2.6 Powergaming is not allowed (i.e. do not do "/me snaps the man's neck, killing him" or similar).

New Life Rule

3.1 Follow NLR (New Life Rule). If you die, you forget how you died.
3.2 Even if you're told about the situation over the radio in your new life, NLR still applies and must be followed for the duration of the NLR timer.
3.3 Do not go back to the area in which you died for until 10 minutes have passed unless given explicit permission from an administrator.
3.3a If you spawn in the area in which you died, you must leave it immediately and stay a good distance away.

Combat Rules

4.1 Do not kill people randomly (RDM); only kill with a valid roleplay reason, for example protecting your property during a raid, killing when your demands are not honoured as Corleone, etc. Violence should always be the last option.
4.1a Do not kill players solely because of their clan or their job.
4.1b Do not kill players because they broke a rule.
4.1c Even with an underground/custom Criminal job, you still cannot kill a person without a valid roleplay reason.
4.2 Do not shoot your gun or flare gun without a valid roleplay reason.
4.3 Do not throw molotovs without a roleplay reason.
4.4 If you make a bounty/hitman contract, you must have a valid reason to make this contract. Do not use it as an excuse for RDM. Failure to have a valid reason will lead to both the employer and hitman being punished.
4.5 You're not allowed to kill a police when you are arrested by him/her earlier unless you are part of an underground group who can hire a hitman.
4.6 Do not shoot down the elevator shaft in the Nexus or the Office building as players are riding in the elevator.

OOC and IC chat rules

5.1 No advertisements in chat or Steam names that are not FL related/game related (such as personal websites, other communities or businesses).
5.2 In OOC chats, adverts, requests, job radios (not private radios), and broadcasts you may only speak in English; all other chats are international.
5.3 Do not have private conversations in OOC chat; use the /pm command.
5.4 Do not spam /advert; you must wait at least 1 minute before sending the same advertisement again.
5.5 Do not use OOC to call a staff member; use the @ command.
5.6 Do not swear excessively, argue or insult in OOC chat, and do not write caps-locked messages.

Tools and prop rules

6.1 Do not prop-kill/prop-push/prop-surf yourself or others.
6.2 Do not prop-block anything. All items and areas in your base should be accessible via keypads or buttons.
6.3 Do not use a prop or entity to climb on to builds or over walls. The only exceptions are stairs inside your own properties.
6.3a You may climb on top of a vehicle and use that to climb over walls.
6.4 Do not build in areas you do not own unless an admin gives you permission.
6.5 Do not build in the Nexus unless the President gives you permission.
6.6 Do not build traps and constructions that kill people.
6.7 Do not try to get on to rooftops; do not build on them either.
6.7a Exception: You may place a new billboard/sign on top of the existing billboards.
6.7b Exception: You may place a finished Passive RP dupe on a rooftop, with an Admin’s permission.
6.8 Do not abuse your physgun, toolgun, props or any of the tools.
6.8a Do not use your physgun as a laser pointer.
6.8b Exception: You may use your physgun to prop-push a stuck car if no admins are available. Do this carefully.
6.9 All of your constructions must be realistically supported. This means no floating constructions (cameras included).
6.10 Do not use vehicle seats to reach places (i.e. Nexus bridge jump).
6.11 Do not spawn props during a combat situation, i.e. barricades for defence or offence, or new structures.
6.12 Do not spam props. This usually causes major lag in the server, and might get you permed.
6.13 Remove your unused props. Also, when leaving a government job (disconnecting, switching jobs, etc.), remove any builds within the Nexus.

Door Rules

7.1 Do not build more than 2 lockable custom doors leading to a single location. Your friends' doors are also counted.
7.2 When you build custom doors using the fading door tool, place keypads and/or buttons on both sides.
7.2a You do not need to place keypads or buttons for custom doors made using the doors tool, so long as they can be breached with explosives or a shotgun.
7.3 Keypads and buttons must be visible and easily accessible, and their function must be clear.
7.4 Custom doors must be open for a minimum of 5 seconds.
7.6 Between 2 doors, there must be a space of at least 2 metres (2 PHX units).
7.7 Do not build custom doors behind an unownable door.

Hostage Rules

8.1 Do not hostage players randomly, you need a good reason and your character style needs to fit the roleplay situation.
8.2 Do not hostage a fireman when they are in your base to extinguish a fire.
8.2a Do not call a paramedic or fireman for help and then hostaging them.
8.3 The maximum you can ask for the release of a single hostage is $2000.
8.3a If you have multiple hostages, you may demand $2000 per hostage.
8.4 Once the hostage has submitted to and given you your demands, you must release him/her.
8.5 Once you have taken a hostage, you must look after them until they have submitted to your demands.
8.6 You are not allowed to hostage people in public. (i.e. our own base or in a dark deserted alley way.)
8.7 Using ropes is only for taking a player hostage. Do not use ropes for any other reason.
8.7a Do not use ropes as a way to disarm somebody. It is not realistic and counts as FailRP doing so.
8.7b Exception: You may use ropes if you work for the goverment with a custom job that would fit the situation, i.e. President’s Bodyguard.

Job Rules

9.1 Custom job titles must accurately state what character you intend to roleplay.
9.2 Custom jobs that conflict with the rules are not allowed.
9.3 Do not change your job title in an attempt to circumvent or avoid roleplay.
9.4 Do not set your job title as "classified", or similar.
9.4a Do not set your job as an animal, this is considered FailRP.
9.5 When you go AFK for more than 5 minutes, you must switch to Citizen.
9.6 You must roleplay your job accurately (i.e. do not pretend that you're a special ops soldier as a citizen or chef).
9.7 Do not change jobs just to buy something from the market (this is powergaming).
9.8 You may only raid as the following jobs: Police, S.R.U, Corleone, Rebels and any custom jobs that fit the roleplay situation for example, "Criminal".
9.8a Do not make a contra-base as any of the jobs listed: Government members, Citizen, Chauffeur, Chef, Security Guard, Doctor, Mechanic. Exception: citizen with custom job name that fits the roleplay situation are allowed.
9.8b Do not contra base together with different jobs (i.e. Gun dealer with rebels). Exception: Citizen with custom job (i.e. Rebel associate).
9.9 Custom groups may work with the government, but do not necessarily have to follow government restrictions and rules.
9.9a An admin can force a custom group to abide by the government rules, if they feel that it is necessary for proper roleplay.
9.10 If you accept a bounty/hitman contract, you must ensure that the employer has a valid RP reason to have someone killed. Killing (or attempting to) without verifying a valid reason is RDM, and will lead to both the employer and hitman being punished.

Search warrant rules

10.1 Do not randomly search a property; you must have probable cause. Some examples include:
10.1a Gunfire heard coming from within the property;
10.1b Criminal activity visible on the property;
10.1c A suspect on the property;
10.1d Contraband heard or visible on the property.
10.2 You must have a search warrant from the President to search the property, unless the lives of officers or hostages are at immediate risk.

President rules

11.1 As President, you must follow the server rules. You cannot make any laws that conflict with them, example no 'Kill on sight, drive on left side of road, arrest on sight' laws.
11.2 The President must answer warrants; you can either accept or deny them.
11.3 Do not warrant players without a roleplay reason.
11.4 Do not initiate a lockdown without a roleplay reason.
11.5 Do not abuse your Presidential spawn protection to bypass actions that would lead to injury/death (i.e. jumping to the bottom of the Nexus).
11.6 Do not ban jobs from the city without a proper roleplay reason; something must have happened first to warrant a ban.
11.7 Do not ban unrealistic things from the city. (i.e. Running, Walking, Jumping, breathing etc.)

Government forces rules

12.1 Do not steal cars when you are working for the government. You may impound a car when appropriate to be later given back in return for a fine or warning.
12.2 Do not abuse the keypad cracker when you are working with the government. Follow the search warrant rules.
12.3 You may build a roadblock while playing as a government member, with permission from the President. You may use frozen props, but players must be able to break through the barricade with a vehicle.
12.4 You cannot ally with the underground jobs.
12.5 Only use the stun gun with a valid roleplay reason.
12.5a Do not abuse or spam the stun and wakeup functions of the stun gun.
12.6 Police/S.R.U. may be corrupt, but only if it does not directly endanger the lives of officers or civilians.
12.7 Do not kill or injure any other government member.
12.8 The Police Sergeant commands Police forces, and the S.R.U. Sergeant commands S.R.U., unless the President states otherwise.
12.9 Police can not shoot vehicles unless it is vital that the car needs to be stopped, for example if the driver is putting lives of others at risk. Hot pursuit must be the first option.
12.10 Official Government units can not wear any other clothing than their uniform, or use non-government vehicles, unless they are undercover.
12.10a The police sergeant should not go undercover.
12.10b SRU or the SRU Sergeant are not allowed to go undercover as it is considered FailRP

Paramedic and Fireman rules

13.1 You are not permitted to be within dangerous proximity to a raid in progress.
13.2 You work for the Government, and may not work with any underground organizations.
13.3 Do not abuse the tools you are given.
13.3a Do not hit people with the fire axe.
13.3b Do not use the fire axe to break into homes or open doors without a reason.
13.3c Do not misuse the fire extinguisher.
13.3d Do not misuse the medical kit, and do not run up to players and heal them if they didn't request medical attention.

Raid rules

14.1 Do not raid as a Citizen without changing your job name.
14.2 You need a valid reason to raid the President.
14.2a You cannot raid the President solely to earn money.
14.2b You cannot raid the President solely because of high taxes.
14.2c You cannot raid the President because you do not like certain laws, unless they drastically impact your character. For example: Cars being banned from the city is not a valid reason.
14.2d You cannot raid the President solely as retaliation for being arrested or warned by police due to your own actions, i.e. you cannot raid just because you were arrested for speeding or mugging someone.
14.2e You cannot raid the President for demoting you from a Government job.
14.2f You cannot raid the president solely for having the job title “Dictator”. This is Metagaming.
14.3 Do not switch jobs with the sole intention of joining a raid (powergaming). This also applies to custom jobs.
14.4 You must have a valid reason to raid players, i.e. contraband, burglary, and needing to take hostages are all valid reasons.
14.5 Do not provoke the government raiding you on purpose. As a criminal, you want to keep a low profile.

Rebels/Mafia rules

15.1 Do not kill or steal from your team members.
15.1a Exception: As the leader, you may take the life of a member with a valid roleplay reason.
15.2 Different teams are created for a reason, so do not ally with other teams. For example, Rebels do not ally with Corleones.
15.3 Being in an underground team does not give you the right to break the rules or raid without a reason.
15.4 You must roleplay as your defined group in a realistic manner, however, you have lots of creative freedom. For example, rebels are not inherently poor.

Crime rules

16.1 Do not steal or rob etc. without a valid roleplay reason.
16.2 When demanding sums of money from robberies and muggings, demand realistic amounts ($500 maximum).
16.3 You may not mug the same person twice within 15 minutes.
16.4 You may steal vehicles to sell them back to the owners or other parties, but only with valid roleplay reasons.
16.5 When selling a stolen car, you must ensure that your buyer is aware that it's stolen. Make sure the person understands that this vehicle won't be theirs to unlock or store in their inventory.
16.6 Do not FailRP. Car thieves need chop-shops, and burglars need places to store their stolen goods. Proper background RP draws the line between crime and rule-breaking.
16.7 You need an admin's permission to do ExtremistRP.
16.8 You cannot steal vehicles or mug someone in the main street, or where there’s a chance of someone seeing you committing the crime.
16.9 Burglars are not allowed to use Molotovs when burgling properties. It is a burglary not a raid.  
16.9a Only break in with lockpicks (you want to be quiet). Do not use shotguns to perform burglary.

Vehicle rules

17.1 Do not run people over on purpose (CDM), and always try to brake/avoid people on the roads. Call a paramedic (if available) when you've hit someone.
17.2 When your vehicle is stuck, call an admin. You can gently try to move it with a prop if required. When your vehicle is upside down you should use /flip to flip it.
17.3 Do not modify vehicles with props or tools without prior admin approval.
17.3a Admins may modify vehicles for a specific roleplay or event.
17.4 Do not make extra seats to transport people, i.e. seats in the back of a truck.
17.5 Do not build your own vehicle without an admin’s permission.
17.6 Do not spam the horn or siren.
17.8 Do not randomly crash into other vehicles.
17.9 Do not steal someone's car when it's getting unlocked.
17.10 You may only modify vehicles using the context menu if the vehicle's owner allows you to.
17.10a Do not modify vehicles unrealistically, i.e. with colours you wouldn't see on a normal vehicle or that don't suit the RP.
17.11 Vehicle number plates are not allowed to be racist, sexist or discriminating.
17.12 Do not drive vehicles inside of buildings where they do not belong.

Base rules

18.1 All buildings in the main city street and all obvious shops are reserved for passive roleplay; do not base here.
18.2 Walls used to surround a base can't be more than 4 metres tall (4 PHX units).
18.3 Bases must fit the roleplay of the situation. For example, poor characters cannot afford high-tech bases.
18.4 Barricades must be made so that the attacker has a reasonable chance of victory.
18.4a Colors and materials that remove the depth perception and allow it to perfectly blend in with the surrounding props cannot be used in defenses. (I.e. Pitch black color on a barricade and the walls behind it.)
18.5 Do not use the fading door tool to fade a prop away in order to shoot.
18.6 Props with one-sided textures are only allowed to be used as a window. Using these props as part of a doomfort or to make it easier for you to shoot attackers is not allowed.
18.7 Doomforts are not allowed.
18.8 Do not block off a spawnpoint or make walls around it. (i.e. corleone villas).
18.9 There must be atleast one accessible entrance in a building.

Contraband rules

19.1 All buildings in the main city street and all obvious shops are reserved for passive roleplay; do not have contra here.
19.1a Also the pool building, the Tides Hotel, Hospital and Izzie’s Palace are classed as public buildings and should only be used for passive RP.
19.2 When you spot contraband as a Fireman or Paramedic, inform the police force; do not destroy it yourself.

Misc. rules

20.1 Do not jump or walk on anyone when they are in ragdoll mode.
20.2 Do not promote anything conflicting with the rules in adverts, broadcasts, laws or by other means.
20.3 Do not mic-spam. If you want to play music through your microphone, have an appropriate building set up and make sure that the volume is not loud.
20.4 Do not sleep in places you would not be able to sleep in otherwise, i.e. the trashbin.

Copyright 2008-2016: Fearless Community

Thank you for your time
Best Regards, Infernaw
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]
Great to finally see this.
[Image: IgcIQgP.png]
Good news! Love to see the rules getting updated! Thanks Smile
Quote:9.4a Do not set your job as an animal, this is considered FailRP.

Wait... Why? I mean like people do play like dogs, etc sometimes?
(03-03-2016, 07:00 PM)Kahjo Wrote:
Quote:9.4a Do not set your job as an animal, this is considered FailRP.

Wait... Why? I mean like people do play like dogs, etc sometimes?

It's clearly failRP, always has been, only it was an unwritten rule until right now.
But yes, it has happened quite alot in the past. Yesterdaynight even was the last time I witnessed it.
The following 1 user Likes Agorith's post:
  • Falcy
(03-03-2016, 07:00 PM)Kahjo Wrote:
Quote:9.4a Do not set your job as an animal, this is considered FailRP.

Wait... Why? I mean like people do play like dogs, etc sometimes?


Fearless Administrator
Great to see the rules being updated!
[Image: dca8211526043e00aed8a728131842bc.png]
All good additions. Initiation is an interesting one.
[Image: XDVtdgY.gif]
Glad to see the rules updated! Smile

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