Unban Request - GuetaZz
Your name: [FL:RP] GuetaZz

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:43211794

Your ban ID: 70204

Banned by: [FL:M] Ludo

Reason: FearRP + FailRP in Hostage situation

Involved: Oricnus Orca , Jonas , Sebasti

Why we should unban you: Why we should unban you: I dont understand how that fearRP when someone threat on a cop with a knife when in the jail we were like 3 srus and one cop ( armed) .
Another thing that not fearRP because like you can see when Jonas stab the walls I took this situation to be good for us ( the gov ) and when he didn't look at the cop and i heard when he stab the wall I saw him not in focus on his target ( the hostage ) and I ran into the cell in order to taze him.
So like you can see here the Fear Rp stoped when he stab the wall.
(4:26 - 4:36 ) that the time that i heard the stubs , and i hide behind the walls to hear that for a good timing to take him down.

I think that situation can be In the real Life and that happened alot when a hostage got a shoot/taze when he threat on a Victim to kill him.
Another thing , Both of them broke failRp or metagaming ( iam not sure ) That they made this situation to happened.
So in the end i not sure that i broke here any rule.
Thanks GuetaZz Fearles's player
Next time let me answer and to give my proof before you are closing the Thread!

NOTE - I [Dan Dan] Have nothing to do with this unban request and am only posting it as a favor as the person who it is regarding can not seem to do it himself.

It's a blatant FearRP break.

He has a knife to the back of the officers head, therefor holding him under FearRP. Him knifing a wall does not mean FearRP is off, therefor you broke FearRP by tasing him while having a cop at knife point.

I'll let Ludo conclude this, but that's my view on it as I was studying the case.

Fearless Administrator
(03-02-2016, 04:41 PM)Falcao Wrote: It's a blatant FearRP break.

He has a knife to the back of the officers head, therefor holding him under FearRP. Him knifing a wall does not mean FearRP is off, therefor you broke FearRP by tasing him while having a cop at knife point.

I'll let Ludo conclude this, but that's my view on it as I was studying the case.

Fearless Administrator

But what fearRP here ? This is Knife VS Weapon and when he didnt look on his target and stop the Fear RP when he stab the wall i tazed him fast like you can see in the video.
And i tried to do it like in the real life : https://youtu.be/pVxZ3alWWSE?t=72 (1:12)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZPUVxrBrm4 ( 0:17 )
You've now lied in the courthouse, which is unacceptable - When you tased him he was looking at the cop, which is a breach of FearRP.

Fearless Administrator
(03-02-2016, 05:21 PM)Falcao Wrote: You've now lied in the courthouse, which is unacceptable - When you tased him he was looking at the cop, which is a breach of FearRP.

Fearless Administrator

No... i didnt saw that because i was behaind the wall and i heard that , and like you can see i saw him for a sec with his face looking on the wall.
 i wasnt infront him because i tried to suprise him.
SO dont call me lier
Falco pls watch 4:33 in the second that i saw his face looking on the wall
As you can see, he faces back at the cop when you tase him, therefor you did lie because when you tased him he wasn't facing the wall.

Fearless Administrator
Another thing, look at this picture that i took from the video :
*That the picture that you can see when i tried to catch him in a second.
*In that moment you can see that the cop blocked me and i couldnt tazed him when i wanted to catch him.
+ hear the voice of the tzer , when the cop blocked me
Look at this moment like 5 time you will see that the timing was great , but the cop blocked me so try to hear the voice of the tazer when i start to shoot.
*look at the leg of the cop that he tried to block me to the left side , They are friends so he tried to save him!
If you want i can show you with 2 friends what happened in that moment .
(03-02-2016, 05:30 PM)adiguetaz Wrote: Another thing, look at this picture that i took from the video :
*That the picture that you can see when i tried to catch him in a second.
*In that moment you can see that the cop blocked me and i couldnt tazed him when i wanted to catch him.
+ hear the voice of the tzer , when the cop blocked me
Look at this moment like 5 time you will see that the timing was great , but the cop blocked me so try to hear the voice of the tazer when i start to shoot.
*look at the leg of the cop that he tried to block me to the left side , They are friends so he tried to save him!

(involved i was hostage)
We're friends? seriously, come on. I joined a couple days ago and haven't gotten many new friends, I got 2 new friends and none of those are jonas. You tried tazing him and used the fact that you cant taze other cops as an advantage it looks like to me.
And even if we were friends how does that make me "try to save him" when he has me hostage? lolol

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