PR: Moon
Name of player: Moon

SteamID: (What is the SteamID of the person?)

Time in GMT:  23rd of February, 2016,  at about 14.12

Server: v2d

Summary: I made a PR on taXXeN22 ( ) In the video taXXeN22 posted ( Will be further down in this thread ) Moon is metagaming, revealing IG situations to taXXeN22 over steam messages multiple times.


[Image: CYCeH3i.png]
Posting on behalf of [FL:RP] Moon

Quote:So people are using teamspeak as a non game communication and that's not metagame as alot people do that admins,clans rp could see on start of video i was the arrested guy "Security fake suit" And taxxen saw me + the SRU seregant shoot him failed,then i got arrested taxxen came up elevator to jail room to unarrest me since he saw me getting arrested already at nexus lobby. so i said "im in jail 8mins" he didn't pay attention to that and it dosen't matter since he saw me already downfloors in lobby tried to kill the shooting SRU seregeant and release me, then in jail room he saw me coming and unarrested me i don't think metagame is broken that's not really metagame he knew im in jail 0:00 the "Security Guard *Fake Suit" "Me" To 1:15 in end 3:18 he knew already im in the jail

[Image: 8UtzdI4.png]
(02-24-2016, 04:19 PM)aDisabledDeer Wrote: Posting on behalf of [FL:RP] Moon

Quote:So people are using teamspeak as a non game communication and that's not metagame as alot people do that admins,clans rp could see on start of video i was the arrested guy "Security fake suit" And taxxen saw me + the SRU seregant shoot him failed,then i got arrested taxxen came up elevator to jail room to unarrest me since he saw me getting arrested already at nexus lobby. so i said "im in jail 8mins" he didn't pay attention to that and it dosen't matter since he saw me already downfloors in lobby tried to kill the shooting SRU seregeant and release me, then in jail room he saw me coming and unarrested me i don't think metagame is broken that's not really metagame he knew im in jail 0:00 the "Security Guard *Fake Suit" "Me" To 1:15 in end 3:18 he knew already im in the jail


Just because admins use TS as a communication device, does not make that an exception of server rules.
[Image: CYCeH3i.png]
Posting on behalf of [FL:RP] Moon

You could see I said TS isn't metagame to use it also, if I were in jail already it wouldn't change a lot to PM him or Steam chat him right? why did you send him on steam "Exepct a PR" because it's easier to communicate so I did. No metagame has broken

TS is metagaming.. (Except for govermential channels) and so is Steam chat. So you even know what metagming is..?
[Image: CYCeH3i.png]
Posting on behalf of Moon

Yes i know what is metagaming you could see in the video of YOURSELF AKA Random Gamer metagaming.

There's no way to control ic information leaking through voice or text chats unless it's through the server, besides where's the harm if you don't act on it.

Accused user does nothing but send his friend a notification of the fact he's been arrested, he's not asked for any help whatsoever.
It's a friendly casual chat for all I can tell, which I'm fairly sure about 85% of players have all the time.

Fearless Moderator
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]

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