[Shorten Request]: Sommer
Your name: Sommer

Your ban ID: 4422

Why we should unban you: Im not really sure about getting unbanned. i deserve to be banned 100%. but im not sure about it being this long. here's the story. im running around doing some Police rp with my friend Gombie O..O (who got permed and unpermed today). i was very stressed since someone was raiding the appartments and other officers called for assistance. i ran across the zebra pads but since SoulRipper came driving by i got hit by his car. becuase i was so stressed i turned and shot him about 2-3 times.
then i saw it was his car and was frightened so i ran away. he finds me in a corner at metro café. i told him that i was sorry and it was a "reflex" but i didnt get to say anymore before i got banned.

i tried to write to soulripper over my friends account cause he was sitting next to me. i surely shouldnt have done that since i should have made an unban request. and then all this would be avoided. my friend also got banned. but got unbanned again hopefully. i totally agree with the ban. but i think 7 days is a bit too much. since only shot at the car. it was an admin, he could have given himself full hp if he wanted to. No harm were done, i would appreciate that it could be shortened to 3 days or 5,
i would really appreciate if i could get unbanned before the weekend.

Everyone can make mistakes, i promise it wont happen ever again!
thanks in advance
User has been warned for this post. Reason: Spam
You are really testing my patience
We post when we are ready to reply, end.

Warning given.
<3<3 I will never forget you grandfather 14.9.11 R.I.P<3<3

Not to be ignorant. But it has been 4 days without an answer and I would really like to have it soon, even if its not positive. I keep checking the forum every hour for a respond but theres nothing here. if i just could get an answer positive or negative I didn't have to check this often.
It's weekend now. It has been 5 days since i have been banned. i think i have learned my lesson. im really sorry. if just an admin would reply. Posetive or Negative I would be grateful
You were banned by SoulRipper the Owner....

Of you were banned by him you must have been naughty....
[Image: tumblr_oo89kx6Wfc1vvng74o8_r1_1280.png]
Would you please stop posting on the thread if you dont have anything to do with it?
Its been 6 days. my ban expires in exactly 49 hours. if no admins will respond to me then you are welcome to close the thread -.-
You shouldn't shoot on cars when, according to you, I hit you with a car. Accidents like these can happen and you should notify your team and arrest me. So instead of shooting, RP.

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