Crazy Overclock on my GeForce 6600

I was messing around with my Nvidia GeForce 6600 today, with RivaTuner and decided, hey, i'm going to go ahead and overclock.

So I looked around, and the average stable clock people were getting with this card was around 347Mhz, on the core clock. Memory clock was around 500Mhz. So, I began.

Slowly increasing the clock, no unstableness was appearing, even in game!

I'm making this post, to let you know this awesome clock, pretty much anything after is unstable, and my graphics card runs happily at 53˚C (127˚F) with this:
  • Core Clock - 550Mhz
  • Memory Clock - 635Mhz
  • Driver-Level Hardware Overclocking Enabled - Performance 3D
  • AMD Athlon Processor - 240Mhz RE: 225ishMhz
  • PCI-E Slot - 2700Mhz

Awesome, eh? Smile

See you around!

"Success does not consist in never making blunders, but in never making the same one a second time."
Josh Billings
I tried to overclocked my GPU too on a pc I bought a while ago.
Blue screen when gaming for like 30 minutes. Probably overclocked too much Tounge
Did some more messing around. Got it even higher D:
Darn! Got a bit cocky with the CPU and it overheated :3

Best turn it down...

"Success does not consist in never making blunders, but in never making the same one a second time."
Josh Billings
That's some nasty OC you got there ;p Congratualtions for having achieved such thing ^^
© Nudelholz
(10-30-2011, 10:40 PM)7rozen_7ear_ Wrote: That's some nasty OC you got there ;p Congratualtions for having achieved such thing ^^

Thank you! I can run some pretty GPU Intensive games now <3

"Success does not consist in never making blunders, but in never making the same one a second time."
Josh Billings
(10-31-2011, 11:51 AM)Nerdjacker Wrote: Thank you! I can run some pretty GPU Intensive games now <3

But can it run Tetris?

Seriously, can you run Crysis at about 24 fps? xd
© Nudelholz
(10-31-2011, 12:03 PM)7rozen_7ear_ Wrote:
(10-31-2011, 11:51 AM)Nerdjacker Wrote: Thank you! I can run some pretty GPU Intensive games now <3

But can it run Tetris?

Seriously, can you run Crysis at about 24 fps? xd

Just about, no chance with Crysis 2. But for a >5 year old graphics card, that's not bad.

"Success does not consist in never making blunders, but in never making the same one a second time."
Josh Billings
i got 2x nivida gtx 560 ti so no need to overclock...... i got 3d moniters and glasses..... also 16g ram... not sure bout cpu but i custom built my pc with 1 terra hard drive
I got a Geforce GT 335m

I overclocked it at 150Mhz

Default is 133Mhz
[Image: tumblr_oo89kx6Wfc1vvng74o8_r1_1280.png]
I overclocked the CPU of a PC I've got layin' around -it's a very old one, one of the first Intel Core Duo CPU's- and I overclocked it from 1.8 Ghz to about 2.5 Ghz.
© Nudelholz

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